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Good Morning-Weekend Edition

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30 minutes ago, leechlake said:

Reb- now you need to take an area neighbor kid under your wing and teach him how to be a man.  Let him drive Mr Sparkles to his first date.  You can skip that ending part though :)


Already done that with the neighbor kid who doesn't have a (known) Dad because his Mother is a dirtball with three other kids from three other different guys. (So she's told the neighbor) She's too busy getting tattoo's and smoking fatties. He's coming along well, now on the swim team in his sophomore year, and went out for football. Still some rough edges, but he's getting there. He heard about my guitar playing, and wanted to see my guitars. In the same room as my LE gear, showed him the stuff from the Secret Service gigs I did, and the celebrities I escorted. He was just gonzo over that. Really sharp kid, he said LE is cool, I told him I think he'd make a good cop. That got him going the right way...Anyway, he had a mixed lab dog that was not taken care of, just like the rest of her kids.. Left outside in all kinds of weather, barking, whining, and crying. Can't stand that dump, nailed her azz good, even had to sign a complaint and she ended up at a hearing. She got whacked.  She hates me. Tough noogies, three other neighbors backed me at the hearing, too. Anywho, last Summer, the dog was laying by the steps, and he came out and was holding her for a long time. Went over there to see what was wrong; he was crying his heart out, appeared dog was dying. I held him and he just sobbed his heart out. His mother told him she'd take it to the vet right away, which she did....about 8 hours later. A week later, knock at my door. He came over to thank me for caring enough, and to tell me his dog had died. Started crying again, held him again. So, I'm not totally Mr Hard-nuts, but no one needs to know that. Just call me Walt.  And ain't nobody drivin' Mr. Sparkles except me. Even the guys at Ford know enough to let me drive it in the shop. ;)


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2 hours ago, RebelSS said:

That's MR. Sparkles to you. :grin:  OH, I know all about that one. My good friend Harley Flathers who just passed (you DO know who Harley is, dontcha, Del?) is in there numerous times. Fantastic  guy. Should read his autobiography. I think ya'd like it. 




Tried to PM ya Reb concerning Harley Flathers. It balked and wouldn't allow me to fill in the proper fields. He was a friend and neighbor of our family and grew up with my folks. I always loved talking to him. Sad day. I read his book cover to cover in a couple nights. I need to find it again or remember who I might've loaned it to. Fascinating read because in part because I knew a lot of the people in it. He was a remarkable man. Talk about "strong arms". Overcame polio and went on to become a broadcasting legend in SE MN. He will be truly missed. :( 

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I can PM ya, Dotch. he was a great friend of my Dads'; used to do remote broadcasts from his store. Wrote about him in a couple places in his book, too, and did an article on him (My Dad) and me in the Post Bulletin. I stopped over at Harley's right before Christmas about three years ago to chat about the upcoming article he was going to do on my Dad. Asked him if he had another copy of his book, (I have one from when it came out) I wanted to give it as a Christmas present. He gave me his last one, and signed it  "To Mark: Enjoy the memories".  What a guy. Grew up listening to him every morning, but then, who didn't in this town?

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2 hours ago, Dotch said:

What a great thing to do Boar. Despite all the things these guys say about you, I always figured you for a stand up kinda guy! :D And I'm sure you teach them the valuable lesson that it isn't the number and size of fish caught, it's the number and size of the fish you tell people you caught. :lol:

Chores done during the "big snow". It maybe will make an inch if it works at it. Shut the brood ewes in last night after tossing in enough bedding to keep it nice and dry in their barn. Still on schedule to shear Tuesday afternoon so keeping fingers crossed that the weather cooperates. Just glad we didn't try it yesterday. When the temps are like that, the wormer and CD&T freeze up in the needles on the syringes so that means diddling around trying to do it later after they've lambed. Got enough diddling around at that point.

Lots of pheasants in the yard this a.m., mostly hens. They appear to be surviving the winter very well. Been keeping their ear corn feeder stocked so they know where to go. Mrs. Cheviot is off to work again about 10-ish so I may get that nap in that I've been desperately seeking. I think the Gopher men play basketball today so that's almost a guarantee.  

dotch, I really don't want to admit this out in an open forum but, for as big a jerk boar appears on these forums he is really a good dude!!!!!!!!:D ah geez, my reputation is shot now!!!!!!:grin::cry: 

morning gents. after a slow start its gonna be a cooking day. gonna cook up a couple roosters.they will go into a batch of chow mein and a dish. hard to explain but ya add mushrooms,the juice 2 envelopes of lipton onion and mushroom soup mix. let marinate overnight and bake. its actually a goose reciepe but turns out great with pheasant.

my second project is boiling up some chicken. the broth and some chicky will end up as soup, the rest will be put in a dish called poppy seed chicken.  

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Great morning here.  15 degrees which is a heat wave.  Windy and snow blowing around though.  I have my ring bologna in my fridge smoker as we read.  We had patties from it with sunny side up eggs this morning.  Really good stuff.  Watching hunting and fishing shows as I am smoming those sausages.  Kind of at a lost without football on.  Just a relaxing day it seems.  That is nice for a change too.  Good man with the neighbor kid Reb.  That may change his life and he may not even realize it now but may in years to come.  Yes that was KAAY and I remember KOMA too.  It was Clive Clifford on KAAY.  Good stuff.  Well I think I will change to cooking shows now.  Have a great day guys.  Happy Valentines day.  Go give the neighbor lady a hug Rebs.  

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 ah geez, my reputation is shot now!!!!!!:grin::cry: 


Smurfy, don't worry, the one you have isn't gonna get ya any Girl Scout cookies!! :P Just kiddin'!  I gave the neighbor lady yer address, told her yer up for coffee, as you have a lot of half-beans just sitting around. :lol:

Was snowin' like a cow here; it's quit now and suns out. 1" of fluffy nuisance snow. Think I'll try the yard blower trick on it; looks fluffy enough. Beats pushing a shovel, which tears my legs and back to pieces. 

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On 1/17/2016 at 10:21 AM, leechlake said:

I can't believe I'm saying this but that was an interesting read of a typical road trip of a married couple.  I'm sure her scoreboard showed a little different score but I will humor you and agree.  I will also say a belt can be a leash, or a string, or a rope or some tap

hey got my cold smoker today, yup cant wait to tyr it out. simple thing it is

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I'd like to murder the person who invented the Keurig machine.  We haven't had one we've had two.  An attempt to solve a problem that didn't exist.  No offense Coffee but I used to fill the pot, dump in reservoir, put the Folgers in the filter and that was it.  Now it's this horse and pony show dilly dicking around with K cups, water going empty, and to get it going it took me a month to figure out the right sequence to get ignition going.  I can't wait til this machine is next the our ice cream maker and soda stream machine we had to have too.

Now that I got that off of my chest Mrs LL and I are having a date day.  No hockey and daughters doing something with a friend who can drive now.  I hate having set plans or a schedule so hopefully we "wing" the day and have a good time.  I'm going to shower her with affection even though she's not very affectionate.  She will have to deal with it.  It's going to be crazy nice to her and she'll have to deal with it.   She "accused" me of being too nice to her one time.  I hear blah blah blah to her telling me I'm too nice and too affectionate.  If she wants me grumpy and distant then we can talk about the Keurig machine.

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Beautiful morning here. Froze just enough so the dogs didn't get all mud during CHORES. Wind is down and the sun is shining. Heard a robin and the snow has retreated to road ditches, fencelines and building sites. Should motivate but nice to just  soak in the sun for a bit. No newbies in the barn overnight but with Mrs. Cheviot home today, maybe I can send her out to check for them while I'm dozing in the sun. None of the ewes were acting "lamby" so it may be a day or two before we have some. They appear when they appear not when you think they ought to.

Before I came in the house after CHORES, I filled the bird feeders up and dumped a few partial ears in the pheasant feeder. A big rooster flew out of the plum and sumac thicket just as the ears left my hand. The sun caught his plumage just right as he lifted up over the buildings, looking like a small bronze aircraft as he glided off into the CRP. I picked up a large branch and the downspout the wind had removed, placing each of them back in their proper spot. This stuff could be classified as part of CHORES I suppose but I really don't because I actually enjoy farting around the yard seeing what's up with the wildlife, etc. After which I repaired to our abode to record rainfall data from yesterday and play with the Keurig machine. It is a CHORE LL! :mad: All those K Cups laying around that somehow don't seem to find the wastebasket. Plus it seems like the coffee I like is usually out. The Keurig machines don't like our well water either. We've been through at least 3 of the things.

Watched some stuff on The Doors the other night, probably some of the same things Reb did. Still a remarkable band and part of my formative years. Just been in a Doors kinda mood for about the last week. Go figure.



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24 minutes ago, leechlake said:

I'd like to murder the person who invented the Keurig machine.  We haven't had one we've had two.  An attempt to solve a problem that didn't exist.  No offense Coffee but I used to fill the pot, dump in reservoir, put the Folgers in the filter and that was it.  Now it's this horse and pony show dilly dicking around with K cups, water going empty, and to get it going it took me a month to figure out the right sequence to get ignition going.  I can't wait til this machine is next the our ice cream maker and soda stream machine we had to have too.

Now that I got that off of my chest Mrs LL and I are having a date day.  No hockey and daughters doing something with a friend who can drive now.  I hate having set plans or a schedule so hopefully we "wing" the day and have a good time.  I'm going to shower her with affection even though she's not very affectionate.  She will have to deal with it.  It's going to be crazy nice to her and she'll have to deal with it.   She "accused" me of being too nice to her one time.  I hear blah blah blah to her telling me I'm too nice and too affectionate.  If she wants me grumpy and distant then we can talk about the Keurig machine.

I agree with you on the keurig they r useless and the coffe doesn't taste as good. I bought my mother one after my father passed away since she only drinks one cup a day, it makes it easier for her. On the weekends I still go to the shop & get my coffee. I have a small brisket & ribs thawing out for the smoker tomorrow. Today is going to be sunny and in the 60's so it's time to wash the car then go hit a couple buckets of golf balls

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If I can find a Percolator coffee machine I may pick one up and put it next to the stupid Keurig.  Throw egg shells in the grounds, my dad used to do that sometimes.  Plug it in and watch it work it's magic.  I loved that as a kid.  

I also may pick up one of those big vats they have at church where you flip the spigot and pour the coffee in.  Make a weeks worth at a time and love it.  Anything but the chore of the Keurig machine, I'm embarrassed to use it.  Glad to know someone in the country has one too!

2 minutes ago, Coffee118 said:

I agree with you on the keurig they r useless and the coffe doesn't taste as good. I bought my mother one after my father passed away since she only drinks one cup a day, it makes it easier for her. On the weekends I still go to the shop & get my coffee. I have a small brisket & ribs thawing out for the smoker tomorrow. Today is going to be sunny and in the 60's so it's time to wash the car then go hit a couple buckets of golf balls

that is the only logical reason for the Keurig, one cup person.  She can have ours if she ever needs it.  Also it leaves a sludge of coffee in the bottom like syrup.  By then it's cold too.  Cold coffee sludge em em delicious.  

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Mornin fellas,  been bouncing around like a Fart in bottle round here, made a Costco run and a cub run, wow not cheap. Lunch is over now thinking about taking down all the Xmas decorations outside,  been putting that off for a while. The pickup needs an oil change I'll havta make sure that gets done...steaks and scallops on the menu tonight.     Have a great day guys!!

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Since we were complaining about certain types of coffee pots/makers this morning I'll give some tips for using normal types of pots/makers. First is the grind, it's always best to grind right before use but pre ground is fine. If you r grinding ur own its best to do a medium grind, too fine of a grind it will be bitter too corse of a grind it'll be weaker. Next is the temperature, it should be between 195 to 205 degrees I have mine set at 201 degrees it gives it a mellow taste (cooler weaker, hotter more bitter/stronger) never use boiling water, next which I feel is about the most important is to buy a good insulated coffee carafe that will keep the coffee hot for at least 4 to 6 hours. Once the brew is finished take it off the burner & put in the carafe immediately, the coffee will stay fresh tasting for hours & will never get that old coffee taste which I call sludge coffee. But my own preference is an old time perk pot, it could make the cheapest coffee taste good

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Made FF and about the only  thing I didn't accomplish was to find a suitable replacement for the pitchfork handle I broke. Almost gotta go to one of the little small town hardware stores for that. Evening CHORES done and contemplating settling in for a desperately needed GT. Grabbed a couple hour nap this afternoon so I should be refreshed enough to discover cold fusion in the basement. Maybe not but at least I did fill the water softener! :D Need to summon all my cognitive thinking to decide what to pull out of the freezer for mañana. I have some salmon, chicken breasts, lamb steaks, and a couple more legs. Got roped into going to church tomorrow as Mrs. Cheviot volunteered to read. Of course there could always be lambing activity in the barn to confound that as my "out". Then I can focus more time on creating leftovers for the upcoming week. ;) 

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Off to church momentarily. Nothing happening in the lambing barn. Froze up outside overnight so dogs were not mudballs like they were after CHORES last night. Decided to thaw out chicken breasts and salmon. Somewhere between evading Mrs. Cheviot's advances and taking naps I should be able to find time to cook them. :D

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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