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Gophers vs Texas Tech


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The game is tonight at 8pmCT on ESPN. The Gophers are 13 point underdogs with the over/under at 54.5. Texas Tech has a dynamic offense compared to the Gophers. However, the Red Raiders lost their coach when Tommy Tuberville left for Cincinnati after the season. That could be a influential component to this game. The Gophers need to grab at any straws available to them!

I'm just hoping for a good game. That's all that we typically can wish for in Gopherland. Either way, I'm still happy to see them in a bowl and will be carving up that porketta in time for the game!

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Who cares,

they're in a bowl which is, unfortunately, more than I expected smile

The Gophers are finally in a low tier bowl game that they don't even deserve and are 13 point underdogs and you are happy with that? I guess if you keep your expectations low enough they will always meet them.

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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

Hopefully they continue to exceed my expectations for them. Which they did this year. And I'm happy with that as are most Gopher fans.

We know in college sports the deck is stacked towards the perennial powerhouses. Not saying it can't happen, because it does. For a Gopher fan at this point it's merely wishful as well as delusional thinking.

As for keeping expectations low enough I personally have every intention of keeping my expectations real.

I expect improvement next year. Let's hope they can accomplish that.

No Fake National Championship for them since 1960 and I don't see another coming for them anytime soon. smile

At least I'm not a bandwagon fan like some Dave's I know laugh

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Are our QB's vision impaired, or are the receiver's just too slow? I can't believe how many bad over throws I seen from both QB's tonight! Very good game, but I knew that we wouldn't win if we didn't get at least a FG out of either one of those INT's. No way they were gonna win that game in OT either. #52 should've been benched after 2 consecutive personal foul penalties! shocked He was the one that was offsides on 1st down after our 2nd INT, which cost us a later 1st down and forced us to punt. Go figure we run down their throats all game....EXCEPT on our last 2 possessions.

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I think it hurts both QB's when you switch them out as they did tonight. Nelson should have taken every snap at QB...I think when you take a kids redshirt half-way through the season you at least owe him that.

Gophers represented well...it was a very entertaining game. They were 13.5 point dogs going in...

I think the loss will do them more good than bad...a very young team will be motivated to keep improving and it'll keep a chip on their shoulder during winter work-outs thru spring ball.

Much like the Viking's...I think they exceeding most peoples expectations this year. Let's hope for bigger and better things to come.

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When the tv announcers said 'I don't think it's a good idea to go into a conservative offense with 11 minutes left in the game' is when our offense died. We couldn't run the ball and couldn't pass. Funny that the ESPN box score shows Marquise as 1/1 passing yet I only remember his two badly overthrown balls in the 4th quarter.

I was happy with the rushing attack...222 yards. We kept pace with a much better offense. We controlled the tempo and the game, especially coming out of halftime. Our defense was better than expected and Carter came through twice with interceptions. All that said, same old Gophers. I was still proud of the way they mostly played. Hopefully Kill is the kind of coach that can turn losses into motivation, instead of nails in the coffin

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Didn't see a snap as I was fishing, but from what I heard afterward on the radio they were driving to win the game and a receiver missed/deflected a pass that setup the game winning FG for Tech? And the refs let the game get out of hand from the get go? (It was Gopher postgame obviously)

Everybody rags on the non-BCS bowls. Yep, it's too bad these guys get 2 extra months of practice to get better, experience of an extra game, and something more to play for. It's like people saying that winning the NIT basketball tournament is worse than staying home and not playing. Do I think they need bowls for 6-6 teams? Nope, not really. But some of you talk like the University should reject the bid and stay home. Get real.

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If they want "something more to play for" then play better in the regular season. Instead, they get rewarded for mediocrity.

Here's your participation ribbon for playing in the "Our Family Bag of Frozen Peas and Carrots Bowl".


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  • we are 'the leading edge' HSO Creators

It was a fun game to watch and the Gophers outperformed all expectations against the #2 Offense in the NCAA Div 1.

They are on their way up! smile

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