Farley Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 My buddy built a big permanat stand in the corner of his property this year to see if the neighbors (definition of "cronic tresspassers") walk accross his land to get to a wooded lot they just bought but is land locked. The only way to get there is through a swamp. So sure enough Sat afternoon the guy comes walkin by his stand, my buddy tells him to get on his own land, and the guy says that according to his plat map this is his land. My buddy tells him where the line actually is and the guy says " I cant cross there, its wet". My buddy told him he should have thought about that before he bought it and if he does it again he's calling the shreriff. My buddies dad talked to the guys wife (she acutally bought the land) and she says "they'll come over tomorrow to ask permission to cross there". [PoorWordUsage]???? Of course permission was not granted. They should have asked weeks ago.These people have owned a couple acres just around their house for years but have a shed full of deer heads and we've found bloody arrows out there pheasant hunting and not one of us bow hunts, these people also shot my buddies dog (sheriff said he has to catch them in the act to do anything) and they think they can ask permission two days after the season?? Some people are absolutley cluless. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brittman Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 How could it be hunter harassment if the guy cannot hunt on the land legally? Obviously the guy has permission to hunt the neighboring field or woods. Harvey has issues with him in crossing into his field, but if this guy were to wait until the deer crossed onto the land he has permission to hunt there is no law broken. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brittman Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 ND Sandhills and the whole Sheyenne River Valley is also known for prime poaching territory. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
analyzer Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 Perhaps you could trade the guy. He built a nice box stand, and started a food plot, maybe he'd let you use the box, if you let him shoot a deer or two. Maybe he can trade you something, like vikings tickets etc. That takes balls to build a box stand facing someone else's private property.-----------------------------Here's a situation we're dealing with. I hunt private property in the lanesboro area. We have permission from G___ to hunt his pasture, which has some cows on it, and some cedar trees. We pay him a small fee each year for the rights to hunt his land.It is bordered on the east by a couple patches of woods (we'll call it x's property), and by some corn and a pond across the road to the south (J's property).X and J hunt, G--- has never been into hunting. X accesses his tree stands by walking on G's property, because the pasture is relatively quiet and much easier than going through the woods.We have set up a couple blinds on the property line waiting for deer to come out of the woods, and jump over the fence onto G's property, on their way to the corn/water source.We only shoot on our side of the fence, and are mindful of the cows, so as not to risk injury to the rancher who rents the pasture from G.X has made it a point, of stopping by my son's blind each of the last two years, to ask him about a dozen questions, in a fairly harsh manner, as to whether he has permission to hunt there etc.The thing is, they stop by early in the morning, or late in the evening, during prime hunting hours, and frankly, they are the ones trespassing, as they are walking on G's property. I often feel like they are making a point to screw our hunting.We don't say anything, as we are G's guests, and we wouldn't want to jeopardize any sort of relationship he has with any of his long time neighbors, but it doesn't seem right.The guy who rents the pasture for his cows, also makes a point of driving his pickup right down the fenceline, and stopping at both blinds around 4:00 pm on opener every year. It just seems like they want to ensure we don't have any success, so we'll get frustrated and quit hunting there. I lease the property from G for hunting rights, and feel I have every right to be there, and feel like we're getting harassed. Your opinion? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
archerystud Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 Nope never had a problem??? Smile you are on Moultrie Camera! We'll see if they come back, I also put a No Trespassing sign right in the middle of the "trail" going onto our land. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 Originally Posted By: delcecchi* How could it be hunter harassment if the guy cannot hunt on the land legally? Obviously the guy has permission to hunt the neighboring field or woods. Harvey has issues with him in crossing into his field, but if this guy were to wait until the deer crossed onto the land he has permission to hunt there is no law broken. He may be on land that he has permission but he has no intent to hunt it. If he did, he would have placed his food plot and salt and mineral blocks on the land he has permission to hunt on.No he places the food plot on our land as he knows that the deer walk the fenceline and do not go onto his land.It pretty simple to see what he is doing. A simple no brainer.After I visited the deer in the filed and they ran off, he has not been back. He may have gotten the message. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 ND Sandhills and the whole Sheyenne River Valley is also known for prime poaching territory. Yes, you have that correct. With part of the grasslands closed to vehicle traffic now, seems the road hunters have really increased. Heck we had a deer shot off the road only 200 yards from the house.Had a turkey shot on the corner of the driveway by the house. The dude asked if he could hunt turkey and I explained to him were we full and maybe a few days later.He did not want to hunt a few days later and when he drove out of the driveway, there were 3 Tom's and he whacked one on his way out the drive, grabbed it quickly and drove off.The road through the park along the river use to be a great poaching ride. Heck a dude one year shot an Elk and a buddy of mine turnes him in. He said his tag said any antlered deer so he figured an Elk fell into the group. Now that the park road is closed for good. They come down as far as our land and then turn around. One can watch hunters all day drive down the road 5mph looking into the woods for deer.How would you like to sit in one of those fields?After a few years of this, one gets pretty hard skinned and really does not care to see any hunters. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bwtrout Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 Harvey, you've posted a number of violations and the stories keep getting more blatant. Why are you posting and not being proactive on the correct method of violations, we have a system in place to deal with all of this. Unless you are planing a new militia movement; use it??? It actually troubles me that you are a administrator and can't work through the common sense approach to this. Law enforcement. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted November 9, 2009 Share Posted November 9, 2009 I have called the law many times and still continue too.I'm sure the CO has more than likely already talked to this fellow. I have asked numerous times in a very nice way and now the law is involved.What did I not do bwtrout?What part of common sense did I miss?We have called the CO and sheriffs office many times from deer hunters to coon hunters that would not leave and the sheriff had to all but tell them they either leave or be arrested.They left.Typically by the time the CO or the sheriff gets there, they are long gone. I try to get their plate numbers but its hard at times.The last time I called the sheriffs office, the dispatcher called back an hour later and said I needed to direct the deputy there as he could not find where we were located. We are in the plat book.Please give me some insight on how I should handle this different than I have bwtout. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neighbor_guy Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Harvey, Sounds like you need to get a tower from "nards and set it up on your side of the line, directly in front of this jokers window. Then go 'head and sit there a few times, mabe thank him for planting the food plot and setting out the minnerals. A little bit of that may run him out, he is doing a good job of being a pain in your rear, mabe you need to be a pain in his. Or perhaps he is a local and knows you are not there all the time, thus he is taking advantage of your absence??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brittman Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Nope never had a problem??? Smile you are on Moultrie Camera! This guy scares me. Running around someelse's land in just a bath robe? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TNFL Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Are you sure that's not a sasquatch? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arctic Cat Pete Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Looks to me like high heels and a skirt!I think I would be worried about what is going on in those woods!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tunrevir Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 I think you should post signs that say. Go ahead and walk across my land for free.....................the bull charges Maybe that would make folks think twice. Tunrevir~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chef Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Why is the Deliverance Theme Song running through my head? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Musky Buck Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 That's all I dealt with all opening weekend, trespass and people blazing bullets into my property, friends about were shot, DNR was called, it's a big mess. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JIvers Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 I had to yell at a couple of trespassers this past Sunday. One guy came blundering on to my land through the woodlot I was on stand over--to do so he walked within ten feet of a No Trespassing sign with my name on it. He was more than a little surprised to see me when he came out of the treeline, as was I to see him. I suppose I should handle these things tactfully, but I chose instead to shout a lot. His excuse was that "I didn't see it."A couple hours later, it was too dark to hunt so I headed in. I crested a hill and found a guy in my blind, on my land, watching my woods!!!!! I tore him a new one, too, as he was thirty feet from a No Trespassing sign with my name on it. His excuse was that the renters of the next property over told him they rented my land, as well, so he could hunt on it.On top of this second guy trespassing, he was he was sitting upwind of the woods and field-way to go educating those deer.In both cases, after yelling and shouting for a few minutes I ordered them off the land, and told them not to come back. If they do I call the Sheriff. Did I mention that I have always hunted second season until this year, and did not tell anyone I was hunting first season? Yeah, people have been trespassing on my land during first season for years--I didn't tell anyone in the area I was switching seasons so I could catch some of them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoot2Kill Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 A couple hours later, it was too dark to hunt so I headed in. I crested a hill and found a guy in my blind, on my land, watching my woods!!!!! I tore him a new one, too, as he was thirty feet from a No Trespassing sign with my name on it. His excuse was that the renters of the next property over told him they rented my land, as well, so he could hunt on it. Now that is balsy! Even if I had permission for some ground I would never sit in a blind that was already there unless the person that set it up was with me. Unbelieveable. I would have had a hard time not throwing him in an abandoned well. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RumRiverRat Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Call both!!!!! Get as many pics as you can and submit them to both!! I concur. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bwtrout Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Preview Originally Posted By: Harvey leeI have called the law many times and still continue too.I'm sure the CO has more than likely already talked to this fellow. I have asked numerous times in a very nice way and now the law is involved.What did I not do bwtrout?What part of common sense did I miss?We have called the CO and sheriffs office many times from deer hunters to coon hunters that would not leave and the sheriff had to all but tell them they either leave or be arrested.They left.Typically by the time the CO or the sheriff gets there, they are long gone. I try to get their plate numbers but its hard at times.The last time I called the sheriffs office, the dispatcher called back an hour later and said I needed to direct the deputy there as he could not find where we were located. We are in the plat book.Please give me some insight on how I should handle this different than I have bwtout. How about a town hall meeting that the Sheriff is notified and requested to attend as well as the local C.O. I would even go as far as a public announcement in the local paper announcing the meeting and a word of mouth /flier announcement. I seriously doubt that you are the only one in your area being violated. You are not responsible for protecting your rights, Law enforcement and C.o.'s are. If they refuse then it's time to petition and send it off to St.Paul and the Attorney General. People seem to forget that we elect and pay for these services. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scsavre Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 RK, my land isnt far from yours, well not far from your cabin assuming your land is near there. I have kicked people off our ponds from duck hunting at least 5 times, I have kicked people out of there deer hunting several times. They were so brave that they had a permanent stand built on my land. Crazy. 2 weeks ago i found about 75 clay pigeons out there. Must be a bad shot as most were still in tact. Some of these people are just too much to handle. They must know that i live 3 hours away from there and i dont make it up there this time of year. Its only 100 acres or CRP with a couple of ponds, not many trees. Makes it easy to see them out there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bwtrout Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 So, what you guys are doing is really working out well... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Musky Buck Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 I hear ya Harvey and RK, that's how my first 3 days of the season went as well and has for the past 7-8 years. It is becoming very dangerous for my dad and I. I won't even let my nephews try to hunt my land because of all the lead flying into my area. Where I'm at it's fringe hunters on 10 acre parcels or less with zero deer on the land, they just wait for the deer to enter my field, and it's on. 1 of them got 4 deer and I couldn't figure out why so many would go into a small 1 acre piece of crp disregarding standing beans and corn and safety, normally deer don't just want to be in the open especially in the militia area I hunt. I had to investigate because something wasn't right, not normal, has never happened before and found roughly 120 pounds of millet,cracked corn and black oil sunflowers not in a pile but spread out all over the crp patch. My trespassers only retrieve the deer off my land,sneak in when I'm not around or no orange is seen but their bullets are trespassing and it's scary and they have no clue what's in the background. The sad part is this won't be a bit different next year either. My friends dealt with CO's and the sheriff all weekend where they hunt, they had 6 guys hunting a 3 acre patch right next to my friends 640 acre hunting ground, but they weren't just hunting the 3 acres, after things quieted down and the CO left etc. these 6 guys decide to start sighting in their rifles and sunday morning at daybreak they fired 100 rounds or so just to spite my friends and their bullets are raining in on them. We need a rifle hunting law that states you must have the land or permission to lawfully rifle hunt and it needs some sort of minimum acreage, thanks I feel better now, think next weekend will magically be better, not. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Musky Buck Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 I should add that we've tried other approaches to solving the issues but these people that disregard the law are doing so knowingly and willingly, they fit a category of people to some extent. Why would 6 guys try to hunt a 3 acre patch of yard ? Each guy had a half acre of lawn and all they were really doing was watching/sneaking into my friends land like they have for years now. Same deal at my area. The worst part is there is a fair amount of public land in the area and they still choose to fringe hunt and just create trouble, they almost seem to thrive off causing trouble or getting under your skin or ruining your hunt. I'd say I'm at a crisis and my only option is to sell off and find something else. 8 years of this now and it's getting worse and I can't count on things being better. Where did all these clowns come from ? Does the word conscience mean anything to these people ? RK you are far from alone, all my uncles have dealt with similar stuff now too, I hear more stories about people than I do about deer anymore. If you are landlocked or haven't had these issues feel fortunate, because the problems become chronic and it becomes less about hunting and more about safety concerns and wondering who's boot track you're looking at in the mud on your land or why this gut pile is here etc. No wonder my dad said opening day I'm not going out, it hasn't been any fun in years. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted November 10, 2009 Share Posted November 10, 2009 Preview Originally Posted By: Harvey leeI have called the law many times and still continue too.I'm sure the CO has more than likely already talked to this fellow. I have asked numerous times in a very nice way and now the law is involved.What did I not do bwtrout?What part of common sense did I miss?We have called the CO and sheriffs office many times from deer hunters to coon hunters that would not leave and the sheriff had to all but tell them they either leave or be arrested.They left.Typically by the time the CO or the sheriff gets there, they are long gone. I try to get their plate numbers but its hard at times.The last time I called the sheriffs office, the dispatcher called back an hour later and said I needed to direct the deputy there as he could not find where we were located. We are in the plat book.Please give me some insight on how I should handle this different than I have bwtout. How about a town hall meeting that the Sheriff is notified and requested to attend as well as the local C.O. I would even go as far as a public announcement in the local paper announcing the meeting and a word of mouth /flier announcement. I seriously doubt that you are the only one in your area being violated. You are not responsible for protecting your rights, Law enforcement and C.o.'s are. If they refuse then it's time to petition and send it off to St.Paul and the Attorney General. People seem to forget that we elect and pay for these services. We are in North Dakota and St Paul cannot help. We call the CO. These people will not stop with a town hall meeting as they will not attend nor will they change they way they hunt.They need stiffer penalties. The Game and Fish and the State Rep in our area did not seem to concerned when I contacted them as I am a non resident.Seems they do not want to stiifen the trespass law as it would reduce the number that hunt. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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