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Whats the best bow on the market besides the Solo Cam? Bear??

Jarrid Houston

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Just spent some money at the Duluth Boat show this weekend. I bought a new Fred Bear "Game Over" bow package. It is a 09' model but is brand new. It came with sites, arrow rest, and they cutomized it to fit (like a good bow dealer should). The new bow is a middle of the line model for Bears, and I could not find any bad comments about it. They threw in a new camo vertigo jacket, and I paid $260. Thought it was a pretty good deal! What are some thoughts on Bear Bows

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As I'm sure you're aware, for the price you paid it's not a top end bow. I'm sure it's fine for killin' deer and anything else you care to do with a bow. If it fits you and feels good in your hand and shoots an arrow where you want it, then you got yourself an awesome bow for a great price.

The best bows on the market today (read: expensive)are probably Mathews, Hoyt,and BowTech.

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Yep, I think Don nailed it. I read your title and I was trying to figure out if you are just looking for an argument. I think most would agree with Don's assessment of the best of the best and I'd maybe consider adding Elite in that mix too. However, that doesn't mean they make the best bow for the price- like Don said, the top end bows are dang expensive- most of the top bows from the companies mentioned cost close to or more than a grand! Ridiculous...

I've shot Bear bows a couple times and for the money, I think they make a good product. Is their best as good as the three or four companies mentioend above- no. However, they make a good product in the mid-price range bows (and mid-price range is still a lot of money).

Good luck with your bow- I hope you're happy with it.

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I totally agree with both Don and Scoot.

If the bow fits you, feels good in your hands, then you are set.

For archery hunting any bow will do that fits the user and ones pratices as much as possibly to get efficient with it.

I shoot a Matthews and have for the past 10-12 years. I have shot other brands and they all harvested deer for me.

Happy hunting.

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I shoot a Martin...I have shot alot of the others and most of them were very nice bows also. My main reason to shoot a Martin is the customer service from my dealer (Lake Sarah Archery) and Martin themselves. It is all in the eye of the beholder...or bow holder

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PSE too! They have really been a gamechanger in the last 5 years.

For the most part, the top two has been Matthews and Hoyt. All the rest are playing catch-up to them. That being said, PSE and Bowtech have been front and center in the last 5 years with Martin and Elite having a very dedicated following for different reasons.

My first bow was a 2000 Darton. At that time they were the the creators of the cam and a half design and had some pretty revolutionary ideas.

Whether you like single cam or double, there are some great bow out there right now and they are all faster and fancier than the bows of 20yrs ago. All will kill deer just fine.

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+1 in regards to pse imo they are a top of the line bow that can compete with any other brand out there, ill put my dream season evo up against any other bow out there, i have shot the best of the best from all the big names and the evo is what i liked the most but all bow makers are making great products now days, what i dont like is that people seem to be so concerned about speed and less about shootability that they buy a blazing fast bow and cant hit the broad side of a barn with it, as far as im concerened speed is that last of my worries all new bows are fast its more important that it can be drawn smooth and shot with precision, just put the arrow where it should be and let the broad head take of the rest.sorry if this dosent make any sence just my .02

PSE too! They have really been a gamechanger in the last 5 years.

For the most part, the top two has been Matthews and Hoyt. All the rest are playing catch-up to them. That being said, PSE and Bowtech have been front and center in the last 5 years with Martin and Elite having a very dedicated following for different reasons.

My first bow was a 2000 Darton. At that time they were the the creators of the cam and a half design and had some pretty revolutionary ideas.

Whether you like single cam or double, there are some great bow out there right now and they are all faster and fancier than the bows of 20yrs ago. All will kill deer just fine.

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I agree- PSE makes some good products too. Like Mathews, they don't fit me for some reason, but I know some guys who drive tacks with 'em and really like them.

What you said about speed and shootability makes perfect sense to me! Related to that, I personally weigh noise way over speed in a bow. If I have a blazing fast bow and it's loud... well... I won't have that bow for long. Being able to put it where you're aiming and shooting quietly are the two most important things for me. ...and of course, it's gotta look sexy too! grinwinklaugh

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You know...when I pick up a bow and shoot a few arrows I can tell pretty quickly if its going to be the bow for me. For me it has to "feel right" in my hands. I shoot a Bowlogic by kodiak outdoors. Not many people have even heard of them. Doesn't matter to me. I love the bow now as much as I did 8 years ago. Bows have come along way since then. I suppose if I were to get into competative shooting I would get one better suited for that.

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if a list is what your looking for, I will list a few

I liked and shot. but if you are looking for justification on what you purchsed or have buyer remorse, just disregard the list,,,lol


bowtech destroyer or insanity

mathews m6 or z7 extreme heli-m< cheaped out z7

hoyt= element (should not need to shoot any further,,,lol) ,<kidding or vector, matrix,maxxis, katera,, I didnt like the alpha max!!!!!!

g5= prime



you never mentioned budget so I listed all (I) liked..........

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Was able to pop the cherry with my new Bear Game Over last night. Shot a nice sized doe and made a great clean kill. Shot was about 20+ yards and she ran about 10+ yards and flopped. Had great arrow penetration as the stick flew right through te boiler maker! Happy with the new bow and looking forward to the buck hunt now...

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Jarrid, WTG its not the bow its the hunter. Been at this for 25+ years and have owned 2 bows in that time frame. The big names do have the latest technologically where there faster, quieter, blah blah blah. But IMO it comes down to the person pulling that string back and releasing the arrow. Practice practice practice. Know your limits and your good to go.

again WTG!!!! its addictive isn't it it?

Oh I edited this because I almost bought a new Hoyt last season but couldn't justify it based on how i do with my 10 yo bow i have now

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Shot a Bear Showdown for the last three years. While not the top of the line, it was a fantastic starter bow for me. Quiet shooting, comfortable and above all, I had confidence in where my shot was going to go. Very nice bow for the money. Have nothing bad to say about it and will always look at Bear when purchasing my next bow. The new lineup looks awesome and FAST!! That being said, this year I bought an Elite GT500 and love it. Fast, easy shooting and the backwall on it is AMAZING. Never had a better backwall on any bow I have ever shot, including Matthews and Hoyt.

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One thing that I am surprised no one mentioned is technology. I started out shooting a hoyt, that was 15 years ago, it was used when I bought it, but I still shot some deer with it. When I decided it was time for a new one I was all geared up to buy a Bear, then the salesman said I needed to at least shoot the Matthews Switchback XT, I did, and it was all over. I ended up buying a Matthews. But my point is, that he got a new bow for a very good price, and that is still probably better than any of the high end bows that are only ten years old. Try backing an old Matthews or Hoyt set up for that price and see what you get. I would take the new Bear any day. Evidently, it works. Congrats on the first kill, that is awesome, of course, it never happened if you don't post pics.

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