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Flathead Catfish Photo Gallery


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about darn time smile 9:30 pm Mississippi river first flat of the year! sorry bout the bad pic, took it by my self, dang fair weather fisher-friends!!

39.5 inches hard fighter, it on i am going to add a KOTC banner to my tackle box now, im ready !!!!!!


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This time of year a 40" fish has a girth of anywhere from about 24-26". I'd say 30lbs +/-3.

Great fish! That's how I want to start too.....one of these days. smirk

Well hey Darren, John and I have been catching you "bait" as John so eloquently put it the other night ... I'm sure a seven lb. flat will net a big momma for ya!
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im so excited, and i just cant hide it

no but seriously i was beging to worry i wouldnt see one smile

bring on the next one hopefully i have a buddy with to hi five afterward?

anyone wanna go sometime i go pretty much every night?

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Umm off the top of my head I think the zone is 461 but I may be wrong. Scott county (New Prague). Gordie you a gobbler hunter as well?

Oh Yea I'll be down on saturday morning pretending to be a hen turkey then BOOM gobbler down then its off for fishing and Click Click Click grin cast and blast weekend. what could be better. I also think with out looking that I'm hunting Zone 338 Jordan area

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im guessing there wont be many pics from this weekend. we went out last night and not even a run. water temp is only 50-52 degress. not to mention not even a walleye. we camped on the river last night and came in because the bait was not there. but still good luck to all the fishermen this weekend.

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