MedicineMan Posted March 10, 2010 Share Posted March 10, 2010 ross, Claire left the Temple with Flocke at the very end of last weeks episode. As for Sawyer, you'll see plenty of him very soon. Next weeks episode is Sawyer centric. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted March 15, 2010 Share Posted March 15, 2010 I missed a few episodes and then watched the last 2 and holy cow, things have been moving FAST! I am gonna miss tomorrows too. Dang it.I really hope this comes together, but i get the feeling that we are going to be left with...."that's it? that's the end?" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted March 15, 2010 Author Share Posted March 15, 2010 another good show i liked how they showed Ben being a normal guy being a teacher and what not, also him and his dad talking about not leaving the island Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 19, 2010 Share Posted March 19, 2010 Alright. So getting caught up here. Sawyer's new attitude is awesome, but can't be too shocking, he has always been out for himself. With Widmore and the sub, I swear though his face wasn't seen that Desmond had his back to Sawyer as he did the final approach into the sub. Now that Claire seems to have come around, is she no longer "crazy?" And will Kate insist on bringing her back to be with Aaron? Sayid does seem different since his reincarnation, esp by not helping Kate during fight with Claire. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted March 23, 2010 Share Posted March 23, 2010 Alright a Richard Episode. I knew he was tied in with the Black Rock. I think I predicted that way back in this thread. Tonight we'll find out for sure. This is one guy I have been dying to hear the back story on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted March 23, 2010 Share Posted March 23, 2010 MrKlean I'm thinking Richard (ricardo) is timeless and has been on the island a very lonnnnng time. He was on or was the Capt of that "Red Rock" is that right? anyway that's how far back he goes. He has a pirate look to him. From the opening scene we're left with the feeling Jacob summoned the "Red Rock". It was just another thing that annoyed the other guy. I still stand by my belief the other guy is timeless but only by taking the persona of the newly departed. Christain/ John and probably countless others before that may be why Jacob brings in new recruites. Any way that other guy looked old while Jacob looked the same through time. We never really see that guy again but I think he's there in Christain. Do we see Christain again after John comes back from the dead? Or do you think like me he moved from Christain to John. Hmmm maybe too deep but tha's where my brain is pointed for now. Oh yeah I called it the Red Rock Ha. but that was back on May of 09. With his scene with him and Jack playing with dynomite we know he is tied to the Black Rock" so now vindication time. That other stuff is looking like some pretty good guesses also. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 24, 2010 Share Posted March 24, 2010 SPOILER ALERT! We learned basically the true meaning of the island. It brings me back again to that scene at the dock season 2 where Ben said "we're the good guys" Good vs Evil in a basic biblical sense with the final episodes shaking out as to who, good or evil, gets off the island. Decisions made on the island changes outcomes of each survivors life as if the plane never crashed & the island never really existed, which explains in this season's opener the island underwater as Oceanic 815 passed over it. Richard's life played out was awesome, after years of wondering we got the entire story, an awesome story/episode. One thing I ask again, the inter-racial couple essentially survived didn't they? Where have they gone? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bgreen82 Posted March 24, 2010 Share Posted March 24, 2010 That was one of the better episodes in a while Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted March 25, 2010 Author Share Posted March 25, 2010 i really enjoyed last nights episode more questions are being answered only 7 more left i think Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 25, 2010 Share Posted March 25, 2010 Wow. Who hired the priest to co-write the rest of LOST? At what point did this show get strictly theological? I see all of the books and literary references strewn about the show (especially Through the Looking Glass and Watership Down) but what they need to do is throw more copies of the Bible on people's dressers, coffee tables, and jailcells. Oh wait, a big check mark on that last one. It was an interesting episode, and one of the only single person flashbacks in recent LOST history.Well, we got answers. Boy, did we get answers. Black Rock's arrival? Check. Statue's destuction? Check. Richard's past, ageless-ness, and alliance? Check. More MIB and Jacob history? Check. Plus, it poked some fun at probably the most popular theory out there: They're in Hell. Natch. I'm also thinking that Jacob may have initially given MIB his powers, as he said the "He is the devil and he betrayed me and stole my body and my humanity." He is growing tired of being on the island with only Jacob and the test-ies around, but is also why he is restricted in the killing of Jacob. I miss the sci-fi techy side of the show, especially the Dharma stuff. Remember when Smokey was more of a simple monster on the island to stay away from than an all powerful, controlling and scheming deity? Oh yeah, if the island is the only thing holding Smokey from running rampant on the rest of the planet, what's his deal in the flash sideways timeline? Is he roaming about bringing fire and brimstone to others? Also: Did Jacob bring Dharma Init there as a test, too?I am still frustrated by this show's direction, and I am preparing for a disappointment on a grand scale. How about slapping us in the face with a 7th season after all this is said and done. Or maybe a Dallas-esque (dream) or St. Elsewhere-esque (all imagined in a snow globe) ending. My money is on Hurley writing all of this while cooped up in the same mental institution. He'd have all the time in the world to read those books and write on his own during his stay. Doesn't it seem like the random directions and varied plotholes are almost intentional sometimes?You know, I would have started watching "Flashforward" except for the fact that I couldn't in good consience start watching another show that would [PoorWordUsage] me off yet keep me watching like LOST does. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 25, 2010 Share Posted March 25, 2010 Wow Quint, I had been waiting for a quint report for weeks and this is what I get? One question has hit me, but as I ask it maybe it makes sense. So season 4, the mercenaries have Ben's daughter and demanding that Ben surrender. Ben doesn't, they kill his daughter. Ben then releases the black smoke. So riddle me this, if the others were in theory aligned with Jacob, how could Ben have summonded/controlled smokey/MIB who by the story line is the antagonist to Jacob? From what I remember, Ben probably turned off the fence, yet how did he get smokey to attack the mercenaries yet smokey spared the others? Is this a little hiccup in the story line? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 25, 2010 Share Posted March 25, 2010 Sorry, pauly, but this season has just been letdown after letdown for me. Does it have its bright spots and give us answers? Sure! But I guess it's just maddenning for me to see them open up new story after new story after new story just to turn their back on them when they start getting interesting. I NEED DHARMA CLOSURE!!!The Black smoke may have led Ben to beleive that he could control it, but it was all a ploy to get Ben to do his dirty work for him. After all; it has been Smokey in the cabin the whole time, it has been Smokey showing up as deceased people to everyone the whole time, it has been Smokey playing with and killing people as he sees fit this whole time, and it has been Smokey in Locke's body the whole time since the 2nd plane crash. Ben got played in the same way that others people were played by Ben, but it took a masterful and time-consuming con to do it.I think Widmore is coming back to take his rightful place (in his mind anyway) as ruler and protector of the island and apparently Jacob's replacement (if Widmore even knows that Jacob is dead), and in doing so containing Smokey. Ben, in his devious way, took that from Widmore, and had him exiled from the island thinking he could do it in his stead. Now Widmore is here, Ben is beaten down and broken, and Smokey is on the rampage to leave the island.Jack's group (including Ben) will align with Widmore, and Locke-ster's group will end up taking them all on in an effort to leave the island.Are you there, brutha? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 27, 2010 Share Posted March 27, 2010 What Dharma closure do you need? Scientists came to island to study off the chart electo-magnetic and other odd scientific properties unique to the island. As demand got greater, Dharma recruited more and more people. Ultimately discovering Jug Head and attempting to prevent its release. Ben's father becomes one who is employed by Dharma. Through fate, Ben meets Richard and becomes one of the others/Jacob's followers. Ben, with the others, launches an attack killing all members of Dharma. Maybe I am missing something? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted March 29, 2010 Author Share Posted March 29, 2010 haha nope that about sums it up Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 29, 2010 Share Posted March 29, 2010 Maybe closure isn't the right term. I guess I'm more interested into why they were there and what their real motive was. They had the whole hippie commune thing going on the surface, with a seedy underbelly consisting of some pretty out-there research. There are 2 endings for the Dharma Init as we know it: The gassing (the Purge) from the Others/ Hostiles and Ben. The other ending is from Juliet and Jughead having a meet-and-greet involving a rock. BAM: 2007 again. What I am looking for is its history; its REAL purpose. The name Magnus Hanso is associated with the Black Rock and the name Alvar Hanso is tied to the Dharma initiative, and Widmore also bought Hanso's journal from the Black Rock, apparently for guidance to find a way back to the island on his own, which we know he now accomplished. We all know that the location of and passage to and from the island is not an easy thing to find, but somehow The Dharma Init was able to do it, and then leave and return on a regular basis. We learned from Eloise Hawking that the island has a way of "moving" to make it very hard to get to.The Others then took over the stations, housing, and transportation as their own after the Purge, and are able to live pretty comfortably. Dharma had some pretty wacky stations set up for all kinds of studies, but who was "the man behind the curtain" so to speak? How did they arrive there, who funded it, and how did he know how to get them there to begin with? These are the things I am looking for, and then I can close the book on Dharma. I look forward to more Hanso story. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bgreen82 Posted March 30, 2010 Share Posted March 30, 2010 How many questions are going to go unanswered though? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waterbound Posted March 30, 2010 Share Posted March 30, 2010 I get the feeling that there are going to be quite a few unanswered questions, but most of the big ones should be covered. Maybe they actually will answer all the questions, but you need to know every little detail like the book a character that was killed off early read in Season 1 or something to understand. I just want to see this show to the end and hope for some closure. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted March 30, 2010 Share Posted March 30, 2010 ...I just want to see this show to the end and hope for some closure. Ditto. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted March 30, 2010 Author Share Posted March 30, 2010 i like how hurley is playing almost a sleeper role so far, he is poping up in odd places like being able to see dead jacob and richards wife Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PierBridge Posted March 30, 2010 Share Posted March 30, 2010 Come on guys there is no chance of closure when this ends! Nada! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waterbound Posted March 30, 2010 Share Posted March 30, 2010 Come on guys there is no chance of closure when this ends! Nada! I know! But a guy can at least hope! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted March 31, 2010 Author Share Posted March 31, 2010 so desmond is a secret weapon??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted March 31, 2010 Share Posted March 31, 2010 He is Brotha!Is he a sacrifice for the locke-ster? By the story line, he got off the island with the oceanic 6, so I am sure he did not want to return, so he is there against his will IMO. No loyalties to Widmore that I can think of, vengence towards Ben though for his shooting and attempted murder of Desmond's woman/widmore's daughter. Perhaps Widmore can not kill Ben directly so needs Desmond to do it? The Kwon sideways flash story was cool. But why would Locke not have taken Sun?Also, loved the exchange between Sawyer and Locke "don't you think if I could I would be off this island?" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted April 2, 2010 Share Posted April 2, 2010 So what is the reason Smokey(MIB) doesn't just leave at this point? I think he may have eluded to it last week when he told Sawyer he doesn't have enough candidates to fulfill something. Not really sure with Jacob dead what is still holding him to the island. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted April 6, 2010 Share Posted April 6, 2010 Zap: I think Locke-monster can't leave while Jacob or any his replacements (the candidiates) are alive on the island. Also, we know he can't "fly" over water."I'm here, brutha!" I, along with many of you, am truly looking forward to tonight's episode about Desmond. He just can't leave this island (it's not done with him anyway)! He gets shipwrecked there in an effort to win back his one true love's heart and can't wait to leave, and now Penny's Dad kidnaps him and takes him back there! Tough break! Also for reference, we happen to be just a few days after when Ben shot him back in the states in an effort to kill Penny in retaliation for Ben's "daughter" getting killed by Widmore's men. I'd like to see some flashback to what happened from Ajira taking off to where we are now concerning Desmond. We will probably get a heaping dose of Widmore tonight, too.Question time: This whole series has revolved around the basics of Good vs. Evil, and we have seen that one person's view of Bad is ALWAYS another persons view of Evil, and vice versa. It all comes down to perspective, and as LOST's world continues to grow and expand outward we are confronted with new views of what is Good and what is Bad. There's Ben famous quip to a few Losties on the dock after the Others had toyed with and even killed them for most of 2 seasons; "We're the Good guys!" My question is; Who will end up being one of the major Good Guys, and who will turn out to be one of the major Bad Guys? My thoughts are going to lean towards Charles Widmore ending up being the Good Guy. He did a good job leading the Others (although somewhat viciously) until Ben usurped his position and got him exiled. He has never had an overtly bad reason for doing what he does to return to the island, he just seems to take a no-holds-barred method to acheive his goals. His end (saving the world from Smokey) may very well end up justifying his means (Mercenaries, brutal tactics, using his daughter for personal gains) after all this plays out. And, as always, Ben is a Bad Guy, if not THE Bad Guy. I don't care about his actions of raising Alex on his own; he kidnapped her at gunpoint from her mother! Everything that he says tends to be a lie, and Ilana is the only one on the show that actually sees that. The happy sideways life isn't the life he now leads on the island; the gunshot-healing Temple fountain changed him just like it changed Sayid. In the sideways life, there was no fountain, so there is no altered Ben, only the one we've come to know and DESPISE!.The whole Jacob/MIB Good/Evil debate is still to early to call, but I'm leaning towards MIB being a good guy, just for irony's sake. Nothing more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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