set the drag Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 The j Man I have actually done that and I went to the landing and the dude was their at ten o'clock the night before I had to laugh cuz later that day I asked how he did and he shot one mezzly hen hooded merganzer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FI Guide Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 Ok guys i got a question for ya. So I built some blinds for duck hunting on my favorite lake and nobody ever hunts the lake. By chance if someone else is sitting in my blind do yhey have the right to it or do I? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duffman Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 FI Guide...If it's public land and or water, first come first served. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nova Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 If it's on public property or water it's anyones, but on private property it's yours. Just like a deerstand on state land, you don't own it. Hopefully someone else will see the hard work you put in and leave it alone. A true sportsman would.On another note though. I don't think you can legally build that until one hour before the season on public land or water. Not sure, check the regs on that just so you know for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duffman Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 Quite a few years ago we were legally hunting a small lake, and the landowner showed up and just went ballistic from shore about 100 yds away. Just screaming at the top of his lungs "I pay taxes on this land, bla, bla, bla" When we yelled back to call the sheriff, well, that didn't go over to well, his irate meter went up past skybusting range. After talking to my partner, we realized we were well within rifle range of this crazy dude, so we yelled to him we were vacating the premisis. This stuck in my craw for a few years,I finally decided it was revenge time. We were in the area the night before duck opener, and all week I had prepared a nice little report complete with maps, aerial photos, DNR regs, local sheriff and CO phone numbers. All this outlined the fact that what he thought was his private slough, was indeed huntable by general public. In the cover letter, I let him know that we planned to hunt there for opener, and if had any problems with this, he should contact the local authorities. And I signed it "see ya at sunrise". He saw me post it on his gate, and came out on his atv as we pulled away. So we drove another hour and a half to our real hunting destination giggling the whole way. I hope that dude just sat and stewed all night long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
island guy Posted September 30, 2005 Author Share Posted September 30, 2005 Wow. Lots of replies. Thanks.I've decided to just find a different spot. I may try it again later in the season. It won't do any good but I did write a letter to put on his vehicle. I tried to be constructive and helpful in my writing in hopes of trying to educate him in why I hunt and what it means to me. Years ago, I may of handled it in a different manner. At this point in my life, it's not worth it. Years ago, I was pretty "hardcore" and would hunt hard at least 90% of every season. Now, altho I enjoy pulling the trigger and eating a meal of duck, my favorite part of a hunt is to just watch a slough come to life at sunrise, scratch my dogs head and put my mind on hold for a few hours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
icecold Posted September 30, 2005 Share Posted September 30, 2005 Over the last 30 years that I have been duckhunting, I have also run into some off these types of hunters, It always amazes me how rude some people can be , Just think what the world would be like if everyone got along, I for one agree with river rat pete Its just duck hunting.Chill out and relax ,enjoy the day. Theres over 40 days to hunt ,enjoy,,, Like the saying goes, In order to be old and wise, you first must be young and stupid, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kodiak Posted September 30, 2005 Share Posted September 30, 2005 would you be willing to post the letter you wrote to the "jerk"thanks,Kodiak Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tealitup Posted September 30, 2005 Share Posted September 30, 2005 Tell us where the spot is... I would like to know of a nice spot to sit and relax. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
island guy Posted September 30, 2005 Author Share Posted September 30, 2005 kodiakNot sure why you want to see the letter but what the heck. Here it is:"Duckhunter"Hope your hunt was productive and enjoyable.I'm the fellow that was out here scouting the other day. Looks like we were scoping out the same spot. Being the spot is so small and to learn of your intentions I approached you to check things out. After I got my "howdy" out, you kinda took me by surprise. I wasn't expecting your response. Maybe you were having a bad day. We all have those. But in trying to talk with you I felt threatened when your first words to me were to the effect that there would be h*** to pay if anyone moved in on "your spot".I realize public hunting land can be a challenge at times. I think as sportsman we need to work together for a common cause, that being the enjoyment and satisfaction we get from being out in the field. It would be difficult for me to believe you could of enjoyed our encounter. I know few people that enjoy angry confrontations and the stress and bad feelings that come with them.I had no intention of moving in on you or anyone else. My hunts are usually alone. I just like to be out at sunrise enjoying the experience. My intent on approaching you was just to chat and see if you would be hunting alone and maybe wanted to share decoys and my dog. If you had told me you had hoped to have this spot alone or with friends I would of had no problem with that.I really do hope in the future under similar circumstances, you will think of our encounter and try to work out something with your fellow hunters that is agreeable to all.If you wish to talk more about this or maybe you just want someone to hunt with give me a call. Here's my # ... ....I really do hope you had a enjoyable hunt.That's it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duckbuster Posted October 2, 2005 Share Posted October 2, 2005 My God!! Those types of hunters are really missing the boat on what it's all about. In my mind these types of hunters are nothing more than game/meat hogs. Killing game is one thing but the true pleasure is in what lies around you.I get the greatest feeling sitting in the blind when it's pitch black and slowly the tree line across the lake comes into a shadowy view. How about watching the dogs ears perk up when she locks in on a group of butterballs skimming across the water. Or how about when they go to retrieve that fallin duck and it seems that they can't get there fast enough, there legs are going a mile a minute.It is not about the kill!! Like another poster wrote, step back, take that chill pill, relax and enjoy the hunt in OTHER ways than just what is killed.GOOD LUCK my fellower hunters & remember BE SAFE!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deacon Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 I can say I had a very relaxing time on the Fergus "public" golf course Sunday morning. I cannot stand hunting public land opening weekend in MN. Fortunately a farmer let me and my 10 year old son hunt this weekend, we went out Saturday and had a great time, we saw lots of ducks (I was really surprised) he bagged is first 3 teal in MN. He also saw what Skybusting is by other hunters - unreal! I say in MN because the previous 2 years in MN on the opener we did not fire a shot. I have taken him to ND the last 3 years for the youth hunt and he has shot many ducks. I just wish the MN DNR would do more for the duck hunter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpshooterdeluxe Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 My sister along with me for the first time duck hunting, also learned what sky busting is this weekend, as well as the frustrations i have with public land on opening weekend. now i admit we got to the wma "of choice" only an hour before opener but it is a large complex almost three square miles with two small lakes and two nice potholes. upon approach i realized that there was way more people than i expected there already set up. i think i counted 14 vehicles, but nobody was parked where i wanted to walk in from so we loaded up the gear and started walking across the grass to a small point. as we crested the hill i saw six guys already on the point, so rather than slide in 50 yards away from them we turned around and decided to go somewhere else. every wma i could think of on the drive back had atleast 3 vehicles there already and there was still plenty of trucks driving west on the gravel as we were heading back east. it looked as if i was going to have to wait a day to get a spot to put out some dekes. finally we found an undisturbed spot near some land of ours that nobody was at. unfortunately the only cover was on the west side of the water putting the sun in my face and making for tough id on birds. so i concentrated on teal. about an hour after we got set up i had shot 5 times and missed two birds already; but my sister was having fun as we were seeing lots of ducks...most of which would skirt by and flair just out of my range. apparently some others saw all the ducks too cuz 15 minutes after i shot my first blue wing, a truck pulled up, two guys got out, sat just below the gravel road bordering the wma, and proceeded to throw up about two boxes of shells at every single duck that flew over. i think they hit 5 and retrieved 2. it sucked to have to explain to my 11 year old sister why we were going home with as many ducks as they did but had to work so much harder carrying waders, decoys, a cooler, and a box of shells 1/4 mile around a slough when "we could have parked there and got just as many" as she put it. but we went back this morning and still to my surprise we we had the slough all to ourselves and i had some awesome oppertunities to drop some mallards with their feet down, but they all decoyed about 20 minutes before shootin time, and i only ended up hammering one drake woodie. but it was just nice to get out and show her what real duck hunting was...and what lazy sh!tty duck hunting was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishface5 Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 Sad just somehow doesn't describe it. I can count on one hand the number of openers I've missed since I was about 6 or 7. I'm 45. I have missed the last two years now. You couldn't pay me to go out and attempt an opener on pub. water. Hunter Ed, Or possibly hunter retention. Is pathetic! Just about every person in this state has had to go through gun safty. WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY "HUNTERS" WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO HUNT!!!! I don't mean the guys who teach fire arm safty, are not doing a good job! They do great teaching what the state tells them to teach. We also realy need more quality spots open to the pub. A walk in program would be nice. Maybe this new state habitat push will help. I'm not holding my breath. I probably won't even by my stamps this year. I don't have a 90 day season. If I chose to hunt, I could maybe get 2-5 days where I could squeeze it in. I won't waste my valueble time being frustrated by someone who has no self control, common sense, or common courtasy. I think it is a reflection of the, "I'm going to get mine", attitude of our society. A couple hours of grouse hunting here and there will be my refuge again this year. I terribly miss spilling the coffee when the first birds appeare out of nowhere right in the pocket. The morning sunrise, and the sound of wings in the am darkness. With my kids sitting next to me eyes wide, shivering as much from excitement as with cold. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Studer Posted October 4, 2005 Share Posted October 4, 2005 That is pretty sorry when people like this ruin a beautiful day of hunting. I have been lucky not to have to experienced this. My suggestion would be take the time you waste fighting over certain public spots and scout around to find a farmer or someone you know who knows somebody etc. and get a small private pond to hunt out of. I know it is sometimes easier said than done but it could pay off. Plus if there is another party out there already at least they would be more willing to share a blind. Hunting is a privelage that should not be abused. Nothing better than just being out there. Good Luck to all this season and let's all make it back out next year. Be Safe!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lawdog Posted October 4, 2005 Share Posted October 4, 2005 Island Guy, you will have to let us know if you get any response to that letter. I'm betting you won't... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gissert Posted October 4, 2005 Share Posted October 4, 2005 I thought it was an excellent letter. I am glad he posted it. It may not have changed the recipient's ways, but the sheer volume of people who read it here will gain some benefit for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lawdog Posted October 4, 2005 Share Posted October 4, 2005 I think its good too, but if you were that jerk, how would you respond? I just think that guy is beyond help... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChuckN Posted October 4, 2005 Share Posted October 4, 2005 How would the guy respond? Any good hearted individual would respond with at least some sort of an apology. I don't think this guy will respond either, but at least island guy got something off his chest. I've done the same (not hunting related, business scam related) with the attempt to see if a person had anything good in them, and I didn't get a response. But, I learned there are real heartless jerks in this world, and I hope "what goes around comes around". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gissert Posted October 4, 2005 Share Posted October 4, 2005 I don't know how he would have responded. I'm inclined to think he would remain a jerk. BUT..........sometimes when someone is spring loaded to the jerk position, responding as Island Guy did can be very disarming and effective. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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