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Ion Electric Ice Auger



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It's been a fantastic auger so far! Cuts through the ice with ease, super lightweight (I could lift it with one finger), no gas mess or smoke. The list goes on and on. I just hope the durability is there as with battery life. I will say though that if you can hold off on getting one, I would assume some of the other companies will be coming out in the next year or two with their competitor to the Ion.

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I don't have hours on mine, but I got mine last week and used it for the first time on Friday. Speed is comparable to a gas auger, probably not quite Solo speed, but close. I only drilled 15 holes with it in 12" of ice, but it showed no sign of slowing down. It sure was great drilling with the windows and door shut!

Only downside is the safety switch. It's a little awkward with gloves on. A little electrical tape should take care of it. The handles are also slightly wider than the Strikemaster gas augers.

I'd say everything is as advertised 'so far'. I'll know more after this weekend.

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Great auger so far for me also!

We have around 16" of ice on Vermilion and have drilled quite a few hole and also reopened partially frozen holes in the fish houses with no problems.

As mentioned the safety switch is a pain, but guess it may save a lot of blood loss and other damage if you were to bump the switch accidentally at the wrong time!


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2nd weekend report. Auger still drills good, safety switch is a hassle. I'm definately taping mine down.

Here's the bad'ish. I left the auger and battery on the ice for about 5 hours on Friday thinking we were done drilling. We ended up making an unexpected move, which allowed me to test it cold. It drilled for 2 seconds and stopped. Then another 2 seconds. Etc. it would run fine when it wasn't drilling. I took the battery off, set it in front of the forced air vent for a minute, and all was well.

Moral of the story....keep your battery inside.

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Ice Gator

dose everything i wanted and more. Mounted on my wheeler, stone cold, never failed to put the ice on alert. 8 inch drill 2 weeks and 100 + holes on 1 charge. it is true you get what you pay fore, i will buy it again if needed.

quick recharge, instant on off ,forward reverse, light,

that is all i have for you

imho it rules

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Has anyone bought and put some hours on one? I'm considering getting one, but get nervous about being the first to a new product.

What do you think?

Watching your post because I have been think of a Ion auger.Seeing no one posting information on the battery life, at $150.00 (1 year warranty) I think I will let it get a track record before putting out $500.00
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Used one last week, surprised how fast it goes through ice, really good torque, does not spin so fast but man does it cut nice. Definitely going to get one of my own, always in the back wood and hole hopping...getting tired of the heavy gas auger....I am getting old!

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I bought one of these at the start of the season and wouldn't trade it for anything. Lighter to have in sled early ice and no smoke or fumes when redrilling the holes in the wheel house for 7 nights straight. Some places are out of them for the season.

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Have been doing more searching, found on Ion's site FAQ that battery life is expected to be 600 to 800 full charges and charge is good for 8 months if not used, this is from manufactor site. Summer storage, battery should be removed and stored in 85 degrees or less.

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Bought one at FF. Drilled 10 holes with it and took it back. Trying to hold the safety switch down in addition to the go switch is cumbersome to say the least. In addition with little snow on the ice I found it nearly impossible to hold the auger in place to drill holes without a point on the bottom. It turns so fast and skids across the ice. Not good in a wheelhouse lowered part way down. My hole liners don't line up well.

Back to my StrikeLite with Robin. FWIW!!!

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..........with little snow on the ice I found it nearly impossible to hold the auger in place to drill holes without a point on the bottom. It turns so fast and skids across the ice. Not good in a wheelhouse lowered part way down.


The majority of the holes I've drilled have been in a wheelhouse with no snow. No problem at all here. Were you holding it vertical or trying to drill at a 45 crazy

I agree the safety is dumb. I'm sure it's a lawsuit prevention deal. A little tape to keep it on "fire" works for me smile

I'm not worried about an accident, because the only time I have the battery in it is when I'm drilling.

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Bought one at FF. Drilled 10 holes with it and took it back. Trying to hold the safety switch down in addition to the go switch is cumbersome to say the least. In addition with little snow on the ice I found it nearly impossible to hold the auger in place to drill holes without a point on the bottom. It turns so fast and skids across the ice. Not good in a wheelhouse lowered part way down. My hole liners don't line up well.

Back to my StrikeLite with Robin. FWIW!!!

Did you have the blade guard on yet while drilling holes? crazy

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You don't think I want to dull my blades do you? grin It cut fine once you get both switches activated but would slide on the ice starting not where I wanted. I prefer a center point. Maybe if we had some snow it would be better. I guess that is why we have Ford, Chev, Dodge etc.

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Went ahead a bought one used it today to redrill 6 holes in permanent house worked like a charm, and I see what people say about not throwning ice chips around the house. Like stated, safety switch is a pain but will get better the more I use.

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Got to use mine for the first time yesterday and today. I'll get in line with most of the posts here and add my accolades.

1) Probably what I like most of all - QUIET! My sons both remarked how nice it was to sneak in pre-dawn and not "start up the chainsaw." Just the sound of the ice being augered.

2) I noticed right away, and one of my sons also augered a hole and said how nice it was not to have the jolt at the last bit before hitting water.

3) I didn't find the safety trigger that big of a deal. Just "one of those things" I guess.

4) Never did I feel as though I was lacking in oomph. More than enough power.

5) Being lighter it is great for scooting around to different locations.

Sure the downside is that you are limited by the battery re: number of holes you get to auger. If that is a major factor, then a gas auger might suit you better. One could always get a second battery, too, though - but they're not cheap. For me personally, I doubt we'd ever run the battery dead.

My initial impressions are EXCELLENT - but they are just that: initial. I'm eager to see how the rest of the season goes, esp. with the late ice.


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I just bought one a few hours ago. It's way to windy out to try it but just playing with it in the house I found if I move the safety switch to the right it completely disables the safety or I can move it to the left and then that way you have to hold it in to work. I don't know if mines defective but I like it the way!

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Picked mine up Thursday and I love it . Very quiet and also does not throw the ice chips everywhere. The wife loves it because she can drill holes now and not be wiped out . The saftey switch is a pain but not the worst thing in the world and as for the blades hopping around on clear ice..... not a problem at all.... not sure what could have caused that . Also I do remove the battery when not in use and bring it in the warm house so the cold doesnt deplete the battery on a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 9 .

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My safety switch started sticking, which makes it way more user friendly. They should either eliminate the 2 second delay, or the safety switch on future models. After lots of holes with this auger, the only design flaw (IMO) is that there isn't a point on the auger tip. It is a little tricky getting the holes centered when the auger wants to bounce around before it starts. With a gas auger you could feather the throttle to start the hole. Not so with electric.

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I wanted to revisit this topic, given that the feedback only went through end of January '13.

Does anyone have any new feedback on their Ion Augers?

I heard there is car charger for the battery pack that plugs into the cigarette lighter. Anyone have one or know where to get one?

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Start of second year and still love it. It's pretty cool when going out to the perm for a couple hours with guests not to have to sit with the windows and doors open to air it out. The only negitive is if you freeze the battery it's best to warm it for a couple minutes.

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