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Sd ice angular, I've been trying to pattern my bucks. Date, time, temp, but the big ones haven't shown me a pattern to work with. Just not in their nature up here. For example the big 8 my first pic first came the beginning of july, then 7/27 7:30am, 7/28 11:30pm, 7/30 6:25am and 9:35pm, 8/6 10:15pm, 8/9 10:15am, 8/11 8:50pm, 8/14 11:30pm. Just happy to have him showing up on a semi regular basis.

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Plan is to hunt the big 8 the first couple days, then try the big 10 a couple days if that doesn't work. If I don't get either I'll let the area sit until late October. That's the big 8's core area so he should be around. I have pics from him last year in late October so I figure it's his core area or real close. I'm on vacation from October 18th to November 10th. Should be an interesting game of cat and mouse.

Scoot, I see your from ND. Still back and forth if I should go out there bow hunting around the 18th of October. Trying to decide due to the deer herd taking such a big hit the last couple years.

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What the food base where you hunt? Acorns? That would be your best bet I would guess. I love the first two weeks of the season.. IMO the best time to pattern a mature buck. I have 5 different ones that I have on camera that I would take.. Like you, I plan on getting in early and then giving it a rest till late October while I hunt another farm... Good Luck! Getting excited....

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Deep in the woods where most hunters won't go. Nothing good comes easy.

Well said, a lot of times if you aren't hunting their core area way back in no mans land you will never see or shoot those bigwoods bucks, not even during the rut.

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Those areas are old cuts as far as food goes. I have secondary spots in some acorns. I'll let my cameras tell me where I should sit.

Bear, I've tested spots where most hunters sit (easily accessible). Some decent bucks, but nothing like my spots way back in. Brought a guy from Iowa out two a couple of my spots and he thought it was crazy how hard I work for deer. He said I'm gonna feel cheated when I hunt down there and he drops me off at the bottom of my stand.

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I hear ya, took my neighbor out for a hike last season. He was pretty shocked that I pack in a stand and walk that far almost every hunt. I have a couple of cushy spots not far off the road that can pay off too but most of my good spots are off the beaten path or a short canoe trip in.

I have concluded that the bucks know where the human/hunter traffic is and avoid those areas in daylight at all costs. If you can get back where they don't expect to see people you find a lot more daylight action.

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