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I shot a bigger buck than my wife!

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Wow, congrats to both of you, that is awesome. The two of you did great, can't wait for the story. That deer should hit the low 140's gross based on mass, but I could be a little high. Who cares though, the mass on that thing is truly impressive. .

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Wow... I figured this was a joke!!! What an AWESOME season for you two!!! Never to be forgoten! You better have them mounted side by side!

Id say hell gross 133-4 and net right around 130. Nice and heavy! Hes probably got a year on your wifes eekwhistle


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I hunted Sat. morning, and about 8:15 I could hear a deer. About 5 mins later, I see a deer with some headgear walking thru the brush about 50 yards. There is 1 main trail that goes to my stand, and 1 main trail that goes the different direction. He gets to the split, and t thought to myself "no way are you going to to turn and head my way". Two seconds later he is coming my direction, and all of sudden he is at 10 yards broadside. I pulled back and shot....he ran off 30 yards and I saw him go down. I waited 15 mins, and I thought he was dead. I got down, found my arrow and good blood. I walked to where I thought he was bedded, and to my amazement the bed was empty, and full of blood. I thought well I must of not heard/saw him get out of his bed....so I continued on and kicked him up.......and heard him crashed again. So I got out, came back @ 2:00. Got lucky and found him 200 yards from the stand. I ended up hitting the liver, and just grazing the lung.

The buck scored 144" gross. He has four 5" (one 5 1/2") circumference measurements and 12" and 11" g 2 and a 10 inch G3. 17 1/4 inside spread.

My biggest buck to date....Thanks for all the compliments! A great year for us!

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I should of played guess the score on her buck....Her buck looks BIG in the pictures.

It scored 127 gross. It has a 18.5 inside spread but the one G2 is only 6.5" and the other is 10.5".

Although her buck is smaller, she looks way better in the pictures than me.....and I am more proud of her buck than mine!

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The mass makes the height a little decieving but the angle of the tines also makes it look shorter than he is. It takes a heck of a 8pt to make 140 or more. Good job on both deer. Better sart trophy room.

What are you guys gonna dream about the rest of the season?

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Congratulations to you and your wife on your amazing double. It has been quite a fall for the ladies.

Lip--you and Mama have your work cut out for you this fall. What's happening down in our neck of the woods? grin

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