Didn't want to steal the wiring 101 thread so I thought I would go here.
OK, got the LED lights and started the install yesterday afternoon. Here's the fun part - One of the screws wouldn't come of so I thought I would crack out the sawsal. Got through the screw, problem is it came through fast and went into my leg!!! Didn't think much of it till I looked down and blood was shooting straight out of it. I ran to the garage and the only thing I had was a Fleet Farm bag. Wrapped that around the wound and applied pressure. Blood everywhere, called the wife and she was a long way from home and no neighbors were home yet. I had to call 911 cause I wasn't sure if I hit an artery or anything. So ride to the hospital and a few stitches and I'm good to go.
OK, now for the wiring. Got home and ran the wires down from the tounge to the back end of each side. I started on the right side of the trailer. I hit the first amber light and soldered a new wire to it. Ran the wire from there down to the amber light by the tire. Soldered that light to the wire and another wire that went down to my trailer posts. I soldered that to the wire, one wire to go back to the lights and another to go to the tail light bar on the bottom of the trailer. Then it was dark so I stopped.
Got home today and hit it again. Finished up all the soldering on the right side. Got the tail lights wired up and put on. Turned the lights on the truck and nothing!! Checked the connection and it all looked good. So I cut the solder to the new lights and twisted my old lights back on. It worked fine so I tried it on the other side and it worked fine. Neither LED will light up for me. Old lights work fine on the new wires. I still can't get any of the amber running lights to work.
Anyone have any ideas what to do with this? I'm assuming I have to take my LED's back and get new ones since it's not the wires. But why are the amber lights not working? They go on the brown wires right?
By the way, you don't need to answer "Don't run a saw through your leg". I already got that from the wife!!
Didn't want to steal the wiring 101 thread so I thought I would go here.
OK, got the LED lights and started the install yesterday afternoon. Here's the fun part - One of the screws wouldn't come of so I thought I would crack out the sawsal. Got through the screw, problem is it came through fast and went into my leg!!! Didn't think much of it till I looked down and blood was shooting straight out of it. I ran to the garage and the only thing I had was a Fleet Farm bag. Wrapped that around the wound and applied pressure. Blood everywhere, called the wife and she was a long way from home and no neighbors were home yet. I had to call 911 cause I wasn't sure if I hit an artery or anything. So ride to the hospital and a few stitches and I'm good to go.
OK, now for the wiring. Got home and ran the wires down from the tounge to the back end of each side. I started on the right side of the trailer. I hit the first amber light and soldered a new wire to it. Ran the wire from there down to the amber light by the tire. Soldered that light to the wire and another wire that went down to my trailer posts. I soldered that to the wire, one wire to go back to the lights and another to go to the tail light bar on the bottom of the trailer. Then it was dark so I stopped.
Got home today and hit it again. Finished up all the soldering on the right side. Got the tail lights wired up and put on. Turned the lights on the truck and nothing!! Checked the connection and it all looked good. So I cut the solder to the new lights and twisted my old lights back on. It worked fine so I tried it on the other side and it worked fine. Neither LED will light up for me. Old lights work fine on the new wires. I still can't get any of the amber running lights to work.
Anyone have any ideas what to do with this? I'm assuming I have to take my LED's back and get new ones since it's not the wires. But why are the amber lights not working? They go on the brown wires right?
By the way, you don't need to answer "Don't run a saw through your leg". I already got that from the wife!!
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