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One of the happiest days of my life!

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Well after a few years of trying to talk my girlfriend into trying bow hunting I finally had given up. This spring we both moved back home after finishing college and each got "big kid" jobs and I had started thinking how much less hunting I was going to be able to do.

Well one day last week she came home from work and told me about her visit to an archery shop that day for work. She was attempting to sell them some advertising and happened to notice a few of the ladies bows that she said, "looked pretty cool." So I very carefully approached the delicate situation and asked if she would like to go up and shoot a few of them in the near future. After a little coaxing I talked her into giving it a try. Just going to shoot a few bows, see if she liked them, that it. No pressure.

Well we got there and they came over with the Matthews Jewel... and I thought to myself, oh boy, this probably is a little out of our price range... So she shot it said it was really fun then I asked the guy to bring over a bow a little more easy on the checkbook. So he brought over a beautiful Mission Endeavor all decked out in pink camo! laugh After a few shots she just gave me a look and I knew that we had to bring one home today or we probably wouldn't get it done this year. She had a blast she said shooting the bows. She decided to go with a camo one instead of the pink camo, but we added a few pink (non-permanent) accessories to personalize it for her.

Now my thoughts are thinking about how we can both spend a few weekends in a tree together this fall instead of being in opposite places. More hunting for me!!! grin Best of all, she's a natural! First time at the range and she's slapping arrows together in 4 inch groups at 20 yards! I cannot wait to spend some quality time in the tree with her this fall! Putting her in good spots, during ideal conditions will give me another reason to spend more time in the woods! Can't beat that!

Now tell me that this girl doesn't look like a natural!!! grin


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Good job man! Now ya gotta put her on some animals! Them she'll really fall in love!

Slim! you've got plenty of shooter bucks on your place; maybe send out an invite for the little lady! smile

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very cool addicted!!! you done well. my ol' lady won't bow hunt yet, but i'm working on her. she loves to grab the .243 though and shoot the first doe that steps into the clover on opening morning of gun season though. then she says, now my seasons over and i can sleep in!!

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I am another one of the lucky (unlucky according to Mrclean...lol) ones where the wife and I shoot and hunt alot together.

Enjoy it!

In fact my wife is so into it I was able to just ask if she wanted to go the range tonight (outside and 90+degrees) and she jumped at it, no prodding necessary.

Great feeling.

Congratulations again!


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Slim! you've got plenty of shooter bucks on your place; maybe send out an invite for the little lady! smile

Haha ya! Ive got my own little lady at home with her sights set on the big one! Id love for her to get one but a nice mature doe would be just as good! I think its the best just for new bowhunters to see the deer and coons and animals so close!

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Awesome! I was with my gal about 3 months, and didn't have to coax her into shooting my old little kid bow. 1.5 years later she bought a Diamond Razors Edge and shoots alot by herself. Last year she took her first shot with a bow at a doe and unfortunately put the arrow in the weird area that doesnt have anything vital and lost the doe. She was very torn up about it. But I told her it happens and is apart of hunting. Then opening morning of rifle season she closed the deal on a beautiful 9pt with her rifle!


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Awesome! I was with my gal about 3 months, and didn't have to coax her into shooting my old little kid bow. 1.5 years later she bought a Diamond Razors Edge and shoots alot by herself. Last year she took her first shot with a bow at a doe and unfortunately put the arrow in the weird area that doesnt have anything vital and lost the doe. She was very torn up about it. But I told her it happens and is apart of hunting. Then opening morning of rifle season she closed the deal on a beautiful 9pt with her rifle!


Great Story buddy! Seeing Newbies have success is awesome! That SMILE doesn't lie!!!

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I am another one of the lucky (unlucky according to Mrclean...lol) ones where the wife and I shoot and hunt alot together.

Enjoy it!

In fact my wife is so into it I was able to just ask if she wanted to go the range tonight (outside and 90+degrees) and she jumped at it, no prodding necessary.

Great feeling.

Congratulations again!


haha come on i said its frustrating but much more rewarding laugh

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Ya sorry didnt mean for that to sound like we werent respecting the doe. My girlfriend and I both think every animal is important, bald or not. But with that said, anybody that has lost a doe and a big buck, which one will haunt you longer? Do not lie, the lost buck is still on your mind, while you probably forgot about the doe.

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Back to the topic,anyone else getting their Ladies ready for this fall? I love bringing any new hunter out and sitting in the tree with them. You soon realize all the little stuff you glance over. Like bringing a new hunter out for spring turkeys and you walk down the field road and say a tom was strutting here and they look at you crazy like how do you know that. Then you explain the way the tracks are and the dragging marks from the wing tips. The person I pointed that out too said it looked more like a drunk turkey dragging some thing on his foot. It's the little things we over look and take for granted.

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That's what I'm most excited about this fall... sitting with my wife coaching her through her first shot at a buck. With two little ones at home we won't have many sits together, but hopefully we can get it done!

I am in the EXACT same boat as you stick! Only kid #2 looks like a watermelon in my wifes tummy... any day now! smile

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I am in the EXACT same boat as you stick! Only kid #2 looks like a watermelon in my wifes tummy... any day now! smile

If you're lucky, your new addition will enjoy time in the woods with you as well. My wife doesn't hunt, but my second daughter does, and it has been a blast!! The highlight was this stud of a 6 pointer she shot during Iowa's youth season last fall...


I have to think being there to watch your wife take a nice deer compares similarly with a child, but I know I've taken several mounter bucks in my lifetime, but none compares with watching "Boo" drop the hammer on this slob grin

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I remember that story NWBuck. What a dream! I sure hope my girls show an interest like yours does! We live in a house full of antlers and I try to involve them in every part of it, what more can you do?

It just takes proper training right! "What sweety...No, barbies aren't any fun... HERES A DEER HORN!" grin

And by the way... that was a SLOB! 3x3 Dream deer!

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Every kid is different...my oldest daughter never really showed much of an interest in hunting. Tagged along with me a few times, but when the teenage years hit she pretty much lost interest, and I didn't push the issue. Krista (Boo) and my son Hunter have been all-in since an early age. I let them choose when they do and do not want to go, and cherish every minute we get together out there, because I know it may not last forever. Good luck with your upcoming new addition slim!!

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My wife started last year, no deer yet but she went out more last year than I was able to! She recently picked up the Mission Craze - goes from 30lbs to 70lbs... Crazy cool bow and of course has pink accents but is also in mission lost camo, I hope she can stick a deer this year, Im going to be puting her in one of my best spots and hope for the best on opener.... Oh and she bought the bow herself lmao how cool is that! I bought her pink nockturnals to go on her new pink zebra print arrows crazy Should be a fun year again this year with the wife, Im glad she hunts- shes just as much into it as I am, also fun taking turns shooting at the block in the back yard!

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