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weird/unusual/scary/suspenseful/unexplained things while hunting?


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I dont think this is too far out of the topic but i would like to know if any of you hunters have experienced weird sounds noises, feelings, unexplained things while out hunting early in the morning late in the evening it would be cool to hear it.

the only thing i can say is last year in the tree stand right as i was getting ready to leave for the evening i distinctly heard my name whispered to me.... i looked and looked around i remembered i had gone out alone...i hurried to my vehicle and left he he he.

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I can remember some pretty spooky mornings on the trapline when I was in high school. The ones that would really get me on edge were the still, foggy mornings.

I would paddle my duckboat along the reeds and cattails, with a headlamp for light. With a heavy fog, it looked just like a horror movie waiting to happen. One stretch of shoreline had timber right down to the water's edge. On one of those still, foggy mornings, the visibility was 20 yards at best. When I was paddling past that timber, a screech owl let loose not 30 yards from me. My heart was in my throat for about a half hour after that. That dang owl did that to me three or four times that fall.

I don't know what it is about owls, but my brother had an experience with a great horned owl while deer hunting about 20 years ago. He had been sitting in a CRP field, watching the edge of the woods/swamp. A few hundred yards away there was a big horned owl sitting in the top of a snag, surveying the territory.

My brother felt a bit uneasy, as the owl seemed to be paying him a lot of attention. The grass was pretty tall where he was sitting. In the flash of a moment, my brother "felt" something and turned around to see the owl 50 yards out from him with the talons out, going right for his head. He ducked down just in time as the owl passed overhead. He later figured his stocking hat must have looked like a tasty critter in that tall grass. That could have been ugly had the owl sunk those talons into his scalp.

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The howl of a coyote befor the sun has came up always gets the hair on my neck to stand-up. Or the sound of a grouse flushing from beneth your foot as you are walking to the stand in the dark. For a 39 year old man I still have some issues with the woods a nite.

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Last year during muzzleloader season was pretty suspenseful. The day started out fine, nothing unusual, just a normal day int he woods. By the time afternoon had come, the T-wolves had moved in to our area. My brother had spotted 5 wolves chasing a deer across some of his shooting lanes around 3:00. Around 3:30 our buddy that was hunting on our bottom 40 had spotted three wolves chasing a deer. The wolves were everywhere around us. Well, around 4:00 our buddy had wounded a nice buck. He came and got my brother and I out of our stands (we were all hunting pretty clost together) to help him track it. Since we were close to the shack we went back, put our light boots on, and dropped off our guns, our buddy kept his in case he needed to finish off the deer. We all figured it would be 200 yards away laying dead anyway. Well long story short, we ended up tracking that thing for miles. Pretty soon it's dark, we have one guy with a single shot muzzleloader, and one head lamp. Three of us are following a fresh blood trail with pretty much no lights, no guns, and surrounded by wolves. We decided we should get the heck out of there and come back in the morning. We made it out all right, but we were all jumping at every sound we heard.

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One of my mother's favorite pastimes in the summer was berry picking. One time while picking blueberries among some hazelnut brush she heard some noise on the other side of the brush. She assumed it was my father who liked to wander off on his own to pick berries so she was busy yaking with him but getting a little nerved when he wasn't anwering other than an occasional grunt. She stood up to walk through the brush and discovered that it wasn't my father but a black bear busy eating berries about as fast as he could! She was surprised to say the least.


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LAst year the hair on the back of my neck stood on end- I was walking out of the woods late (o'dark thirty) and I heard something that sounded like a baby crying. It was right where I had to walk to get back to the shack. We are in the middle of nowhere in Northern MN.

My cousin was in a stand about 1/4 mile south of me; I had to walk by him to get back to the huntig shack. He heard the same thing, but there was a growl also. Lights on and guns in hand we walked back quickly.

Also have come across moose who like to mock charge and wolves that have spent an hour under my stand.

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Ha! The grouse one gets me too. Nothing like an explosion of brown feathers on the way to the stand to unnerve a guy.

I did get a chance to watch a doe jump a grouse one time from my stand. It scared the heck out of the doe, too, which I thought was downright hilarious. That doe just about tipped over backwards when that grouse exploded. She was pretty careful walking away from the encounter.

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Years ago my friend and I were duck hunting the Sunrise River in Wyoming, MN. We'd hunted this stretch of the river a gob of times before.

We pull the canoe up to the river bank to get out and set decoys. I step out and put my foot right smack dab on a beaver. (The big swimming rodent kind). Needless to say, he wasn't happy that I just stepped on him and when he jumped so did I. Decoys, guns, shells, and boilerguy flew everywhere.

I was juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust a tad cold and wet the rest of the day. grin.gif

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Can't tell you how many times I've been spooked by noises, weird sounds while hunting in the woods, always seem to hit at low light periods when trees,downed branches, etc take on a diffrent appearance. Did have the wolfs around last year coming out of the stand in the evening....pretty cool since it was clear skys, almost dark but with a big ol full moon and the wolfs howling from a distance. Also did have a deer swim right through the middle of my dekes the opening day of deer hunting last year (I hunt after opener)she got all the way through without tangling either...pretty cool.

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we were coon hunting one night, and it was about 2 or 3 in the morning. We had walked probly 3 miles from where the truck was and there were owls making noise and coyotes howling it was pretty scary! well to make matters worse the batterys had gone dead in our lights and we realise we don't know where the hell we were. Yep we were lost, stumbling around on the bluffs in pitch darkness. then out of nowhere we heard a scream that resembled a mountain lion we were literly shaking in our boots (which were soaked after falling into a creek!) Well to make a long story short we did find our way out about daylight, ya that will be an experiance i'll never forget crazy.gif

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Last fall my partner & I were out moose hunting. We were really in the boon docks, 9 hr drive north of Winnipeg then about 10 hrs with a 15hp. There is nobody living within say 80 miles and NO roads so needless to say we were in the bush. We were in the middle of a lake about 20 miles long and 3 miles wide on the north shore just before dark calling moose. It was dead still and out of the blue across the lake we suspect about 8 miles came this scream that neither of us have heard before. I have heard wolverine, bear and wolves screaming but this thing made U think of big foot. Both of us had the hair on the backs of our necks on end. The only saving grace was we were in the lake but have NO idea what we would have done if we were on that shore. Both of us have tried to do research and find out what it was but no luck. If I had been alone I am sure I would have never mentioned it because I am sure nobody would have believed me. It sounded half human and half beast in a death scream. There were 2 screams about 20 seconds apart. We spent 3 more days on that lake but never heard it again. There are NOT mountain lions (cougars) in this area but there are lynx but don't think they could make such a loud scream.

We are headed back in the area on the 23rd of this month and really don't care to hear it again or meet up with the maker of that call.

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I've had a few interesting things. Wolves scaring the dump out of me a couple of times is always a fun one. We duck hunt on Pelican Lake up near Orr, and the dogs always go just completely crazy, growling at something behind the blind every time we go there. They will go investigate, then come flying back into the blind, scared to death. My uncle had a 100lb German Shorthair (dog was HUGE), and even that dog would get scared. Never did figure out exactly what was scaring the dogs so bad, but we did see otters there, and thats what we are HOPING it is.

On the same lake, my dad and brother were camping out during the duck season. My father kept hearing a noise out in the water, and couldnt see what it was. Finally, he gets out the 1 million candlewatt spotlight, and shines the water only to see a moose headed straight at them. My dad woke my brother and jumped in the duck boat. The moose never turned and walked right over their sleeping bags.

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Had a pack of yotes make a kill in the next ravine over and man did they celebrate it... Yippin and howlin'. They were so close I could hear the leaves under their feet. Grabbed the bow and got out quietly. I know it's just yotes but still spooky when they are that close.

Also, heard some aweful screaming by my uncle's place while bowhunting. Scared the dump out of me. Thought it was almost human sounding. Turns out a peacock got off a local guys farm and was living in my uncle's woods. Crazy sounding!

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It was my honeymoon and the new wife and I went up to the hunting shack a ways north of St. Cloud. No electicity there and only a potbelly stove for light in the middle of the night. All kinds of sounds all night long. At dawn there was about 10% more light and I heard an aweful noise and my wife was missing. I got out of bed and turned the corner into the "kitchen" area and standing before me was the most hideous creature I'd ever laid eyes on. It looked half human and half werewolf. Then it said to me, "Good morning honey!". Ever since that day I have not touched a drop of booze.

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one evening while bowhunting with my father in western minnesota we watched what i thought at the time were "ufos" chasing each other around the sky during sunset; more than likely it was stealth aircraft flying out of ellsworth a.f.b., south dakota, or minot, nd. i was maybe 12; had no idea at that time that there was a contingent of those craft in the mid-west. and man were they flying low and fast!

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I was up north hunting for the weekend and camping out. In the middle of the night my brothers dog was barking and would not stop. I got up to see what was going on. His dog was just running around barking up into the sky. It would not have bothered me. But I had just watched the movie Signs the week before. For those who dont remember. Thats what the dogs did in the movie when the aliens were coming. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, and was hard to sleep that night.

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well ive had a few things happen , heck i could write a book . But here's one that stands out the most. I was maybe age 20, up north in the boonys bear hunting during the week and alone . While getting ready to turn in for the night a vehicle pulls up and i thought great some company . But instead a rough looking man in his 30's gets out and decides to spend the night next to my campfire . He looked like he was on parole or something. After some small talk he seemed nice enough and i became more relaxed . But then he set up his sleeping bag next to the fire . Pulled out a pistol and said in case of coyotes . And then pulled out a joint and started to smoke it . I grew up being nowhere around that type of stuff so i was freaking out. I stayed in the front of my truck that night doors locked. Not sleeping a wink and running scenarios through my head of all the things i see on the 10 oclock news.

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The worst feeling i've had in the woods was 2 years ago on the last day of deer rifle season....It was right before dark and i decided to walk back to a remote clearing on my property.....in the clearing were two big timber wolves....I watched them for a bit and than got this eery feeling I was being watched....I looked to my left and there was a big timber about 25ft away and he was jet black in color....I figured I shoot a warning shot in the air and scare them off ....and the (Contact Us Please) I am hadn't put the clip in the gun yet.....checked the pockets and of course the clip was still laying on the seat of the truck....needless to say thats the fastest this bald/fat man has ran in 20 years......even writing this gives me the heebie jeebies.

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I was a teenager when I used to rifle hunt deer in the Rum River State Forest outside of Milaca. My buddy and I were hunting a little hillside in the mid afternoon that led down to a ravine. We stopped halfway down and sat there. It was November so the trees had no leaves on them, and there was snow on the ground. With both of us sitting there for about 10 minutes, we heard what sounded like something running down the hill towards us. Not only could we hear it, but we could feel the vibrations in the ground. The noise got louder and the vibrations got harder...then "it" just stopped. I whispered "whatever it is, it's right behind us", and he slightly nodded as to agree. I then whispered "on three, we turn and look". I counted we both turned and looked to see NOTHING. We looked around, and could see in every direction for at least 200 yds, but nothing was there. You've never seen two teenagers haul tail out of the woods that fast. Still to this day, I have no idea what it was, or where it went.

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every once in a while i feel uneasy walking out to my stand. i bow hunt outside duluth and one winter as i was walking out i came across a set of mountain lion tracks. they were about the size of cereal bowl in the snow. After talking to the guys land i hunt on about it, it turns out he has seen it two times over the years once with a cub in its mouth and the other when it kill his dog while it was chained to its house. Also a guy i work with has seen one in the twig, mn area. ever since sometimes i get that creepy im being stalked feeling.

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Once while grouse hunting in a snow storm we found some FRESH wolf tracks. For fun, we decided to follow them to see if we could catch a glimpse. We followed for a while and pretty soon there were at least 4 sets of tracks. Suddenly we discovered that the tracks had doubled back behind us, it made us a little uneasy to say the least.

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    • got this tackled today took about 3 hours to get both sides done. Didnt even get to use a torch....   Thought I was golden with just jacking it up and I could get to everything but no luck. Had to remove the entire axle hub and brake assembly to get to what I needed. Was a pain but still better then taking off the entire pivot arm.    Axle bearings were already greased and in great shape thankfully. Got both leaf springs installed and its ready for the road again.   Probably going to have my electric brakes checked, I am not touching anything with the brake drums. Based on what I saw it doesn't look like my electric brakes have been working anyway. Brakes are nice to have if its slippery out
    • By The way that didn't work either!! Screw it I'll just use the cellular. 
    • It’s done automatically.  You might need an actual person to clear that log in stuff up.   Trash your laptop history if you haven’t tried that already.
    • 😂 yea pretty amazing how b o o b i e s gets flagged, but they can't respond or tell me why I  can't get logged in here on my laptop but I can on my cellular  😪
    • I grilled some brats yesterday, maybe next weekend will the next round...  
    • You got word censored cuz you said        B o o b ies….. haha.   Yeah, no… grilling is on hiatus for a bit.
    • Chicken mine,  melded in Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Grill will get a break till the frigid temps go away!
    • we had some nice weather yesterday and this conundrum was driving me crazy  so I drove up to the house to take another look. I got a bunch of goodies via ups yesterday (cables,  winch ratchet parts, handles, leaf springs etc).   I wanted to make sure the new leaf springs I got fit. I got everything laid out and ready to go. Will be busy this weekend with kids stuff and too cold to fish anyway, but I will try to get back up there again next weekend and get it done. I don't think it will be bad once I get it lifted up.    For anyone in the google verse, the leaf springs are 4 leafs and measure 25 1/4" eye  to eye per Yetti. I didnt want to pay their markup so just got something else comparable rated for the same weight.   I am a first time wheel house owner, this is all new to me. My house didn't come with any handles for the rear cables? I was told this week by someone in the industry that cordless drills do not have enough brake to lower it slow enough and it can damage the cables and the ratchets in the winches.  I put on a handle last night and it is 100% better than using a drill, unfortatenly I found out the hard way lol and will only use the ICNutz to raise the house now.
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