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Report your Archery kill -2005


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I haven't had much luck this year shot my first deer with my bow back in Sept. but no luck since. My friend called tonight to tell me his uncle shot a 13pt buck with drop times on each side. His dad said they couldn't fit there hands around the bases. They are guessing it's going to score upwards in the 180's even possible 190's. i haven't seeen the pics. He was about to shoot a ten when a car honked its horn and he looked up and the BIG buck was running right down the fenceline right to him, shot it at 20 yards. Deer ran within 5 yards went for another arrow so nervous dropped it on the ground. When i get the pics i'll post them. Glad someone has some luck.

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This is the first buck I shot this year. It was the last week in October in ND. Was hunting a large river bottom where I had seen several nice bucks. I had moved my stand on this day closer to where I had seen several bucks the day before. I would only have one chance at this spot as the wind was not in my favor and any deer I would pass on would end up down wind of me and the game would be over. Lucky for me the first three deer were bucks. The first was a fork the second a lesser 8 pointer and the third was the shooter. The first two bucks stopped below my stand to do a little pushing and shoving while the third watched from a distance. After about ten minutes he was tired of watching and decided to come over to show them who was boss. Little did he know he would be meeting me first. At 7 yards I hit him in the boiler room and he was down in under 30 yards. Wasn't the biggest one from the group I had seen the day before but if I had waited they would have been down wind of me and the spot would have been no good for days. So I decided to take him. More stories to follow.


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Here is the second buck of the year. Back to SD. I had a business trip close to where we hunt and had a chance to hunt for one afternoon. I was in another river bottom spot where I have seen many bucks in the past. This was the Tuesday after their opening of rifle season. I know this spot is always good after opener as the bucks get so pushed around out there that they always travel this area to get back to their home territories. I have hunted this spot every year for the past four years the following days after rifle opener and have seen many large bucks. After getting on stand around 3:00 and sitting for about an hour and a half I heard a noise from the other side of the river. Looking across I saw this buck going in the opposite direction down the river. I immediately pulled out my grunt call and let out a few grunts. The buck didn't even lift his head so I then pulled out my Primos (The Can) doe bleat and that did the trick. The buck stopped looked my way and then disappeared behind some brush along the river. Not 15 seconds later I heard water splashing downstream from me and saw the buck come up the bank and head in my direction. The buck stopped 40 yards short of me and made a scrape and then proceeded to close the distance to 10 yards where I stopped him with a grunt and sent the arrow right in the sweet spot. He took one jump stopped, looked back, then just stood there until he fell for good. Short hunt but what a blast. Still not the monster I have been looking for but not a bad buck. More to come.


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Her is number three. Was bow hunting up in the Blackduck area with my Dad and Uncle who were rifle hunting. This nice 10 pointer was taken at 18 yards as the buck was sneaking through a small spruce swamp. He had just finished making a scrape and was heading for a large hardwood ridge where several does that had just went by my stand had headed. Needless to say he never made it. Still not the monster I am looking for but definitely getting bigger. Our group still has a few tags left so there is still a chance for the big one. I also shot 2 does to fill some management tags. So I guess I can say I have had a very successful season.


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A big deer from the Duluth Hunt taken by a friend of mine, 254 lbs, Rough scored at 180


Hey Fishermn would you be able to email me that picture? My email address is my nickname "msm1018" at yahoo (you know the rest) tongue.gif thanks.

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I got on the board with my first ever archery kill last Thursday, not exactly what i wanted, but will work and was a rush none-the-less. I called in a coyote with an estrus bleet can from just out of range to twenty yards. She jumped after a mouse in the weeds, so she was broadside, put in a great shot, right in the boilerroom. She ran 30 yards into the brush and was lights out. Took a while to find her for lack of a blood trail, but the snow we had on the ground helped with tracks. She weighed probably around 60 pounds. Ill maybe get some pictures up when i develop them.

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Have been hunting a lot since rifle season ended. Was back Up to the Blackduck area and I managed to fill another management tag a week ago. Was out to ND this last weekend and saw more deer in one day then most people probably see in a whole season. Saw several nice bucks but I only has a doe tag left to fill which I did. Made some drives for my brother who still has a buck tag (no party hunting in ND) left and had as many as fifty deer come by him in one drive alone (not exaggerating either). If you ever get a chance to hunt ND do it you will be amazed at how many deer are out there.He never got a shot at a big buck but had several close enough but either they were running or stopped behind brush. Still was a blast seeing all those deer.

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There isn't much state land where we hunt. In ND if the land isn't posted you can legally hunt without permission. The areas we hunt are mostly river bottoms that are owned by mainly farmers. Some are posted and we have gotten permission and other spots are not posted but we still try to let the owner know that we would like to hunt on their land. That way we know if someone else is hunting it or not. There are also many WMA in ND that offer some real good hunting opportunities. Just ask anybody that duck hunts out there and they will tell you how many deer they see. The area we hunt is west of Grand Forks. You really need to get at least 40 to 50 miles from Grand Forks or any other major city or you will run into a lot of other hunters. Where we hunt the only other archery hunters we have seen are just locals and very few of them. Mostly we have the area to our selves which is a very large area. Sorry I can't give our exact location but I may get a few people ticked off if I tell others where we hunt. You can understand? My best advise is to look on a map for any significant river and just start following the river the best you can. You will no doubt find deer and most of the time very friendly people who will usually let you hunt. The great part about ND is that the season starts Sept 1st and usually ends around Jan 6th. The bad part is the cost. Around $216.00 for an either sex tag and $55.00 for additional doe tags. But who looks at the cost when the deer are so plentiful and the chance at a decent buck are so great. Good luck if you ever head out there. By the way if you want to hunt out there this year yet you can still buy a tag. The first year I went out there I didn't go until about this same time. The first weekend out I tagged a really nice buck. Real easy to find the deer now as the crops are down and there isn't too many places for them to hide. The trails you see this time of year will make your jaw drop.

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I finally gave in and took a doe. Shot her on Christmas Eve morning. I almost always find a biggun or two to chase late in the year, but never got a peak at the big one I wanted to take. I could have shot at least a dozen decent eight pointers this year, but held out for a monster. The 8 pointer I passed up on my first night out looks pretty good right now. Oh well, I have a great season and had lots of fun trying. I'll take the big boy next year.

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Scoot, I agree, I cant tell you how many 8 pointers I passed up this year waiting for the big guy... Including one that almost walked right into me on a trail. smile.gif

Had a big guy come in monday night but he stopped at about 50 yards out and never came any closer. Two days left, and I am still hoping to get a shot at a decent buck (or any buck at this point smile.gif)

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Went out to Watetown Suth Dakota christmas eve mornig and got my first ever deer. What a rush and too even get it with a bow was a thrill. We were having a drive and he stopped right in front of me, gave him a little grunt and flipped the release. Ran about 20 yards and went down. Hooked for life.

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Went out for the last time on New Years eve to see if I could fill the last management tag. Took my 12 year old son with to sit in the tree with me. Well as luck would have it we had 6 deer come by just before dark. The first four came by so fast that I couldn't stop them but the fifth and biggest doe stopped in my 20 yard lane and gave me the shot I wanted. I placed the shot directly through the center of the heart. Needless to say my son and I were excited as this was the first time he has sat with me bow hunting. Now he itching to get out next year and give bow hunting a try. This was also his first year rifle hunting and he managed to shoot a nice spike buck the first morning while I sat with him. Those two hunts were the best hunts of my life. Even better than the hunts where I have shot many big bucks. Take a kid hunting and you will experience some of the best times afield you can imagine. Already looking forward to next year when I can get out with my son again. This time though he will have bow in hand.

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Congrats treeclimber, I got one late on New Year's Eve last year, turned out to be a big fawn instead of a yearling doe, but it was still an awesome way to end the season. Didn't make it out on New Year's Eve this year to work on a string, just didn't feel very well that day.

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Congrats treeclimber. Any late season deer is tough.

My dad bought two "buddy" stands so next year we are hoping to take my son out (he's 5 now). I'm not sure how long he'll be able to sit still but he keeps asking me and my dad if he can go out with us.

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