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MT Antelope (Photos Added)


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This hunt started as a "Field Trip" for our Chilakoot Bowhunters Indoor Winter Animal League. Darn near half the league came on this trip. I had hunted with Powder River Outfitters near Broadus, MT on several ocassions and had no worries about booking them for this hunt.

You've seen some of the photos, here's the story of my hunt: I'ts actually kind of embarrassing. I hit one the first day and didn’t recover it. Hit him high in the back in a non-fatal spot above the spine. These animals are very high strung and react quicker than anything you could imagine. I believe this particular goat ducked at the shot, thus the high hit. Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' too it.

These two fine goats were taken on day two, both over water:


This is Gabe, the youngest of the group. He is heading into the Army next spring right after graduation. We were all rooting for him to score.


Then we had a few days of tough hunting. We got over an inch or rain overnight. Water everywhere, no reason for them to come to established spots. Spot and stalk put several on the ground for others.

Scott claimes the big one in front ducked, and hit this one behind it. It's his story and he's stickin' to it.



Our very own Archerysniper:


Last day of hunt, sitting at a gate crossing, early morning. Was kind of nodding off and looked up to see a nice buck right in front of me making a scrape. Before I could get ready, and he turned broadside, he was nearly 50 yards and I shot under him. I believe this buck was only 15 yards from me before I first saw him at 40+. Guess that’s what happens when you close your eyes. frown

Later in the day, I was reading a really good book and looked up to see another one less than 20 yards that probably should have been visible to me for 100 yards or more. Again, nose in book, not paying attention. Well he stopped and I shot, AND HIT A STRAND OF BARBWIRE! dam, last day and missed two. Kind of depressed.

Then with an hour left, (I had already called in to have them pick me up. Didn’t want to have to deal with a dead goat when we leave at 5am tomorrow) a buck shows at the top of the hill above me. He walked down the fenceline for about 100 yards. Didn’t look like he was coming to my spot. He kept looking behind him and sure enough, there’s another one. That one came right through the middle of the gate, 25 yards at 100 MPH! The first one also started running, but turned towards the gate…and stopped. 35 yards. Facing me. They are tiny animals and I wasn’t worried about taking this shot. I hit him hard and he ran only about 50 yards before piling up. Looking at him he turned so fast at the shot, that I hit him way back at a broadside angle. Luckily I hit kidneys and the main artery that runs under the spine.

The first two this day were much bigger than this, but I was pretty happy with the way things turned out.


When they finally picked me up, I found out my partner Matt had his own happy ending:


11 of us shot 8 goats, everyone had multiple opportunities and everyone saw some real trophies.


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That's a lot of shooting you guys did. Did any of them come into decoys?

Decoys were used on a couple occassions, but the rut is JUST starting and they were not responding to them.

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This is the blind I sat first day. Not much of a view down in this draw, but did see three bucks, and had my first shot of the week from here.


Nice sunset.


Scruffy looking mule deer growing in her winter coat.


Future trophies with proud Mom.


Spent one full day in a treestand up in the windmill. The view was awesome!


This is the view where I finally killed my goat. The fence seen is the one I hit with my arrow with the second shot of the day.


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