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Flathead Catfish Photo Gallery


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bassboy, that's a brute! that's a couple now in the last week, eh? Very nice going. Did you get measurements on that thing? Pressy soon you'll have to email the admin here and ask him to change your nickname from bassboy to flatheadman!!

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Yeah thats two over 46 inches since last saturday cool! The best part about the whole thing is that both times i've had people with me who had never seen a catfish in person and had never fished them. I swear they got more excited than I did when I caught those fish! This flatty measured out at 49 inches; I couldn't believe it either the first time I measured so I even had to double measure. Unfortunatly I decided to skip the girth and snap some pictures instead because I didn't want to keep it out of the water long becuase it was probably a good 15min fight. Trust me, I've been waiting for a "change you name" feature! I was thinking about not going out last night so I could save that spot for the BP contest, but after I caught that big one last saturday I knew I couldn't put a fish like that in jeapordy by transporting it. All in all, I would still chalk it up more to luck than skill.

Thats my cousin next to me, first time catfishing, but certainly not the last.


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That is a really big fish! Congrats on that one bassboy, sure looks like a 50+ to me!

I think I know where you caught it too wink

As much as you might think luck is involved, I know you've been out catching your own bait and I would guess, hiking a ways in to your shore spot, all that stuff pays off.

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Originally Posted By: dtro

I think I know where you caught it too wink

Really? What gave me away? I hope to dont plan on stealing a spot from a poor 18 year old shore fisherman grin

How do you know you didn't steal the spot I stole from someone else laugh

Not much left for secret spots anymore, just who gets there first wink

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