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Deer Hunting


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I have not heard of any really interesting stories from the weekend but I do know the Thirty Point was seen and missed twice by hunters in my party. I am thinking there was a little Buck Fever going on. I am just glad I was not one of them.

The deer are in heavy rut so good luck and be safe the rest of the season.

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I was talking about the Pengilly area, the town right at the intersection of HWY 169 and HWY 65.I f your intrested in acualy going up there to hunt these darn pests I will give you better directions via email.
In relation from the cities it is 165 miles North on HWY 65 to the town of Pengilly.
There isn't any hotels close by but Grand Rapids or Hibbing have several and are each about 18 miles West and East respectively from Pengilly.There is a large field with a swamp close by, and a wooded section that can be hunted on.There is also an abandoned mine area where the Yote's cruise also.
Email is listed below.
Thanks, Benny
[email protected]

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Hey guys im a first time shooter in Minnesota, I didnt know where to go hunt so i chose close to the cities doesnt matter getting a deer really just spending time with my father since i got out of the service and maybe before im deployed. I have a few questions if you all could answer some of them.
1.)anybody hunt 3A zone 339 its East of 35 all the way to wisconsin from us hwy 61 south to county state 18. I will try near hastings minnesota supposedly there are over 640 acres of state land that can be hunted there. Any info on this area. good or bad is welcome
2.)Im buying a new rifled slug 12 gauge shotgun, WHERE CAN I SIGHT IT IN where are some close ranges i live right near downtown minneapolis.
any info greatly appreciated post here or email at [email protected] Thanks

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While sitting in the stand over the weekend I saw a huge Badger! I couldn't believe my eyes. It mingled around for awhile and detected my presence before it went down a hole just behind the tree I was in. While hunting I have seen quite a few large holes dug into the ground, but badgers?

Has anyone seen Badgers while hunting? In all the years I have never seen that! This was near Remer, MN.

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I'm originally from ND and I still rifle hunt there and we always see lots of badger holes. They are generally holes where the badger was chasing down a mouse, mole, or gopher. You have to watch where you walk otherwise you will step into one and injure yourself... yep been there done that. Every once in awhile you will walk upon there den and they will stick there head out to see what's going on. We did have one run briefly after my uncle one year but the 6mm was faster than the badger.

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The area your looking at (If it's in Hastings) is a WMA that has housing surrounding it on 2 sides. I've pheasant hunted it a few times. FWIW, I've seen beds but, haven't kicked up a deer.

I don't know if you've purchased your permit yet or not, but there is some pretty good hunting to the North in the state forests that isn't too far away. It can be crowded on the weekends although less so after opener.

You can get free maps from the state for these also.

As for sighting in, the closest range to the cities is in Oakdale. They have a very nice set up and are extremly safety conscious. You should give them a call to check on when their open. They also require ear protection. You can bring your own or purchase there

Hope this helps and good luck.

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I hunted up by Longville on opening weekend and did pretty good. Our group harvested more bucks then does this year. I found that interesting, we have always seen more does then bucks but not this year. The part of hunting that I couldn't believe was the amount of grouse I saw. I know they're on the downside of the cycle, but I saw more this year then any previous year. Although I could do without the near heart-attacks while walking out to my stand in the morning! Those suckers scare ya. JC

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Thanks for the great info that im getting from you guys,
Yeah i bought my license for zone 3A which ends this weekend for my first deer hunt and i called Oakdale gun club to sight in which ill do on friday here are some more questions.
1) anybody hunt 3A either this year or past years.
2)I bought a beautiful looking Mossberg model 695 Bolt Action Shotgun in 12 gauge hope it shoots just as beautifull anyone own these guns or have feedback.
3)It is my first deer hunt anyone have tips.

Thank you for you tips guys

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Try and get out before the weekend to do some scouting in the area your going to hunt. Look for signs - trails, scrapes & rubs.

Are you planning on stand hunting or stalking? If you're stand hunting, I would pick up some scent (Gander Mtn had the stuff at 20% off)

Good Luck

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i own a mossberg 695 bolt action slugger...It's the best slug shooter iv'e tried, groups within 3 inches at 100 yds with a bench rest. Not a very good driving gun though, good posting gun. beats my 870 w/hasting barrel. Good choice...mine has a simmons shotgun scope on it.

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I have an 870 w/hastings barrel and I love it. Three out of 6 guys in my group use 870's. There was a fourth guy, but two years ago he bought a Mossberg 695. He said it's more accurate overall than an 870 (bolt actions are usually the more accurate model than pumps),but he misses being able to get shots off as quickly if he misses on the first shot. One thing he noticed is that 2 3/4 inch Winchester BRI sabots work better than the 3 inch Winchesters. But try a few brands of slugs and see which one you like best.

As far as advice, I'll just add that you shouldn't worry so much about where deer are before the season, but find a spot that looks like it's where they'll go when hunting pressure forces them around. My stand never has many tracks around it before the season, but I post in a small cedar grove that leads to a thick brushy swamp, and that's where they always go when pressured. If you're going to sit on the ground, you could make a ground blind too. I made mine out of the roots on a windfall, so it looks just like part of the overturned root system. They don't seem to spook when they see me sitting there, as I occasionally will get a deer to walk within 10 yards of me. Those are the ones that are begging to be shot.

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I have to say you all have been great help like i said as a first time hunter i plan on making many mistakes but there is a chance for a deer. I was a Sniper for the Marine corps trained in cover and concealment and waiting correct sight picture sight alignment and breathing control, but with a shotgun lol, and wearing orange makes me feel naked lol. I plan on sitting on the ground what are the regulation for ground camouflage as far as would it defeat the purpose of wearing orange if i use some kind of camouflaged tarp, cammie netting or so and is it legal to just lets say drape cammie netting over some small brush(without harming them)since it will conceal he orange on your body.

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Hey you slug guys:

Never been a slugster before (always rifles), but I've got a Mossberg 500A I'm shooting for deer. Standard barrel, 12 gauge, 2 3/4 inch 1 oz standard slugs. It's got a modified choke tube. I thought that might knock down the wings on the slugs and hurt accuracy, since I was told at the shooting store standard slugs should be shot through an improved cylinder. None of the stores had improved tubes that fit my gun, so I went with a skeet tube, which I was told is just a touch more open than an improved.

I'm sticking with the original barrel for now, and am not in the market for a rifled slug barrel and all that, they cost a lot and I'll be doing the pushing in thick woods while others post, and I won't even be able to see a deer farther than 50 yards, let alone shoot farther.

Thoughts about that skeet choke?

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Just wondering if any one has ever tried one of those ground blind tent things and what you think about it. I bought an ameristep outhouse blind. It goes up really fast but I dont think I would use it in the wind. Too much movement. If anyone has tried one I would be interested to hear what you think of it.

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I heard about this awhile ago. What In the hel1? You know how seniors have to pass test to geta drivers license? Well, it looks like we have to start doing it for deer licenses too. Man! that makes me mad when people do stupid things like that and make the whole look dumb. The guy is pro by being able to hit dead on at 200 yards with a shotgun! wow! He can shoot like a sniper but can't tell what a deer looks like. I think they should include a fund to get the guy some binoculars or a scope. The old jigger should be the one buying her a new horse. Now the girls scared for life because old guys are shooting her.

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HRDH20, Thanks for posting that link to the article regarding buying the girl a new horse. I definitely feel it is the right thing to do. I will be mailing a check tomorrow. I also agree with the post above me. The old timer should technically buy the horse but let's not dwell on that. He will have to live with the thought of nearly killing a neighbor girl the rest of his life. I very much doubt he will ever fire a firearm again(hopefully anyway). I think that when hunters have an opportunity to do some good in the community, they should jump at the chance. We need all the good publicity we can get after an accident like that. let's not let one mistake (although a rather huge one) ruin what we stand for. Let's get this girl a new horse! I will be forwarding this article to all my hunting buddies tonight and hell I don't even like horses!

[This message has been edited by hunt4food (edited 11-17-2002).]

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Being horse owners we know the problems that go with hunting season. We live on 10 acres which are surrounded by open fields. The Black Swamp is behind us about 1/4 mile and the deer migrate from there out to the DNR which is across from us. So where do the idiots hunt - in my trees right next to the horses of course! We have chased them out many times. They have not figured out that the deer tracks do not even come close to our trees. We have put them in the barn, but then someone shot through the church in Rollag one Sunday morning so what is the point?

However, one thing I will say in defense of the hunters. We would NEVER, EVER go out riding during hunting season it is just asking for trouble.

I feel really sorry for the little gal, it is a sad situation for all involved. Just wish she had not been allowed to ride during hunting season and that a 89 year old man had not been hunting. But then again, the ones I have chased off our place and the ones that just about shot us last year were a whole lot younger than that.

Please guys - be cautious and respect peoples property. It is much better to miss that buck than it would be to have to live with yourself if you hit a horse, child or another hunter.


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A successful season!

I have bow hunted every weekend since the archery opener. On the first night, I watched a bachelor group of bucks convene under my stand. My heart was pounding as I observed close to a dozen deer munch on acorns below me. Several six and eight pointers were in that group. Unfortunately, “opportunity did not meet preparedness” and I did not harvest a deer that evening. Throughout the season I have used eight different stand locations and have seen a multitude of wildlife, but nothing had come close to the excitement of that first night.

Along came the firearm season and increased rutting activity.
Opening day: I watched a fork-horn and a six-pointer battle 35 yards out. Not much of a fight really, the six manhandled the smaller buck. An eight pointer came in to break up the contest but it never did present a good shot.
Second day: After the long walk to my stand, I climbed in and stripped off several layers of clothing to cool down. I sat for only about ten minutes before I could hear heavy footsteps followed by several grunts. I removed my gun from the hook as I slowly scanned the direction of the sounds. Through the heavy fog a large body gradually emerged at 60 yards. Looking through my scope I could only see one tine. He took several more steps along the heavily used trail then stopped. Since his head was behind a group of trees I could not make out the size of the rack. However, he was exposing a perfect heart/lung shot. I had decided that I was not going to pass up even a six-pointer on this day. With my pants still around my ankles, I squeezed off one shot. He dropped behind a cluster of trees so again I could not make out the size of his rack.

The attached picture is what I found when I climbed down from my stand. (Never tried attaching a pic before…)


P.S. Darren, thank you for posting my picture and help with the link.

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Nice buck man!! One of these days I am gonna get me one like that! We have so many spikes running around our area I can't figure it out, but there are also a lot of big buck signs too. These spikes we keep shooting are large bodied 1.5 year olds, but just no racks at all!

That picture turned out really nice, you should send it into Outdoor News Big Buck Contest, which is based solely on the quality of the picture. You may stand a chance at winning something!

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sorry to hear that Duff. Will give my GSP's an extra scratch behind the ear for you guys today
    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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