Fishingking Posted April 15, 2008 Share Posted April 15, 2008 Nice pics guys at least someone is fishing and getting some fish. Ive been back to the local spot a few times that gets insanely pressured and finally caught another brown last night not a monster but a nice 21" thats destined for the smoker. sorry no picture as the only one i took was on the counter. fished the pepacton res. a couple of times in the evening as well with no luck yet. It's amazing how many row boats liter its shoreline. Just waiting for the good spring time bluegill bite to start still another month away for that Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fishingking Posted April 16, 2008 Share Posted April 16, 2008 tried the heavily pressured spot again around 5pm for 15 minutes just to kill some time no hits again water was really clear compared to yesterday went fishing for carp and bullheads this evening carp fished for about on hour on C with corn no luck so we tried the outlet for bullheads for about 30 mins no luck there either oh well thats fishing back to work tomorrow and through the weekend. Probably get back out on Monday in the rain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted April 16, 2008 Share Posted April 16, 2008 Todd - Tuzzy is getting his boat after work Were all set for Sunday... Talk at ya later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fullmoon Posted April 16, 2008 Share Posted April 16, 2008 Think I'll get out early tomorrow or on the weekend and hit the outlet at Delta Dam for the Perch. I'll bring along heavier gear and take a shot at some trout and maybe carp later. I haven't waded out to that spot at the white water in a bunch of years. I'll have to see how fast and deep it is first! Being shorter, I've got to be careful not to top the waders!! That turbulent water is a haven for the perch. Lite line and tiny lures pull them out like crazy!! Lots more fun that sitting on the rocks. Ear plugs are a must for me. The roar of the water makes my ears hurt! Anyone up for a try? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Lee Posted April 16, 2008 Share Posted April 16, 2008 Well here's what I've been fighting with for the last couple of days after work. Catching my 25 in about 30 cast and the rest go back for another day. I use to work at this marina (10yrs) and I finally was able to get back in to fish, it has some of the best panfishing on Oneida but will be turned into condo's soon, kiss this place goodbye. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fullmoon Posted April 16, 2008 Share Posted April 16, 2008 Sounds like a great way to spend your off time. Shame to see another spot go away!! How simple it would be to NOT build everywhere, or to maintain the habitat if you did build. Do you think we'll ever learn in time? Enjoy it while you can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted April 16, 2008 Author Share Posted April 16, 2008 Tank, Billy and I headed south to PA today for some troutin on one of the pretiest streams in NEPA. We fished most of the morning and caught a bunch of trout... Cold with frost to begin with but warmed up very quickly. A gorgeous day to be alive! First fish, a nice brookie - alot of fun on a 4-5 wt fly rod... A macro shot for Todd. This fly has caught a ton of fish and is beat down, on it's last legs... Billy playing a fish... We met up with dads cousin... Pete getting in on the action... A pretty trout and a pretty rod, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thunderman Posted April 16, 2008 Share Posted April 16, 2008 Well jay its a good thing you went trout fishing it was slow on the stripers today but I think its going to be up and down you know how that goes.Nice fish guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted April 17, 2008 Share Posted April 17, 2008 Nice trout Jay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thunderman Posted April 18, 2008 Share Posted April 18, 2008 Well guys its going to be a nice week end to pound some waters some where I hope the striped ones are going to cooperate .If not going to have to resort to other species I guess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Lee Posted April 18, 2008 Share Posted April 18, 2008 Todd,I'm be leaving early today and hope to be on the water around 2pm today, I'll be fishing for the mighty sunfish, bluegill and crappie. I will also be out tomorrow so give me a call and we can hook up on the hot. Anthony is going with me today/tonight and we will looking forthe night crappie bite, it should be fun he's never fished out of a boat at night. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted April 19, 2008 Author Share Posted April 19, 2008 We got out at daybreak for a bit before I head into work. The two of us caught 7 nice trout and missed a few... This guy was colored up nice and starting to get a hook jaw... His tail was beat up bad too... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Tim Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 Nice Browns guys! Are they still hitting that Copper Turret beaded fly Todd, Tuzzy and I went on the east end of Oneida and we all had a heck of a time anchoring, winds were out of the east and ripping but we did get a few perch. We we moved to the bays and small slips and caught some sunnies and a a few nice ones and a crappie. I had one northern and a bullhead. Not a slam but Tuzzy brought home a good meal... We ran into Aaron and his daughter out there, how did you guys do? Here are some photo's... Todd.. Tuzzy... Painted Turtles for and aft, follow the logs... I got a little sunburn and we had a great time fishing in Tuzzy's boat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otis1 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 Good to see y'all!We did ok. We ended up with five perch and four crappie. Those winds made it tough. That pontoon is a pain to try and anchor.So how long does the crappie bite last? The four we caught still had eggs. Of the five perch there were a couple spawned out and a couple late runners. I think that’s pretty much over.The Water temps in the lake were anywhere from 47 – 51, and in the canal they were 50 – 54. With two weeks to go, I think most of the walleye will be back in the lake by opening day.We’ll have to get together next time and even out the load! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Lee Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 I think we have lots of time left with the sunfish and crappies, of all the ones I've caught and cleaned the females have eggs in them but they are still really hard and don't even show any bulge like they are even close to dropping. I haven't heard any great stories on the perch which makes me think they are behind on the spawn also. All the fish I've been catching are either relating to warm area locations or feeding at night, I've been looking in the spawning areas on the lake where the sunfish and bluegills usually are and there aren't any there yet so I'm think at least 3 weeks to a month away at this rate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otis1 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 Lee, any time you want I have a pontoon at Marion Manor. I work during the week, but I have comp time to kill. Saturday and Sunday mornings I fish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted April 21, 2008 Author Share Posted April 21, 2008 Timmy - The Copper Turret Stonefly and minnows is what they have been eating. Thats a prety good name for that fly - its got a copper bead and those legs look like gun turrets... Thunder - Time for your spring trimming! I was looking at the pictures and you'r looking shaggy, that Marcum hat barely fits over all that hair. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Lee Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Here's Anthony with one of many, I really need to bring the camera with me and capture more memory's of him in the outdoors but it's hard to take pictures when your hand over fist with fish. LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted April 22, 2008 Author Share Posted April 22, 2008 Great pict Lee!!!Did you ever end up making that sauce for the kielbasi? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thunderman Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 DC,I think thats why the fish aren't biteing :)time to get a trim now its time to target the panfish.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Lee Posted April 23, 2008 Share Posted April 23, 2008 Where is everyone? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otis1 Posted April 23, 2008 Share Posted April 23, 2008 Work, it stinks...I've been dying to get out to Oneida Lake, but haven't had the time. Do you fish much during the week? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNY Lee Posted April 23, 2008 Share Posted April 23, 2008 Right now I can't seem to plan anything, there is just so much going on that my head is about to spin off of my head. I want to panfish, turkey hunt, walleye fish (Oneida & Oswego) and get stuff done around the house.Tell you what though, with gas going to $4.00 a gallon looks like my decisions will be made for me. When will it come to an end? Just how much more will the low and middle class people in the USA have to suffer before someone says enough is enough. I over heard on T.V. that a majority of the elected people in office one way or another are tied into the stock market or have some kind of shares in the oil industry. I also heard that the reason for the price increases is because they aren't producing enough to keep up with the demand and it's not because they don't have the material to do it but they are told and forcasted by goverement and other oganizations how much to produce. To me that just doesn't sound right and someone will have to answer for all of this sooner or later but finding them with all of our money will be the challenge. Not sure how true it is and I'm just trying to take a little of everyone to come up with my own opinion.I might be hunting in my yard and walleye fishing from the small water hole in my back yard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Cloud Posted April 23, 2008 Author Share Posted April 23, 2008 Originally Posted By: CNY Lee Where is everyone? Hammerin on the trout! Dad and I got out at daybreak for a few hours and got into around 15 trout. He was out yesterday and did the same, and will be after them again tomorrow. The creeks are very low and clear! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Otis1 Posted April 23, 2008 Share Posted April 23, 2008 The discussions and articles that I am reading are pointing towards the oil situation as a temporary thing over the long run. It’s building up like the internet companies did in 1998-2000 (tech bubble). Last year was the first that America’s demand for oil did not grow. PE ratio’s for oil companies are lower than they are for the market over all (10 compared to 15). Once the oil bubble bursts they figure the long run price should be back to $65 per barrel. But there predicting the price could go as high as $150 before the bubble bursts. There is no shortage of oil, and there’s nothing our government or the people running for office can do. These prices and the supply are set by the individuals who have the oil. Most of them are nut cases that don’t particularly like America (Chavez, Putan, Arabs). The best thing we can do as a nation is to develop alternatives and decrease out dependency on foreign oil. Once the demand drops so will the prices. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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