MedicineMan Posted May 15, 2009 Share Posted May 15, 2009 Zap, we know Richard (Ricardus) has been on the island a long time. It's just that we don't know for how long. Maybe he was on the Black Rock, or maybe he was on the island before that. We don't know. I have a feeling we'll find that out next season. Also, we know that Jacob brought the Black Rock to the island. Just watch the first scene again. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 errr, what is the black rock again? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted May 18, 2009 Share Posted May 18, 2009 The Black Rock is a slave ship that crashed onto the island in the 1800's. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 21, 2009 Share Posted May 21, 2009 Wow no other fantastic or crazy theories brewing out there Hmmm relativly quite. OK I have rewatched this final episode now from my DVR. I'll throw some thoughts out there. It all pivots around the opening sequence. Let me begin by kind of rehashing it.Black Shirt: Morning.Jacob: Morning.Black Shirt: Mind if I join you?Jacob: Please. Want some fish?Black Shirt: Thank you I just ate.Jacob: I take it you’re here because of the ship.Black Shirt: I am. How did they find the island?Jacob: You’d have to ask them when they get here.Black Shirt: I don’t have to ask. You brought them here. You’re still trying to prove me wrong, aren’t you?Jacob: You are wrong.Black Shirt: Am I? They come. Fight. They destroy. They corrupt. It always ends the same.Jacob: If it only ends once, anything that happens before that is just progress. Black Shirt: Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you?Jacob: Yes.Black Shirt: One of these days sooner or later we’ll run the final loop hole my friend.Jacob: Well when we do, I’ll be right here.Black Shirt: Always nice talking to you Jacob.Jacob: Nice talking to you too.So Medicine Man I reiterate we are lead to believe that Jacob brought the ship (not conclusivly admitted to). But this has generic religious overtones written all over it. Black/White Good/Evil Ying/Yang. Almost an apocolyptic ultimate God Vs Satan build up coming. If you beleive this to be the case then it's not a far strech to equate "black shirt" to the black smoke monster. Too equate Jacob to the Polar Bear. which would mean they can both take on different shapes or entities.Black shirt definatly says he wants to kill Jacob. Black shirt forever the pestimist states you can keep bringing them here but they will continue to destroy and their evil side will get them in the end always. So there's the eternal struggle man's free will does it make us evil? Black shirt says yes. Jacob says no and I will keep bringing them to test them till I can show you that I am right. Here's a spin from that pehaps ole' smokie consumed and killed Echo because he would not confess so he is a judge. He met face to face with John and and let him be? Judging and finding him to not have anything to confess or sizing him up for worthiness later? Didn't Sawyer shoot and kill the polar bear? That cannot be good. Smokie also ran face to face with Ben much later. Evaluating again. Smokie-black shirt is trying to find the right combination of people to take control of and to use and manipulate to kill Jacob. So perhaps existing as John he used Ben to kill Jacob. (who I don't think is done). Jacobs dying breath was "they are coming". Jacob knew it wasn't John and he was dealing directly with dark shirt because he said directly to him "so you found the loophole". "they are coming" is in reference to the newly crashed group. they are sizing the pilot up to be worthy for Jacob to assume as black shirt has assumed John. In a nutshell and not to waste considerable space to list hundreds of examples of why this makes sense based on the 5yrs worth of episodes this is what I see as coming for final yr 6. I stand by my theory that the flash at the end of yr5 was NOT jughead and just the island moving all the players to the same time path. So the Losties will end up in the present with Balck shirt-John and the pilot-Jacob. Sides will be drawn up and Wee Haa who know where this will end up.So now I wait out nine months or so to find out how far off I am. Just for the record I wasn't even in the ball park guessing on other years endings. So work on your own theories see how crazy they are after the first episode next year. Good luck but hey share some with us. It's all just guess work yet. It's still just here for fun. Hopefully no one actually keeping score. Cause I'm 0 for 4 in the first few years. LOL. My kids think I'm nuts on these and they let me know it. They have been right so far. But they also will not go out on a limb and state any theories of their own. So we have 9 mos to discuss this or this thread gets buried in the back until season 6 starts.Oh and just a thought on that blasted cabin because it never sat right with me. Jacob kept old smokie/black shirt immobile for a while in there because he could not cross the ring of ashes. It was never Jacobs cabin. Horace didn't construct it. That was just an image put in John's mind to get him to go to the cabin and help him escape. Ben was the only one who confirmed it was Jacobs cabin but Ben was busy trying to convince everyone he spoke with Jacob which he never did so he was lying. But someone broke the ring of ashes (maybe John,or Hurly or christians daughter the blond) and Black shirt escaped. Ben and John were confused that the prisoner in the cabin was Jacob but it wasn't. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 I like your theory on Black shirt vs Jacob. Two guys trying to manipulate the island and the people coming are Jacob's way of trying to prove that sooner or later, good people will overcome evil. Thus the story of our group. They will be the ones to overcome the evil in the end. Many groups have tried, but this is the one that will finally do it. I dont know about Jacob = the Polar Bear though, that is a reach in my mind. I think this thing will unravel to be a lot simpler than we can imagine right now. I just hope they dont screw it up and have it be some lame dream of Hurley's or something. Notice he never gets hurt? he hasnt has he? Hmmm. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 Yeah I may be going a bit deep with the polar bear. In the end it's Rose and Bernard who are going to be the only ones who are worthy of a whole world reset. Crazy? I think not. After all they were the only ones to reject all the B.S. and just live in Eden. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 all I got to say is WOW. Couple things I would add though is that the smoke monster seems to be either controlled by the island leader, such as when Ben called it in after the mercenaries killed his daughter or it guarded the shrine/cave entrance when the Frenchies tried to go in it. So to me, the smoke monster then would side with Jacob IMO. I like the whole island jump theory. That eloise told Desmond that the island isn't through with him yet. Last we saw of him was in a hospital in LA from being shot by ben. Oh wow, I just had a break through here, see if this makes sense. Desmond's & Penny's kid is named Charlie, assumed named after the Charlie we all know. Could Desmond & family sail back home but get drawn back to the island in 1977 and their child Charlie is actually the Charlie we know? They all have the english accent? Zap/Quint and all? What do you think Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 Pretty trippy, Floyd. Imagine this: Desmond then predicts his own son's death and tries to avert it before he finally drowns in the Looking Glass station. I don't like it, though, as he has a brother and other parents, his father being a butcher. I do wonder how Desmond comes back into the picture here, and look forward to it.I'm not sold on the "moving the island" flash due to turning the donkeywheel, yet. It may be a time/space correction flash, but not from "moving the island." I've been wrong before though.The smoke monster is affiliated with Jacob's Nemesis, and simply kills anyone not diectly affiliated with the island on order of the Nemesis. It killed the 815 pilot, Mr Eko, the Frenchies, and the mercenaries. It also let John Locke live after looking at him, and tricked Ben into following Fake-Locke. Ben may have called on it to kill the Mercs, but it may have been on the Nemesis's go ahead. I think the Good/Bad factions are as such:Good: Jacob, Richard, Statue-ites, Hostiles/Others.Bad: Jacob's Nemesis, Smoke Monster (who is NOT the nemesis), the Dharma Initiative (unknowingly), and probably more that have been removed from the island by Jacob.Caught in the middle: Black Rock crew, Charles Widmore, Eloise Hawking, Desmond, 815 Losties, Freighter Mercs and others, 316 Landers without prior affiliation. Things to look forward to: Flashbacks to the Black Rock ship's crew and their interactions with the island, Jacob being resurrected or assuming a new form Phoenix-like (the bird, not Joaquin), origins of the island's first inhabitants, figuring out who the "Adam and Eve" skeletons are in the cave, just what in the heck Smokie is, and plenty more.BTW, I would be so P!SSED if this ended up being a Hurley hallucination at the end of it all. He is the comic reading, Star Wars writing, Lottery winning, golf playing, van driving, ghost seeing, institutionalized oddball of the show, and nothing more. All I know is, I am not looking forward to 8+ months without new Lost. So here is this: The Lost Rewatch from Lostpedia There is an article here about a site dedicated to watching all 103 episodes and discussing them 1 by 1 starting June 1st. Kinda cool. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 Whoa, I like it and you just made me trip out in my mind here LOL. That could explain how Desmond would see the future, because in a way he already lived it. I'll have to look at your link, but that would take away my time from this HSOforum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duffman Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 You would think that on a fishing HSOforum somebody would notice that the fish caught by Jacob and offered to Black Shirt was a Red Herring? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 27, 2009 Share Posted May 27, 2009 too funny, I totally missed that Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted May 28, 2009 Share Posted May 28, 2009 What do I think? Listen all theories are sound until proven false. Although I don't personally think the Charlie connection is correct there is nothing wrong with the logic behind it. Only Season 6 will prove any of this true or false. I will roll under the assumption that if they don't include it in season 6 it wasn't relevent and probably not a valid theory. Did anyone hear about a Lost Movie???? Some rumors going around that since the ending has already been written and maybe filmed the producers have been following the Blogs and feel they didn't get enough answered so they are thinking (with their pocketbooks) about rolling up the loose ends in a movie. While I'm not too happy about being held hostage to learn the rest of the story by paying for a movie ticket. I am intrigued that they want to take a stab at covering the FAQ's they never even dreamed would be out there. If it is true it means we do have the power to influence. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted May 28, 2009 Share Posted May 28, 2009 I've heard that this HSOforum and this Forum is the producers home page LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Missing Air France flight AF447 lost around 350 miles from Brazil. An incident from Dharma 2.0 in the Atlantic? There are islands around there: Islands off Brazil Is this another grand scheme plotted Cuse and Lindlehoff to keep us involved until season 6?(This was very tongue-in-cheek, and I hope the best for recovery of the passengers and crew.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted June 2, 2009 Share Posted June 2, 2009 Ironic, in that its a sad story, but in the back of my head I had the whole "just like LOST" plane just disappers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted June 9, 2009 Share Posted June 9, 2009 35 weeks and 1 day based on first week of Feb. It's killing me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedicineMan Posted June 9, 2009 Share Posted June 9, 2009 Lost masterminds Carlton Cuse and Damen Lindelof dop hints about how ABC hit drama will endJun 2 2009Lost masterminds Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse have been dropping hints about how the show will end next spring.Among the mysteries unravelled in the very last episode will be the significance of the four-toed statue, what the Smoke Monster really is and who the skeletons in the cave were.(We reckon Egyptian fertility goddess Taweret, conscience and Penny & Desmond respectively, for what it's worth!)Says Cuse: "The end of the show will be a combination of trying to answer mysteries the audience still cares about, such as the statue and the Smoke Monster."We'll also be answering the skeletons in the cave question. We will answer the questions we feel are important and central to the plot."At the same time we will be trying to tell redemption stories about the characters. These characters do indeed have a destiny. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrklean Posted June 9, 2009 Author Share Posted June 9, 2009 i have no idea what im gonna do until it starts again, i might have to fish Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted June 9, 2009 Share Posted June 9, 2009 Fish and this time next year we are going to need counseling for LOST withdrawl Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PierBridge Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 i have no idea what im gonna do until it starts again, i might have to fish How about watching previous episodes of Lost on one of the cable channels that air Lost Episodes! Sci-fi is showing 2007 episodes right now so they should be starting over from the beginning soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
McGurk Posted June 15, 2009 Share Posted June 15, 2009 Soooo, in the 1st month of withdrawal I have been thinking less about the past and the unknown future of season 6, to more about our few glimpses of the known future. I'm kinda tired of going over scenario after scenario in my head about where season 6 will go, so I'm giving up for now until they show reruns of season 5 leading up to the season 6 premeire. During the 1st half of season 5, we were given a generous helping of skipping around and visiting different time periods, some of them seemingly to the future.The one scene that I can't get away from was the scene where they arrived to the camp to find in in disrepair, and with some Ajira 316 stuff around, and completely abandoned. They then found two boats, took one out themselves, and were then pursued by presumably the other boat. They were getting shot at, the flash started (with Sawyer thanking God for it happening), and they left only to go to the past during a storm.So, with what you know now; who were they being shot at by, and why? I'll chime in after a couple other responses.Also, I thought every couple of weeks of so, we could pose a pretty pointed and consise question about a particular scene/topic/happening, and work on concentrating on that. Might be fun. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted June 16, 2009 Share Posted June 16, 2009 Good question quint- I remember that scene and wondered if they were being chased and the time flash, why didn't the other boat chasing them get pulled into the flash too? Is it possible they are being chased by an earlier time period of themselves? I have no idea I only throw that out there because it would seem to obvious that 316 people are shooting at them Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CodyDawg Posted June 17, 2009 Share Posted June 17, 2009 I dont think they are shooting at themselves as they are not the type to do that. They are more defensive than offensive players and wouldnt shoot at unknown people."These people do have a destiny". Hmmm. That kinda works into the earlier theory that this group is a special group of some sort. Ben. Think about Ben. For awhile, he seemed to be one of THE central figures and now he is reduced to a minor, supporting role. I think Ben may make a comeback bid. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZapBranigan Posted June 17, 2009 Share Posted June 17, 2009 Hmm I think they were being shot at by 316 survivors. In the last episode to date the 316 folk took those exact looking canoes to the island from hydra with the crate holding John's body. In your referenced scene the beach camp was empty (deserted) so it seems to fit timing wise. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkfloyd4ever Posted June 17, 2009 Share Posted June 17, 2009 Most of me wants to agree like I said, it just wouldn't fit with the show if the obvious people where the ones that did the shooting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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