pinkfloyd4ever Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 I like that there was comedy in the show last night when hes like look outside and Locke is smiling and waving. Then Ben kills the dude and was like theres your apologyps. Looking back on old post us 3 have pretty much taken over the LOST section Yes, but I bet there are still 20 some people who look in just to see our play by play LOL. Quint brings up a good point about the island/monster, it chose to spare Ben yet killed Mr. Echo why? Then again, we look at Ben being evil, yet he spared the life of the french lady (I can never remember names) and raised the girl as his own, so we do see that Ben has some "good" in him. Notice how Whidmore wanted the lady dead, Ben points out she is not a threat and won't kill the baby, sitting there was Richard who did not offer any input one way or the other adds to his mystery doesn't it?I am interested in the story of the ghost talker next week and what his story is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 Hah, just stumbled across this. I cant believe I have missed this thread all this time.Man, LOST is a screwed up show that i just cannot miss! How do you even explain it to a non-viewer?How come we havent ever seen anudder polar bear anyway? Have we ever seen Jacob? what are you thoughts on that cat? And how does Christian (Jacks father) play into the Richard/Jacob/Charles Widmore/Ben deal? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted April 9, 2009 Author Share Posted April 9, 2009 The funny thing with Christian is back in the second season i think he ties in with almost all of the main characters somehow, he is the father of jake and the blonde girl, he meets sawyer at one point as well, i dont remember who else, locke in the cave, maybe he is Jacob??? There have been so many episodes i forget what happened when and who Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 The monster killed Eko because he did not ask for forgiveness. He told his brother Yemi that he had not sinned and did the best he could with the life that was given. Apparently this upset the island because shortly after Cerberus appeared and killed Eko. I think Ben wasn't killed because 1. The island still has plans for him. 2. He seemed genuinely sorry for the death of Alex. The island seems to forgive those who repent. Also, we have seen Jacob. We've his eye's a couple times as well as this pic. We will see Jacob in comming episodes. A photo was recently released of the actor who will be playing Jacob. Apperantly Jacob was at Sawyers parent's furneral as well as the Kwon's wedding. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted April 9, 2009 Share Posted April 9, 2009 Ok I'll come out of the shadows as well. I have a question maybe you devoted got that I missed. When Richard took young Ben in to "save" him one of the "others" told Richard he should run this by Ellie or Charles first. Richard responded with "I don't answer to either of them". He answers only to Jacob that's pretty obvious and is referenced over and over. Even whoever seems to be in charge is reverent to the mention of Jacob. Back to the question - so who is Ellie? She isn't the gal who took Faraday to the bomb is she? The era would be right for both her and Widmore to be on kind of an equal playing feild of a power base. Also my observation of why Charles is no longer on the island but trying to get back is the same as Ben he had to sacrifice his place to save the island. Ben had to make that sacrifice but he had the fortune of having the group get off the island so he had a vehicle so to speak to find his way back. Note the island didn't want him back and he died before actually getting on the island. But... coincidently Richard was bringing him back to life as the younger Ben this act may be timeless and also brought him back as the older Ben. Am I getting too deep on this one. Hers another question. When the older Ben came back John was sitting there waiting for him like he knew. So my theory is once these guys die and are brought back they are in a communication with everything going on. Christain seemed to be always in the right place and ready. It's pretty cool plot and even cooler now that they are starting to tie up the loose ends slowly revieiling answers to things. I'm hooked till the end now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted April 10, 2009 Share Posted April 10, 2009 good points and questions- hopefully Quint gets back in here, he has all the answers to those questions. I can't keep all things together that's where the flashbacks help me. I'd say Ellie is Faraday's mother, who is in LA and told the group how to get back. Present time Ben, after getting cracked by Sun, was always in the same area as Locke was, so IMO Locke would know where he was. Remember too that one of the other new survivors told Ben that Locke was sitting over him the whole time, so it would not be that Locke knew when Ben was going to awaken. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted April 10, 2009 Share Posted April 10, 2009 So John sat with a Dead Ben all the time. Two things then one he wouldn't sit there unless he knew Ben was coming Back. and two he didn't look at all surprised so he really did know Ben was coming back. I really think those brought back to life communicate with each other and time doesn't seem to matter to those guys and what they know. Richard always seems shocked about what these guys know when they dialoge with him after skipping through time. So He was probably not one taht was brought back to life. But Christan and now John seem to know everything and are not at all surprised by events any longer going on around them. Lastly we know Jack has a profound purpose for being on the island. I would love to hear any guesses to this one. Also keep this in mind Ben was not suppose to take the sacrifice and leave the island John was. That may be why the island is allowing him back and will not allow Charles back. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 Good points to ponder, one thing though from what i recall is that Ben has never actually died. Sayid shot him but did not kill him, and I don't think Sun's head shot killed him either. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 I did not get the impression he was dead when Sun clocked him either or he would have been in a bag and not sitting it the makeshift hospital. Now I wonder about this new load of plane crash survivors. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted April 13, 2009 Author Share Posted April 13, 2009 Couldnt Ellie be Eloise hawkings? Or has this been proved different yet? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 Couldnt Ellie be Eloise hawkings? Or has this been proved different yet? I think that is what Quint pointed out or thinks also, would make sense. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted April 13, 2009 Author Share Posted April 13, 2009 wasnt she the one that was telling ben they had the small time period to get back to the island and had the big swingy thing. There have been so many hours of LOST that i am lost now it seems. Only 2 more years i think Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 yes, that is her. LOL we're all lost, all that's missing is 2 nerds, one strumming a banjo and one a guitar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 Yes, Ellie is in fact Eloise Hawking. If you look at the cast and Crew of Jughead on imbd it shows Alexandra Krosney as Young Eloise Hawking. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 I'm on banjo.Man, this thread has exploded! Good to hear more opinions; I definitely do NOT have all the answers, but enjoy theorizing. Looking forward to hearing more people's thoughts on the show!I'm pretty sure Ben wasn't dead after the 316 landing. He was placed with the other injured passengers after Sun's whack on the head, and not with the dead. I also see him having a miserable time following Locke's lead, as Ben has always called the shots in his world. Everytime an episode shows a soft side to him and makes his actions seem acceptable, we as viewers are slapped in the face when he does something awful. As good as they painted him last Weds, he is still a puppetmaster that will not relinquish control.You are correct is saying Ellie=Eloise Hawking. She is the father of Daniel Faraday, and is skilled at locating the island while residing in California in "the Lamppost" Station. I used to think Widmore was his father, but now I'm not so sure. We do know that Widmore a thing going off-island, resulting in his daughter Penny. No word on who her mother is, though. Christian is a VERY central figure in Lost, as he has connections somehow with most of the characters off of the island. Jack and Claire's father, Sawyer's drinking buddy, Ana Lucia's employer, and many more I can't remember. The one connection that hasn't been made is between Locke and Christian. Christian has had more of a relationship on the island with Locke more than anyone else , and I think there is something to that but I don't quite know what yet. There are thories that Christian=Jacob, and that might be the case, but I don't like as it seems too easy.A few episodes ago there was a scene in 2008 California where Jack went to see his "grandfather". It was an odd scene, and has not been alluded to anywhere else and with anyone else. He seemed restless, an adventurer that was not happy being cooped up in a Nursing home. The funny thing was that he looked more like his grandson Jack that his own son Christian. Although, it might not have beeen stated that he is his paternal grandfather, I guess. Anyways, I have a thought on who he actually is: 1977 Jack. Somehow he has gotten off the island, seeked out 2007 Jack, and has had a relationship with him since. There have been no incedents of characters coming into contact with their past/future selves, and I think this is the one!The Monster has killed 4 notable people, and probably more with the mercenaries. Those 4 are Seth (the pilot of 815 in the 1st episode), Mr Eko (while appearing in the form of his brother Yemi), and Nadine and Mortand (the members of the stranded French survivors). Had the Monster judged each of them too? I do agree that Mr. Eko was judged, but I don't think the rest were judged; just killed.Should be a good epidsode this week working on Miles Straum's story, although I don't get the title "Some like it Hoth." Obviously a reference to the Marilyn Monroe movie, but what's with the Star Wars Reference (Ice Planet Hoth)? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 "She is the father of Daniel Faraday..." Boy, if this is true, I am REALLY "LOST"!!!!! Hey, nobody answered my polar bear question....where did they all go anyway? Why only 2 more years? Have you ever tried to explain this show to someone who hasnt ever seen it? My dad looked at me like I was absolutely ready for the padded room. I dont think Claire is done either. She is gonna come back somewhere when we dont expect it. How about Alex, is she not dead now? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 As I said before, my memory is not always the greatest, but i'll try: 1 Polar bear was killed and I think that is the only one that has even been referenced? The bear had Ecko in its den, Locke got him out. I don't remember who ended up killing the bear, Locke blasted it with a homemade flame thrower. Did Sawyer end up killing it? There was some other reference about the bears in the 70s, but that is all I can remember. I like the Christian/Jack theory from quint. Show can't be explained to someone who has never watched it, thats for sure.2 years is how long the show is signed for, and actually I think this season is one of the 2 remaining. That I could be wrong about Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 As far as I know there were only two Polar Bears. One was shot by Sawyer and the other one was set on fire when the Losties saved Eko. Now as far as only two more years. Well, ABC told them during the third season that they were going to give them three more years. So thats why there's only going to be six seasons.As for Claire, she will be coming back. But not until season six. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted April 13, 2009 Share Posted April 13, 2009 Medman, I think you know more than you are leading on... Everytime I think I'm ahead of the game you come in here, usually in just one statement, and knock me on my arse. Claire will be back, more than likely with Christian, and maybe to Jack. I don't really miss her, though. Walt, on the otherhand, is a character I want to have back into the mix. Imagine this; he is next in line to lead the Others after Locke.Polar bears? I think they were more shock value than actual plot drivers. They are rarely referenced, if so in pretty unusual ways, and then forgotten about. As said; Sawyer shot one, one was torched and ran off, and Charlotte found a skeleton of one in Tunisia with a Dharma collar on. It was more or less confirmed that Dharma had them imported, placed in cages for studies, and they got out after the purge, possibly let out by the Others.A major character will be killed off this season, and it has been confirmed that the actress who prtrays Juliet is taking a leading role in a remake of the "V" series, filming soon. I'd drop my money on her to go, in probably a pretty large way. Maybe involving the Others, perhaps? Imagine them killing her in 1977 not realizing that she is one of the higher ups in 2005! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted April 13, 2009 Author Share Posted April 13, 2009 What happened to walts dad, he was working on the ship with the men sent to kill ben, i forgot what happened was he shot and killed on the ship? Again to many episodes to remember Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted April 14, 2009 Share Posted April 14, 2009 man, how do you guys KNOW this stuff? very impressive. I was wondering how the love tri..err rectangle of Sawyer, Jack, Freckles and Juliet was gonna play out. If Juliet takes a dirt nap, that will leave Freckles with a decision. although right now I would say that she is leaning towards Sawyer.Hurley/Hugo sure has disappeared lately. I mean he is there, but barely.I miss Echo, he was a good character. Sayid is gonna be a major player again shortly methinks too.Good stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted April 14, 2009 Share Posted April 14, 2009 Walt's Dad Michael: Remember when Locke saw Walt, he told Walt that Michael was on a ship near the island. When the driver dude asked Locke why he said that, Locke said something to not wanting to tell him that he was dead. Michael was the one blasting the C4 with liquid nitrogen to delay the explosion, essentially he has to be dead- you would think. But to add to the riddle, Hugo interacts with dead islanders, echo, charlie, the cop chic michael killed, but has not talked about Michael. I think he even mentioned that younger guy that was with Locke that fell while in a cockpit of Ecko's brother's plane. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted April 15, 2009 Share Posted April 15, 2009 Looking forward to a lighthearted episode, or so it sounds. I'll post after. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted April 15, 2009 Author Share Posted April 15, 2009 Now i remember how he died, i wish i had all seasons on DVD i would rewatch them all from the start, thats what i did when i first started watched the first 4 seasons on DVD in about 2 weeks, there were some lates nights in there haha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted April 16, 2009 Author Share Posted April 16, 2009 another good one tonight, and the plot thickens, people are starting to wonder about the new recruits. I think Hurley is gonna do something, i dont know what but something that really blows thier cover Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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