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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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At this point, Kristi (Looks dy-no-mite!) Cook and Castro ain't goin home!

Oh, oh! Mr. Cook showed his under belly!

Wow!!! Carly is lookin good! I thought she done alright, but with the competition, she might make the bottom 3?

I thought Archuleta wasn't on in a few spots, I agree with Simon, but personally I didn't like the song choice...probably because I don't recall ever hearing it before?

Ain't even over yet and I say Brook White goes home! If not for the vocal, then for that hideous dress she was wearing!

Yeah, I guess it is over....duh...stuffing the spaggetti into my head to fast and running up and down the steps editing this post. Still, White goes home.

Bottom 3...Sayesha, Smithson (But man, she looked goood!) and White.

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Dang-- no puking... No clue who goes home... I have no clue for bottom 3.. but I'll guess because its fun.



Kristy Lee Cook.

I have a feeling Sayesha will go home, although I think Kristy deserves to go home... Cook I think will be in the bottom 3, but deserves to stay on tallent.. but like stated above, showed he is human!...

Hate to say it.. but dreds boy. Jason C, in my opinion gave the best show of the night... and I am not a huge fan of his.. i thought he would do best with some Cat Steves song,.. Like Peace train.. but nailed what he did... Didn't care for David A song, but judges liked it...and I didn't hate it.

Too much sappy tonight like I thought, but maybe not as bad as I had set myself up for.

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Can they get rid of Paula, she is worthless. All she ever says is that the person looks great, and that the crowd loves them. Even when they completely kill a song, she still compliments them. That and she stutters more than I do. whistle.gif

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Really tough at this point, for my money the bottom three from tonight are: David Cook (SHOCKED at this, he's one of my very favorites), Carly and Kermit the Frog. Seriously Somewhere OVer the Rainbow??? Gosh I should have added that to the PUKE LIST...YUCK! And what is with the facial convulsions while you sing? It reminds me of the video where the reporter asked Bobby Knight about a "game face". If you haven't seen that, go look on youtube and tell me that's not bong boy singing... (EDIT I FOUND IT, Go to the 2:45 mark and watch Jason's singing acted out by the Genereal... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ukj6Qi5W_k )

Kristy Lee saved her self again tonight with a very solid performance!

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deitz, i would have to say different. I think that Jason is the worse singer on the show IMO. The only reason hes still around is becuase of the girls.

I believe that Krist Lee Cook is going to be going home this week. Sayehsa is one of the better singers in the group, and i think that overall, DC is the best of them all.

We will have to see what happens, but its hard to really say what america is going to do. I know i would vote off Jason, but thats just me.

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 Originally Posted By: polarsusd81
Can they get rid of Paula, she is worthless. All she ever says is that the person looks great, and that the crowd loves them. Even when they completely kill a song, she still compliments them. That and she stutters more than I do. whistle.gif

Shes the best part of the show, to see how dumb she is going to be for the night.

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I missed the first half of the show so I can't really comment on who should go. The second half I though everyone did ok. Nobody stood out and nobody tanked it. It sounds like it could be anyone going home. I agree with the Paula comments. I actually look away when she start mumbling, bumbling, stumbling meaningless drival about everyone is a shining star and had fun and should be proud of what they have accomplised. I wish they would dump her and replace her......

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I didn't like Somewhere over the Rainbow at all. I guess he sang it OK, but I didn't think it was all that great. I thought David Cook was very self indulged with that song and he could have happen to him what Daughtry had. Get over confident and just pick weird songs and you are gone. I don't even have a fav from last night, I thought they were all very boring to watch and I base it on that as well as singing. Micheal was OK, voice was good but he's boring to watch and I love that song. Plus, don't just stand there with your legs together showing off your mangina all night.

It's time these kids start to put on a show and not just show their voices. Have they ever gone to a concert? Who would pay to see a stiff?

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Just as I thought,

Everybody is all over the board tonight with predictions. At this point it is very hard to say who stays and who goes and it is even harder to list the 3 bottomfeeders. Here is my take:

Kristi Lee saved herself even though I thought she aggravated America last week. Sayesha nailed it and will pass thru. Salamander boy did aiight and will slide by. I think that David Cook has finally got a little too full of himself with all this introretrospective thing and picked a song that nobody has ever heard of, I own a DJ company and I have never even heard of the group which he said is his favorite. I think America will give him a cold slap in the face wake up call by dumping his butt in the bottom 3 but his rep will keep him alive. I think the same will happen to Carly, bottom 3 but she ain't goin nowhere. I think this will slap the two top contenders in the face and let them know they have to bring it if they want to take home the hardware. I think Brook and Michael Johns will battle for the bottom and whoever is in the bottom three of the two will be going home. If I had to pick I would pick Brook for her lack luster milk toast performance and song choice but Johns did some aweful yelling during his song, you can't replicate Mr. Tyler and you should not even try my man!


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I guess, I will disagree with a lot of you.... Although he probably won't make it huge mainstream, Jason Castro has enough visual personality..... to make it big like Dietz said doing Cat Stevens, CSN, Bob Dylan, Van Morrison type stuff in coffee houses across America. He sang that very well, and it was the best in my opinion. Archuletta was pretty good last night as well, like Randy (Yo, Yo) said, the ending was spectacular with those runs. He can really sing, when he lets loose. And as much as I hate to say it, Kristy Lee sang that pretty well, not that she has ever in my opinion, been, off tune, I think mostly, she had just picked really bad songs for her. She should be completely safe based on last nights performances. Biggest let downs.... Cook. Not on the song singing part, but the song choice.... I know you like it, but come on, like they said, you had how many to chose from and you picked that????? Every teenage kid wearing big huge parachute type pants with chains dangling from every pocket and black fingernails thought it was great, but the number of them actually watching was probably pretty slim. I don't by any means think he will get bumped though...

My bottom three, Michael Johns, Brooke, Sayesha, with Carly a toss up with Sayesha.

Johns goes home this week.

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I will say that I am totally pumped to see some of the performances tonight. Last year, there were some great performances. I am not by any means a big Josh Groban fan, no doubt the guy can wail, but, just not my style. But he was beyond increadible with the african childrens choir last year, that was simply toooooooo cool.

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i think tonight is going to be something to watch. The performances are going to be off the charts, and there is going to be alot of money raised once again.

Im excited to watch the show, should be a great time.

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Kristy Lee - best performance so far and it will probably save her. I liked it

David 'I'm a rocker' Cook - song was horrible - wake-up dude. Best performer there but he was just bad.

Carly tattoo you-girl - song was bad. Great singer but just dont like her. Bottom 3.

David "Archuletting your Dad control your life?" - poor song choice but great voice. He's not going anywhere for awhile. Preteen girls find him non-threatening & smurf-like, and they text vote ALOT.

Brooke White - Great last week but song was poor this week. She's going home. Bottom 3

Sayesha - good song, too good of singer to be sent home yet. I dont like her though

Dreadboy-man - surprised the judges liked the song. I liked it at the end of '50 First Dates' also. Dont know if America will though. Bottom 3

Michael Johns - I started out hating him, but the last few weeks he's really turned around. That being said, this weeks song blew. Teen girls (and my wife \:\( ) find him too good looking to be sent home yet though.

Paula Abdul - consistently painful to watch every week.

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 Originally Posted By: Bass N Spear
i think alot of people like him, IMO, i dont think hes the best singer, but hes ok.

Im a big fan of Jack Johnson, and I think Jason Castro has that same sound...thats why I like him

did i mention i love kristy lee cook? \:\)\:\)

dont tell my wife though ;\)

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Kristy Lee - Makes a pair of jeans worth watching. Bottom three but will survive

Cook - Still the best but I think he got humbled a little bit last night.

Carly - Like her better than most but probably in trouble again. Somebody should tell her that artwork that large needs to be framed and hung on a wall

Lip Licker - Bores the heck out of me. Hope he goes home but too talented for that and his fans can text the heck out thier phones. Won't last until the end though

Brooke - Stuck in the middle. Not great, not bad but forgettable.

Syesha - Also bores me. Talented but I don't think very many people get excited to hear her sing another snoozer week after week, even if she sings it well

Dreads - doing well enough to stay. Good thing they don't drug test before the show.

Johns - Like Syesha, he is not connecting with enough people. Plus I wish he would give my grandmothers scarf back he has been wearing around his neck.

Paula - Do you think her chest still has creases in it from that dress she had on last night?

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