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MN Smallmouth Bass Lake Challenge


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Our group is looking for a fishing getaway next summer for a few days. Wondering if there are any suggestions for good smallmouth bass lakes in MN (and the resorts on them).

Caveats being that the lake is more than three hours from the Twin Cities and the lake is under 5,000 acres. We're willing to drive for tranquility and a smaller lake means less time trying to find fish in just a few days.

Other species in the lake are fine but going north is about the only time we get to fish for smallies so this species is our favorite. Thanks in advance.


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Our group is looking for a fishing getaway next summer for a few days. Wondering if there are any suggestions for good smallmouth bass lakes in MN (and the resorts on them).

Caveats being that the lake is more than three hours from the Twin Cities and the lake is under 5,000 acres. We're willing to drive for tranquility and a smaller lake means less time trying to find fish in just a few days.

Other species in the lake are fine but going north is about the only time we get to fish for smallies so this species is our favorite. Thanks in advance.


Check out Green Lake by Spicer MN. 90 miles west of Minneapolis.

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You could also look at the glacial lakes in NE South Dakota. Roy Lake has SMB. Mapquest says it's 4.5 hours from Mpls. There's a bazillion other lakes between US 12 and MN 28/SD 10. Is it a "traditional" SMB area?...No, but then again you don't have to play with everybody else who thinks "up north or die".

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Why do you need the Lake to be less than 5000 acres?

If you want SMB the best lake in MN is Rainy. Just because Rainy is a large lake and there are areas with big water, there are also many areas of smaller bays and arms that are crawling with smallmouth. Mid to late June is the best time for shoreline bass action.

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It's all about Ely! Little long just north of town has some absolute toads in it! Plus you will probably get I to some walleyes and maybe tangle with some big pike. Smallmouth are plentiful in those parts!

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