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Flathead Catfish Photo Gallery


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This little guy will be my last Flathead in the area I moved away from (many of you know where, but don't need the thousands of lurkers knowing where I have caught all my fish). I am now moved up to Long Lake and will not be catching any more fish for a while (besides the Franklin contest hopefully).

It's been fun! Hopefully I will find some fishin buds up here.


Jeff I miss you man!!!!!
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Originally Posted By: MinnesnowtaWild
This little guy will be my last Flathead in the area I moved away from (many of you know where, but don't need the thousands of lurkers knowing where I have caught all my fish). I am now moved up to Long Lake and will not be catching any more fish for a while (besides the Franklin contest hopefully).

It's been fun! Hopefully I will find some fishin buds up here.


Jeff I miss you man!!!!!

Miss you too, fishin' buddy!

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Here is my biggest so far this summer.... 37in. 23lbs


Was a good night of fishin caught a 12 pounder here he is


We have caught plenty of 20+ and even a 33 but nothing really big yet obviously I need Dtro to take me to his honey holes

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Nice fish RM! Ya, kind of slow going, but to be expected this time of year.

I pretty much threw in the towel a month back now. Between a hand full of skunk trips, kind of getting burned out, the wife not happy (she hates my catfishing grin ), spending more family time with the kids (plus being very busy) and knowing if I went the next month and a half with out catching a monster, I might hang up the whole sha-bang wink So I figured enough was enough for the summer smile Plus I just think of all the time I will have when I retire wink

I am not ruling out late summer and early fall secret spot whistle fishing with secrete baits though grin

I just realized I have yet to post an image this year in this thread, so I figure I would throw up the couple videos I put together from last spring for posterity wink .

Full time/volunteer FiremanAndy saved this trip back when. He was fishing sand flats before sand flats where in and having good luck grin Never rule out shallow sand flats wink

I am sure you all have seen this one. grin

"> " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

Watching these does kind of make me want to get out though tired . I do have some more, but nothing big (my rule 35 or under no KOTC register). I hope to have another video or two yet this year of some quality fish, but when the bar is raised, a quality fish is a pipe dream grin

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