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Just Got my Marcum LX-6


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Yesterday I ust received my Marcum LX-6 in the mail and looks like a really nice unit. Can't wait for safe ice to go out and use it and like the idea of them sending a snow shield with it and not having to purchase one seprately. I own the LX-3TC and noticed that they changed the charging system as well. I did notice that the LX-6 takes much longer to charge which isn't a big deal for me at all not sure if it is a slower trickle charge because of the digital display instead of the traditional motorized wheel. Probably a safety feature to not fry the digital display. Can't wait to use it but I am sure glad on didn't jump on the LX-7 last year because I do like the smaller screen to be close to the size of my LX-3TC. Hope everyone else has liked their LX-6 or LX-7 units they have puchased and used so far.

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Cool! How did you pull that off right before X-Mis? shocked

It may take longer to charge the battery the first time because it is new and may not have been fully charged. A lot of items you buy say fully charge battery before using. Have fun! wink

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It takes longer to charge because it's a slower charger rated at a lesser number of amps being delivered during charging the battery.

It has no dependance on what type of screen or motor you have in your electronics.

Generally speaking...

Only three things matter in determining the time it takes a battery to fully charge...

One is the overall capacity of the battery (7amp versus 9amp)

Two is the rate of the charger.

Three is the amount of depletion or discharge on the battery.

The older Marcum power pack style chargers were rated for 1000 mAH. The newer cell phone style chargers are like 600 mAH or less if I remember correctly. I'd have to check the new chargers again to be sure but I know they have dropped in amperage.

All the chargers should deliver between 13 and 14 volts during charging. This number will fluctuate as the battery reaches charge capacity.

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I had the lx-7 but decided to send it back. Just couldn't justify spending that much money around the holidays. Made the wife happy. Told her I am hoping to get the 6 some time in the future. Still have my 5 so that will have to do for now. The 7 was also a little bigger than I thought.

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Well whenever we develope ice around here and I can get out I will take some pics in action and hopefully of some fish too. It looks like Thursday starts our cold front and hopefully ice comes quickly after that. It looks like a really nice unit and has software version 3.1 on it so hopefuuly everything works fine on it. It is alot of money for this unit but honestly from what I can see and all the options it has that my LX-3TC didn't have looks like it will be money well spent. smile

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I also just purchased the LX 6. I'm wondering if you have a glitch when you turn it to dynamic depth at the bottom of the lake on the flasher there's a pie shaped that Comes and goes. Also is your color green very light almost like I sea green, I'm just wondering if I got a lemon. thanks

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I did have a black pie shape on my bottom marks before I sent it back. I had called marcum and they were aware of the problem, just didn't have an answer as to why it was doing it. Said they were working with the tech guys on it. The colors on mine were awsome.

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New to the forum lurker here.

My LX-6 is also struggling to pin down a steday depth reading. Does not seem to matter if I am on dynamic, auto, or a manual setting of say 40 ft. Was in 27 FOW according the VX-1P sitting next to me and my depth was jumping from 0,17,27ft all afternoon. Sensitivity settings and a factory reset both were unsuccessful. Marcum appears to be back-logged in the customer service department over the past few days due to the Holidays as emails and phone calls have gone unreturned.

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From what i have noticed on my LX7 is that the graph locks correctly on the bottom but the depth reading in the center will follow the depth of my jig. Say i am fishing in 20 feet and jigging say @ 18 feet, the bottom reads correctly on the scale (20 feet) but the center number will read 18. It is kind of annoying and like many we bought the unit for the dynamic/ auto depth reading and they are pretty much useless for me at this point. Other than this one problem the flasher seems to work well.

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From what i have noticed on my LX7 is that the graph locks correctly on the bottom but the depth reading in the center will follow the depth of my jig. Say i am fishing in 20 feet and jigging say @ 18 feet, the bottom reads correctly on the scale (20 feet) but the center number will read 18. It is kind of annoying and like many we bought the unit for the dynamic/ auto depth reading and they are pretty much useless for me at this point. Other than this one problem the flasher seems to work well.

This is what i had noticed so i use automatic or manual depth.

Another issue I have with mine is while using 20 deg. cone angle in shallow water I have to turn my sensitivity setting way up just to see my jig, so I been using the 8 deg. Setting

Is there a setting I’m overlooking while using the 20 deg. cone?

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I have an LX7 and I can make it do this but can also make it stop if you set the depth and sensitivity properly. Once you use it for awhile you will never go back to a regular flasher...

Unfortunately you cant make it stop with 3.01. I have tried every setting scenario and the issue is persistent and happens randomly on different bodies of waters and even the river.

I let my cousin use my LX6 cause his LX7 on v2.9 battery was drained this weekend on LOTW. He noticed the issues right away and swapped the battery out from my LX6 to his LX7 cause it was that bad.

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Disable the automatic depth selection, disable dynamic, set the depth range manually.

Turn down the sens. until your jig disapears then turn it up one bar. It will not totally eliminate the problem but the unit will be "fishable" till an update is available.

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