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WOW, what a trip!


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Just got back from a fun filled adventure North of the border. For anyone not familiar with the Red River near Manitoba, it is basically the Mecca for Catfishermen. I've been there before, and like most all fishing, things seem to come together the more you do it and I think we finally figured a few things out up there. The previous trip was great, but just not the caliber of action I've heard of. But this time really made up for it!

The trip really started out on a few sour notes though. When we arrived we were informed that they booked our room to another party, so we basically had to go on a hunt for a bed. This is not an easy thing to do in that part of the country, but we did luck out and were able to find a spot about 20 minutes away.

So we finally get unpacked and geared up to go and decided to see if any fish were stacked up by the St Andrews dam. This dam is by far the most popular place to fish up there and even a local guide told us to stay up there and not venture downstream it was not worth our time. We were there about an hour and we were just about to move closer to the dam and noticed a few fire trucks up on the road that crossed the river above the dam. We then noticed a Zodiac buzzing around above the dam. The only logical thing we could think is that someone fell in, or they were trying to recover a body or something like that.

Sure enough, about 10 min later, a lifeless body comes floating by at about 100ft from the boat. This was not cool, and I was wondering if things could get any worse. Here's a short story about it. http://winnipeg.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110816/wpg_body_110816/20110816/?hub=WinnipegHome

We decided to get out of there and head downstream as the fish just did not seem to be up by the dam. Well, not only did things not get worse, they turned 180 degrees and the fish went bonkers! It was quite obvious that they wanted frogs and nothing else. Thanks to Elwood we had about 100 with us, and they lasted all of about one night of a four night trip. Well the next night we thought we would try cut bait instead of frogs....we caught fish but not nearly as big or as fast. So the next day we went on a frog hunt. Problem is that it was basically a dessert up there and dryer than a popcorn fart. We looked everywhere, and came up empty. We even called a pet store and solicited other boats on the river to try and buy some. LOL grin. As a last resort, we spotted a pond on a golf course and on the way to the river the final night, we snuck in and walked around the pond with a landing net.


We hit the jackpot and found about 75.

As soon as we hit the water and threw anchor, the bite was on!! We ran out of bait several hours and had to start cutting them in to tiny pieces. smile

At the end of the trip, we had 100 fish (well 97, but close enough) that averaged 15.3.lbs (we weighed every single fish) and each of us caught at least one over 25lbs. And to think that in most places 15lbs is considered a trophy!

It's one of those trips I'll never forget!! IMO, this is a MUST for catfishermen to do at least once in their life. And no need to stick your nose up at these channels. The 25lbers fought just as hard or harder than a 40lb flathead here would. Don't make a mistake and bring your normal channel gear. It won't be enough.

They literally will wear you out...and that's a good thing!









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I would recommend to most definately bring frogs with you. Dry as a bone up there.

Not sure of the legalities, but freeze your frogs and when they ask if you have any live bait, simply say, "No". smile

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I was NOT with those guys and did not see their fish but can say from living up here and fishing this river those are NOT Photo Shop Pictures. In fact from the photos I can easily recognize their location and actually it is one of my favorite spots, I call it the Rip Rap, did you notice the Pelican [PoorWordUsage] on shore? I will fish the dam when the curtains are in but not until. There are lots of other spots to fish, beaver house, 38, 36, Brad's Bird house, Reeds, Fort, Pelican rock and a few others I hold tight to my chest.

Yes, frogs are the answer right now but shortly they will be wanting to fatten up for winter and switching to tulibees.

Brad, mentioned you were up and we actually got out on the river on Sunday for a few hrs, real early, (like noon until 3:30 PM, I am spoiled) and the 3 of us boated 16 in the hot hot hot sun. Maybe next time you are up our oars will cross. The river has been high but reading the water and being smart you WILL put those kind of fish in the boat.

I am NOT often on this board lately, those of you know me when I say those are not Photo Shop shots they are not. If you really want fat fish, fish the 1st couple of wks of September and you have a very good chance of boating a 30 lber and that is using a digital scale.

Glad you guys had a good time.

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I think rushing was just giving us the needle about the photoshop canuck smile......but I have to say you really know the river when when you can identify the spot on the spot by some pelican pooh. lol and you are spot on. There is only one reason we stopped to fish there and it was because the pelicans tipped us off to a current break. Then it was just a matter of finding the sweet spot, and let me tell you it wasn't very big at all. A few feet the wrong way and no bites.

You have a gem of a fishery up there!

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Hi Dave

When are U up?

Since you call them Greenbacks you must have some knowledge of them so wont go into the speel on them. Personally I dont start fishing greenies until mid October and the kitties have gone to bed by then. Some guys catch some of both the latter part of Sept but if you can I would not spoil 2 trips but rather split them and do kitties around the 10th Sept then come back for greenies in mid October.

I dont think the curtains are going in this year so the problem of them opening the curtains on about the 15 Oct and muddying up the water will not be a problem. There is a good flow that that usually attracts the walleye. So it should be a good year.

Marv and I fished mid day yesterday and 36 kitties (6 hrs). All on frogs but I did see some guys using goldeye and they caught fish as well. I will still stay with frogs.

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Thanks for the info Canuck. Decisions, decisions: I'll probably have to make one trip up this year for catfish and another next year for walleye. If you were to pick a time for catfish, would you say fall or spring would be better?

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pout, I can't speak to the fall versus spring bite (the pre-spawn bite for ANY species can be terrific as the big girls beef up for spawning)...but I can speak for the water level hassles.

Two years ago we planned a trip up in mid June. We wanted to get up there before spawn, but as late as possible to avoid spring floods. However, even that trip had to be cancelled because of high water. We came out instead in early September that year and did well. One of the other guys we talked to up there said they used to go up for about a month TWICE a year -- spring AND fall -- but in recent years they've had so much trouble with high water in the spring that they just started hitting Lake Erie in the spring and then Lockport in the fall.

So, something to consider. If you have the vacation time and money to burn, I'd get up there this fall yet, sometime in the next 3 weeks. Next year is a long way off!

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If I had to pick a time of year (thankfully I dont) I would pick any time around Sept 10th. Bring tulibuee. The kitties are the fattest and the numbers are the same if not a little better than in May/June.

For your info I am still using 6 and 8 oz of lead to stay down and at present there are a few places I do not fish due to the current. I can stay down and anchor but the curent is just too much to fight fish.

Make sure U have a good anchor.

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Hi Canuck, This is Brad's friend Kirk and we will be up there in eight days to fish with you and have a blast. I am biting at the bits waiting until than. It was great to hear you guys caught some nice fish. Hope the bite continues. Thanks for all the updates, it sure gets a guys blood a boiling. See you in a week bud...............Kirk

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Kirk, 36 kitties today (2 of us) all on frogs but that may change by the time U get here. They be changing to tulibuees as the fall bite is more of a fatty fish.

Current is dropping but still using 6 and 8 oz of lead.

Dave,: When are U coming up. I probably wont be on the water until next weekend so give me a shout if U are before that. (Jim.)

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Hey canuck, Dave here, haven't made reservations yet but usually come around the 11th or so, the river flow report has me a bit perplexed on what to do, I use a 16 foot jon boat and sounds like the river is still rolling along. I know current is condusive for good catches, but 6 to 8 oz of weight! I've been there once before in heavy current, am I turning into a wimp?

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