McGurk Posted June 17, 2009 Share Posted June 17, 2009 I'm kinda thinking it's the statue shadow crew. They are always pretty trigger happy, and this would have happened after Jacob would have been killed. I don't know if they are ready to align with the ""Others" just yet, even though Richard did answer their question correctly.Funny thought: What if it was Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and Miles, and Jin? Maybe they were trying to stop them from getting Locke to the well, and therefore allow the flashing to continue. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 New Topic for Discussion: What was Ben's motive for saving Locke from committing suicide, only to end up killing him and staging the suicide after the fact?My thoughts: Ben was upset that there was another person with knowledge of Eloise Hawking, and that Widmore was more than likely behind that knowledge. Also, Eloise said the scene on the return trip must be recreated as closely as possible, and that meant that Ben needed a dead body and that Locke could fill that role. Plus, killing another member of the Oc6 may get people stirred up whereas Locke was presumed dead already, so he wouldn't be missed by the public's eye. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted July 1, 2009 Share Posted July 1, 2009 To reclaim stake as the leader of the others is my best guess and since it occurred off the island maybe ben thought that the powers of the island would not effect locke. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted July 6, 2009 Share Posted July 6, 2009 Hmm I am a bit confused here. Ben didnt know who was the contact at all. He was stopping John in the hope that John did know how to get back. When John did tell him who to contact then He know longer needed nor wanted John to return alive. He didn't really know anything about simulating the first flight. He just knew they needed as many as possible to go back at the time. But in answer to your question as soon as he learned it was Eloise that John needed to find he no longer needed him alive and the last thing he wanted was John going back alive and being the newly appointed leader. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 Here's some good stuff from Comic-Con: Hurley's Commercial for Mr Clucks: New Oceanic Airlines Commercial Kate on Americas Most Wanted Clues to season 6: Everyone wants to know how the final season of Lost will wrap up. What can we expect? Executive producer Carlton Cuse says, "The time travel season is over. The flash-forward season is over. We have something different planned." Here are a few clues to what's coming: Executive producer Damon Lindelof says the final season will address the origin of the food drop from Season 2. A fake episode of America's Most Wanted was screened for Comi-Con fans showing host John Walsh narrating the true crime story of Kate Austen. Kate, it was revealed, didn't kill her step-father, plumbing company owner Wayne Jannsen, as viewers believed. In his narration, Walsh said, "Fate would intervene on this tragic evening. Having made an earlier date with his wife, Janssen instead sent his apprentice, Ryan Milner, to lock up in his place. As Austen had devised, the building went up in a violent ball of flames. But it was Ryan who would perish inside instead of her intended target. Austen was detained for the murder of Ryan Milner before violently escaping the custody of the U.S. Marshall. She's on the run to this day. Federal authorities consider her armed and very dangerous." Jorge Garcia believes that bringing Dominic Monaghan out on stage during the Comi-Con panel pretty much confirmed his involvement in Season 6. Former cast member Adawale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (Mr. Eko) was also at Comi-Con promoting his film, "G. I. Joe" and, according to a source, had hoped to hang out backstage with his former co-stars. But that did not happen. Still, Jorge sensed that Adawale got the strongest applause during an In Memorium reel that played, saluting all the slain characters. "He got an incredible cheer," says Jorge. "He definitely stood out." A promo image for the new season revealed all the show's characters (both dead and alive) lined up in a long row. John Locke is in the center, with his back turned toward us, looking over his shoulder. Josh Holloway told me his thoughts on the placement: "I guess Locke's become Satan. I've really enjoyed his sudden change into becoming the evil guy." Josh was most excited to hear the news that Elizabeth Mitchell would be back in some way. "Juliet coming back is exciting," he says. But if Juliet returns only as a corpse, Josh says it would have a horrible effect on Sawyer. "It would destroy him. It would bring him right back to where he started. I love that idea of ripping off all his growth and getting back to Sawyer, the salty dog. But I imagine then he'll have to get back to wanting to live again." Elizabeth Mitchell has been under a gag order not to speak ever since Lost's season finale aired in May. But she finally broke her silence with me. "What happened at the very end of the season is they told me that the character of Juliet had reached a natural conclusion," says Liz. "It was very sudden, but I said 'Okay,' thinking that was the end of it. People knew I was available and I got a bunch of scripts. I fell in love with V and said I would do it. It was really crazy because I wasn't planning on jumping back into another series. And then Lost's La Fleur episode aired and the fan response was really good, so then Lost called again, and that's what I can't talk about. It's possible Juliet's just dead, but I think it's going to be a little bit more than that. I hope that when she comes back she can give Sawyer a really good reason for going on. What I really want is to have a big old fight with Ben, but that will probably never happen. But we will definitely see her again. They haven't really told me how many episodes I'll be doing but ABC said they'd work it out. They did when I was shooting the V pilot. I literally did four days of V, four days of Lost, four days of Vi." Michael Emerson has spent his hiatus wondering if the character seen sitting next to Jacob on the beach in the season finale will be related to Esau, a character from the Old Testament. "Jacob is like a character of light and goodness and Esau was more earth-bound, more a creature of the dirt and darkness," Emerson explained to me. "There's biblical themes in our show. Whether they want to establish any direct parallel to Jacob and Esau remains to be seen." Nestor Carbonell is not surprisingly "thrilled" to be joining the cast as a series regular. "My family and I are moving to Hawaii next week," he told me. "I've been flying back and forth so this is a big thrill for us. I have a 16 out of 18 episode commitment, so I'll be on the island when they need me. They've told me they'll answer the major questions about my character Richard—whether or not I'm immortal, how old I am. Because I don't seem to age." He says he believes his character is connected to the Black Rock pirate ship and perhaps, Ancient Egypt. "I'm most anxious to find out who's pulling the strings on this island." So are we!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PierBridge Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 Oh my! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 Nice Digging, Medman. I did some basic searching for LOST at comic con, too, but got NOTHING like you did. Thanks! It sounds like they are getting back to basics (no timetravelling and multiple timelines) and should be a pretty meaty season. I too hope to see some past characters have an impact on the wrap-up.I hope that it's not a cheesy snowglobe ending or an "it was all a dream after all" ending. Although, one that I thought up could be kinda cool: Hurley had written it; LOST is his book. Think about it: he has been institutionalized, he is shown at odd times reading and writing moreso than any other character, and his off-island story is one of the more interesting ones with the numbers, the lottery, and the bad luck. Plus he gets alot of the good one-liners. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted July 29, 2009 Share Posted July 29, 2009 McGurk, Matthew Fox (Jack) has said that season 6 will start off with two timelines. But that those timelines will merge into one timelines about a third of the way through the season.I also hope and pray that the show doesn't end in some St. Elsewhere type way. Even Jorge Garcia (Hurley) has said that he'd be [PoorWordUsage] is the show in some lame way like St. Elsewhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted July 29, 2009 Share Posted July 29, 2009 LOST But Never Forgotten video: I never get sick of seeing Frogurt get shot with flaming arrows. More LOST news: Richard did indeed kill Juliet's ex-husband Nestor Carbonell on the challenge of playing such a mysterious character: "My first episode was as a recruiter to get Juliet to come to the island. I ended up killing her ex-husband who was stopping her from leaving [for] the island... When I read the material I thought it'd be interesting if I didn't play him - I've got to convince her, so I can't tip her off that I've got some other surreptitious ideas, I've got to be genuine and honest and kind and probably have a good reason for doing this, for killing her ex-husband. So that was always my mantra was just don't play the villain, play him as a human being and to this day I don't really know if he's good or bad or evil or how much of him is good or how much of him is [evil]. Just when I've figured out the character, I open up another script and I say, 'Oh my God, now I'm completely thrown!'" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 only about 6 months to go Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted August 3, 2009 Author Share Posted August 3, 2009 in less then a year the show will be done, then what???? Were gonna have to talk about all the memories Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted August 3, 2009 Share Posted August 3, 2009 Charlie is coming back!How Many Episodes of Lost Is Dominic Monaghan Doing?Production on Lost season six doesn't begin for another few weeks, but thanks to Comic-Con, we're starting to get a sense of the new season, including which castmembers might be back to cavort in those alternate timelines the producers teased.Which brings us to Dominic Monaghan's beloved Charlie. His appearance on stage as the grand finale of Lost's panel all but confirmed that Mr. Pace would be back for the final season of Lost. But is it true? And if so, how much might we see of him? Here's what we're hearing...Sources tell us exclusively that, yes, Dom's deal to reappear on Lost is done and that the original castmember is set to appear in three episodes in season six.No word yet on the answer to the big question: Is Charlie alive? We'll have to wait until Lost returns to ABC in January 2010 to find out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted August 3, 2009 Author Share Posted August 3, 2009 gotta say i never liked him, bring back that cute blonde from the first season Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted August 5, 2009 Share Posted August 5, 2009 Alright, LOSTies: Who is your favorite main character not in the current lineup (dead, gone, or written off for at least a year)? And please, let's not all pick Charlie, as we all know he is probably going to make some sort of return!Mine: Mr Eko. Very interesting backstory, and was a posterchild for turning your life around. The choices he made in his life were all very tough, but he was trying to protect his brother most of the time, while inflicting damage to alot of other people along the way. On the island, he was a man of very few words, but had a huge impact on every scene he was in. Even though he was repentant, the smoke monster still judged him, and then killed him. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted August 6, 2009 Share Posted August 6, 2009 The blonde from season 1- just for her looks a close second would be Ana Lucia, she was a hottie too I would have had to say Mr. Eko as well, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted August 10, 2009 Share Posted August 10, 2009 Lost has done a good job of killing off the blondes on the show. Shannon: Dead (Gunshot)Libby: Dead (Gunshot)Claire: Dead? Probably not among the living.Juliet: Dead (Jughead detonation)You could even lump Charlie into that group too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted August 10, 2009 Author Share Posted August 10, 2009 i agree with Pink the hot blondes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AaronM Posted August 24, 2009 Share Posted August 24, 2009 How many days until it's back on? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted August 24, 2009 Share Posted August 24, 2009 oh, we don't want to go there yet do we? LOL, too many to count Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted August 24, 2009 Share Posted August 24, 2009 Well, LOST starts shooting today. I've seen some set pics that are fairly interesting. The season premier is titled LA X. The space between A and X IS intentional. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted August 24, 2009 Author Share Posted August 24, 2009 way to many to count thats for sure Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted October 7, 2009 Share Posted October 7, 2009 I miss LOST. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted October 7, 2009 Author Share Posted October 7, 2009 haha i was just thinking about that the other night and how its the last season to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted October 8, 2009 Share Posted October 8, 2009 I was thinking that too on wed night Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted October 12, 2009 Share Posted October 12, 2009 when does it start again? I really miss The Unit as well. It sure seems they cancel all the good ones and all we are left with is Big Brother #436. Heck, I cant even remember where we left off, I hope they have a review episode so I can catch up. Oh, the island disappeared, right? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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