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Good Morning!

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morning all. took a while to catch up this morning reading all you hooligans endeavors!!!!!!!:P went totally off line yesterday. went to a friends and totally remodeled boat seats. 3 of mine 2 of my friends. not hard just tedious and putzy. today just a putz day.  drank a pot of coffie118 coffee. man dat stuff is good!!!!!!!!:D not sure whats on the menu yet.

this weather put the stops to amping up the itch to get garden stuff going.

our easter will be spent up nort cutting wood, turning things around from winter to summer mode........just plain getting away.

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Ah, another day almost in the books. In addition to the stuff I was up to in the previous post, I finished pruning the last apple tree and it was a pain. It's a  Fireside tree that has been ornery to prune ever since we planted it 25 years ago. Didn't help matters that we skipped pruning it for a few times several years back. I do have lots of apple wood though so no danger of running out any time soon. It's 34 - 14 with an asterisk. Buck lamb was born dead and appeared it had been for a while inside the ewe. Everything was fine just something must've happened. Oh well the ewe lamb is doing great so just have to be happy for that and another day of accomplishments. :cool:

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Good morning.  I have been on a few times today talking about smoker controls in Boars thread.  I am taking a break now so I thought I would say hi.  I am getting psyched for my anal invasion tomorrow so I am on a restrictive diet now.  I am having a slice of prime rib (actually lime jello) and am having a porterhouse with fried onions mushrooms and potatoes (actually lemon jello) for lunch.  I am so hungry. I saved the juice form the corned beef to drink tonight.  Nectar of beef.   I even dreamt of food last night.  I am even craving a Mc Donalds burger.  How bad is that.  The Dr. is a woman who comes to town to do these kinds of things at the hospital.  I have never met her.  So LL I can't tell you if she is hot or not yet.  ;)  Will let you know later.  When I had my hernia surgery a few years ago an attractive nurse we know had to shave around my you know whats.  It was actually kind of funny.  My wife is right beside me and this other woman is doing the shaving.  She said here you can cover up with this towel and I will work around it.  I laughed and said we don't need that just do your thing.  Then I winked at my wife and tried not to laugh with a razor by the boys. Oh well, I will be knocked out before this game begins.  The wife works at the hospital so she will be around before and after.  Then when I get home it is feast time.  Took Wed off too. 

Ok that is all for now. See ya later and have a great supper tonight.  My thoughts will be with you.  Wish I had leftovers from the pics you have all posted in the last few days.   

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I have a cute nurse story about my vasectomy but that's for another day.  

LPS a good man can find a physical quality in nearly every female and I'm sure you will in the rear end doctor.  Good luck with the procedure.  Btw and I don't mean to be negative but I haven't heard much on the Smurfy smoking cessation program?  If it didn't take Smurf you can try try again as the old saying goes.  I've been pondering the quitting chewing program myself but may need a little push to start trying on that one.  

I went for coffee with a friend to help him out with something and the day has completely slipped by.  I'm heading to the tire store out of need since I had a tire stem go bad on me.  While they are fixing it I'm going to get some tire info from them but I'm not in the mood to get new tires right now.  I haven't met stiff resistance from the wife and it's disappointing frankly.

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the smurfy smoking sensation...........oh carp cessation program is going to kick in high gear after we get back from up nort after the easter weekend!!!!!!!!

I had one of them "violations" some time back. the procedure was a piece of cake. they said I  a perfect ars.... well you know!!!!:D don't need to go back for 10 yeas but unfortunately that's sneeking up on me.

the worst was the rep leading up to it. the no eating then that juice...............OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!:sick::cry:

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45 minutes ago, smurfy said:

the smurfy smoking sensation...........oh carp cessation program is going to kick in high gear after we get back from up nort after the easter weekend!!!!!!!!

I had one of them "violations" some time back. the procedure was a piece of cake. they said I  a perfect ars.... well you know!!!!:D don't need to go back for 10 yeas but unfortunately that's sneeking up on me.

the worst was the rep leading up to it. the no eating then that juice...............OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!:sick::cry:

Moviprep.   Vaguely disgusting.  Maybe it is the salt...  Prep is the worst part.   I was awake for my colonoscopy. But it wasn't bad.  Did I mention I hate the prep?  Didn't get that hungry, drank coke and sprite.  Both are considered clear liquids.  Forget the jello.  

And it was a real boost getting on the scale and being down like six pounds. 

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Ya the guys at work are having pizza right in front of me.  It is a tough deal to handle.  Of course they are all offering me some just to rub it in.  One of them has a huge bag of sour cream and onion potato chips.  They look darn good too.  

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ya know, a guy must be deniing his age when every woman he talks about is attractive or hot. nobody talks about the broom hildas they had for a nurse. or helga the waitress, or svetlanna the barmaid ya took home or wolf ugly past girlfreind. now ive dated a few of the abouve emntoined ones from my youth and i surely remeber those crazy dates.:crazy::crazy:offdah!! the real hotties are only remeberd for ther looks. not the work ethic.:P:P


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1 minute ago, Boar said:

ya know, a guy must be deniing his age when every woman he talks about is attractive or hot. nobody talks about the broom hildas they had for a nurse. or helga the waitress, or svetlanna the barmaid ya took home or wolf ugly past girlfreind. now ive dated a few of the abouve emntoined ones from my youth and i surely remeber those crazy dates.:crazy::crazy:offdah!! the real hotties are only remeberd for ther looks. not the work ethic.:P:P


so how'd you bribe your wife into marryin ya??????????:P:cry:

where is our fearless leader????????????? musta been one heckova weekend at the neighbor ladies!!!!!!!

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both my kids were born at Fairview Southdale.  With the first kid we had about 3 young and pretty hot nurses coming and going while Deb was getting ready to do her job.  I wasn't too geared up about these inexperienced nurses handling the birth of my first kid.  When it was "go time" in comes a new nurse.  What a gal.  She was about 55 and a broomhilda looking women that looked like she walked behind plow horses in the fields of Germany before she came to America.  She was a pro's pro and took complete control and out came a healthy baby boy.  I bought her a gift the next day and I mean the nurse.  

That hospital has about 25 babies a day but 18 months later we're back for kid #2 and same thing...bunch of young nurses and as luck would have it at "go time" again in comes that same nurse as kid #1.  

My point is I'm pro Broom Hildas in the right situation!

Edited by leechlake
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Dunno what happened to Reb. Time to form a posse! 

Finally getting here. Long day of chasing my tail so far. I actually got my employees to talk with me this a.m. rather than text messaging me when they feel like it so am still in shock. Of course it helped that I owed one of them some money for a 4 wheeler part he'd bought so will have to keep making them buy 4 wheeler parts. 

Quiet day at the ranch so far. Got done playing Mr. Mom to a couple bottle lambs about 12:30. Yes they are cute however 5 feedings a day starts to wear on a person. I do the noon and 10 p.m. and Mrs. Cheviot does the morning, evening and about 3 a.m. shift. That 3 a.m. one I refuse to do. She's on her own on that one. Could just feed a tad more per feeding and keep it at 4 feedings but the "martyr syndrome" comes into play. Learned long ago to just let her go. I am the "bad guy" for not getting up in the middle of the night but at least I get my z's. Unfortunately not Ginger Zee. :( Oh lookie there, she is 'mocking now!



Speaking of uggo's in previous posts, I still remember going out with a friend of my sister's at college. I was going through a bit of a dry spell (OK a prolonged drought rivaled only by the Sahara desert) and was desperate. The girl was built just OK, kinda wormy looking actually but her nose made her look like a parrot. Went out with her and she was just plain weird. Think we saw Ft. Apache:The Bronx. That was weird too. When I went to kiss her good night she was sorta "funny" about it. Couldn't figure it out. A hot young piece of meat and some poor girl who hadn't gotten lucky in a long time. Come to find out later, she was an avowed lesbian! Her girlfriend probably outweighed me by 150 lbs and could have squashed me. She probably could've beaten the snot out of me too but she would've needed to catch me first. I try my best to block the visual of all that from my memory but every once in a while it resurfaces. Thanks a lot boar! :P :P

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Good morning Bobby! I hope things are going well for you!

I hope all goes well for you at the doctor this morning LPS!!! Enjoy whatever it is you decide to eat after you're done at the doctors!!!

Weird dreams last night again, and I laid there for 5 minutes after I woke up trying to remember any of them, but didn't have any luck.

Coffee is all done and ready to chug. Have a great day everybody!!! :D

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Morning boys.  Yup I am still here.  All dressed and showered and ready to go.  I was up a few times in the night due to the anal urge.......:mad:  Didn't sleep too well of course.  Have to be there by 7:15 so hopefully I am the first one to go.  The "older nurse" who pretty much runs the show is a friend of ours.  I always compliment her in front of the doctors and nurses saying "you run a tight ship here".  She loves it.  I even ask her before I do anything to boost her ego some more and then we both laugh.  I am hoping that puts me at the front of the line.  I couldn't help myself last night.  Lots of good food shows on and I watched them till bed time.  My wife said you are just torturing yourself.  lol  I said I just wanted ideas as to what to eat today.  I have tomorrow off too so let the feast begin when I get home.  I might even get some ice cream.  

Ok another BrunHilda story.  A buddy of mine needed hernia surgery when he was about 18.  He was in the Luverne hospital where we knew lots of the nurses there.  He was worried as to which one was going to shave him.  When the time came here this big broad woman he didn't know walked in with a razor and a scowl on her face.  My buddy was a funny guy but didn't say a thing.  She told him to roll over on his back and she started doing the thing with the razor.  He could feel it growing and tried his hardest to thwart the expansion and the more he tried the bigger he got.  She looked at him and he looked at her and smiled meekly and she took her hand and wacked his enlargement with  the back of her hand with a mean look on her face.  It dissappeared...   :blush:

Ok see ya later fellas.  I will check back when I am enjoying a big mac fries and a choco or strawberry shake.  We don't eat at McD's much so it is kind of fun once in awhile.  




























A friend of mine had to have hernia surgery

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It must be true then.  That BrunHilda story could have happened to me.  I was married to my ex many years ago and she didn't have much of a sense of humor like myself.  We decided to get ME fixed.  We went to the doctor's office to get a preview of what happens with this.  He was there with his nurse.  I had no idea how they did this.  He said that the nurse would shave my area.  I said " the nurse does this"?  He says yes.  Well,  I just said "what if the big boy rises"?  and the nurse said "I'll just give it a slap and it won't be a problem".  So it is true, they must all do it.  Well we had a good laugh about it, except my ex.  Left the office after making the appointment, and started my happy journey home.  My ex gave me the look, and said how embarrassed she was with my attitude.  Well just another reason to get divorced.  Ended up that I did not get the procedure done figuring out that this marriage won't last.  This and the vacume cleaner story and the sod story ended the marriage for sure.  And I thought that nurse was just kidding all along.  Hey I seen my first Robins yesterday.  good luck.

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32 minutes ago, Boar said:

boy to a hit like that woulda ment to me I'll.call ya after my shift, an i dont cuddle"

any nurse that slaps.my jolly roger is getting my number.

you haven't given your number out much have ya!:D oh wait .............isn't your wife a nurse?? bet she slaps you a lot!!!!!!!!!!:D:grin: 

morning all!!!!!!!!!! may schedule made a big change last nite. plan today wasto head to the AFL-CIO office at 1 today to plan some serious ploting against management but had car issues. so car is at the doctors office today, probably having the same procedure LPS is right now.

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Good God, I'm trying to eat here....:D, funny stuff fellas. Yep before doctor fondler came in i had a pretty attractive cougar prep me as well.  No saluting but with her holding that straight edge, my blood pressure was 175 over something but afterwards it was back down to normal..

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I had the young nurse (unlike Boar would let anyone believe) clean me up.  We were both laughing when she was doing it, her probably because of being overly impressed and me because it tickled.  It was really funny and when the Doc came in he was Mr Serious and scolded both of us.  I was going to rip the guy but he had me by the ....

Later found of the doc is a friend of mine's partner and they don't let him do V jobs anymore because his bedside manner is horrible and too many guys complained.  He looked like Magnum PI's british side kick.  Horrible doctor.

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    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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