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best eating small game or unprotected species?


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anything can taste bad if not cooked right. we ate a lot of snowshoes when i was a kid and my mom would brown the meat and then simmer it in some gravey. but i agree with you that grouse is excelent also. good luck.

Snowshoes/cottontails are darn good eating too. I used to shoot a bunch of them when I was a kid and my dad would cook them just like you described--Yummy.

I might have to get the 22 out and go find a few this week.

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I understand that a lot of people eat squirrel but I dont think I would ever try it. Its the city kid in me, but they are too ratlike for me to want to eat. Kudos to you for eating em.

I've had bear meat, I know its not small game, but someone brought it up saying they would rather eat bear meat. I thought it was delicious!

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