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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Use the remote dude, the remote! Catch it all! Hey, wasn't that a sweet swing he put on that tater?

Boy, last night was a REAL fund raiser! One outfit, I think it was England grin.gif pledged 200 million bucks! Last year I believe that the entire show took in 76 million dollars.

Lots of good intertainment, that Annie Lennox can really bring it and Doughtry? Wow! Brook White is still goin home.... grin.gif

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Yikes!!! Pox on me...Brook is safe? Who is it? Johns? Yes, it was Johns...they got it wrong!!!

Thats it, I've had it, as this goes to press, I'm at the very moment, booking a flight to hollywood to straighten out that panel of judges (multi-tasking)...did the Michigan and Florida votes get counted? I think not!

Onward I go to avenge Mr. Johns...hup, hup, hup......on second thought, it's rainin out, I think I'll just stay home and make a peanut butter sammich....

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Sandmannd are you serious???!!!! Wow, no doubt the guy can sing, but I do think he kinda, I said kinda.... overstepped his bounds with that song. But Carly, has some really amazing pipes, I mean amazing.

I don't mind right now, at this point if Kristi Lee Cook (sorry guys), or Sayesha go home at this point, I would love to see a top five of David A, David Cook, Carly, Brooke, and even Jason Castro just because he is who he is. I really feel the 3 best are David, David, and Carly. But I am only 1 voice.... And I am not one who votes. Just votes on the couch.

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I agree BNS, I was going to say the same thing. I think she's way better looking that Kristi and not as much of an Ahole.

I agree Muc that he overstepped and got cocky on that song, but I think he should be in the top 3 for sure.

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I do believe some folks ought to have their vision checked. Kristy by far is the cutest girl occupying that stage on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Maybe not the most talented of the bunch, but far superior in looks. Sayesha is pretty, but does not hold a candle to KLC. I believe Carley and Brook are better looking than Sayesha, and I am far from racist.

David Cook IMO has the goods to be the winner.

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I am surprised that Johns was booted. But I don't think he would have one it anyway. David Cook is the one to beat in my book. I agree Walleyguy KLC is by far the hottest chick on the show, but I would put Carly at the bottom. She is a bit on the heavy side and I absolutely hate her Tatoos. But then again I think she is the best singer of the ladies....

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My picks were about half and half. I knew Carly was going to get sent to the woodshed but I thought David Cook was going to join her though I never thought either was in danger. I said it would either be Brook or Johns who was going to get dumped so I guess I was kind of right but a little wrong.

I can not believe there is any debate over Kristi Lee's smoking level...she is off the meter guys! That being said, Carly and Sayesha both have much better pipes than Kristi or Brook. Kristi is just OK with a country girl thing going and Brook is hugely likeable but has a weak voice IMO.

Johns was a little full of himself as is Cook but I think he got his wake up call, you could tell he was nervous and I think he knew he might have crossed the line into pompousville. Even though I can't stand his sappy puppy love thing, I think Little David has a voice and will go pretty far as will Rasta Boy. Not a bad week overall, I think America got it right for the most part. On to next week!


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Well, I done a little better on the bottom 3, I got Seyesha and Carly right, but I expected Brooke to be there to and her to go home, certainly not Johns.

I'm sure he will get something going on after the fact. He is a little bit longer in the tooth then the others, so he is gonna have to get to steppin!

What did yall think of the Sparks duet? Man that girl is pretty and she sure has some pipes.

I'VE GOT A QUESTION.....My wife and I have got it all confused...who beat out Doughtry in the Idol competition? Was it Sparks?

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YES no more clumsy dorky off key screaching 'big notes' from the supposed singer/charmer dork guy. Couldn't be more happier with you left, unless MAYBE if it was castro... I've been harping on this clown for weeks that he needed to go. FINALLY America saw the light and listened to me and Simon!

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Answers to Questions

Grebe: If I am not mistaken, didn't Daughtry lose out in third place to Kathrine McPhee and that goober Taylor Hicks who won the whole thing? I remember because I think Hicks has been the biggest bomb in Idol history for a winner and McPhee was better but not anywhere near what Daughtry has done.

Hammer Handle: I have heard the same thing. He lives his life thru his kid and is the obnoxious stage dad type. Domineering and I have heard that he has even been barred from the set at several functions that his son was performing at!


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