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Best cheap food?

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I just enjoyed a Little Debbie Nutty Bar. Chocolate covered wafers with peanut butterish filling. Hmmmmm good and only $1.39 a box. Works out to about 12 cents per individual Nutty Bar. Soooo good and soooooo cheap.

Anyone else have a favorite cheap food?

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After the 8000.00 investment in hunting supplies (yeah honey, I think I've finally got everything I need ;\) ) a venison sausage costs about a buck-a-bite.

Ramen, and other asian noodles (look carefully at those packages in the asian markets, there's some incredible stuff for cheap) are a real value. Throw away that seasoning package though. It has your recommended daily allowance of sodium, but only if you measure it out over 2-3 days.

Try the rice noodles in the cello package. There might not be english instructions on the bag. Just boil until al-dente.

Al dente, the Italian terrorist...... grin.gif

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I bought a shotgun for $120 when I was 18.

I used the same gun for over 20 years. I have another shotgun now...and it is another "cheap" one.

Yes, I have to buy shells...but when you add all the deer I shot it those 20 years along with pheasant, ducks, etc that gun has got for me...pretty cheap food. We also process our own meat.

That gun has shot over 30 deer and hundreds of ducks.

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Road kill.....

Done that. Actaully pretty tasty.

When I was in college I hit a little button buck. I was driving an old Oldsmobile with a real metal bumper. Poor guy didn't have a chance. I found him crumpled up in the ditch. I called the sheriff and he said it was OK to take it home. So I feld dressed him and had him ground up into venison burger. I worked at a grocery store at the time and the butchers ground it for free. I think the key to road kill is to make sure it's fresh. \:D\:D

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I think the key to road kill is to make sure it's fresh. \:D\:D

What?? Someone told me they are still good when its 90 degrees, the carcass is bloated, and they've been there for a week

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I love the canned spicy chipotle refried beans with a ton of cheeze in between to tortillas in a frying pan... probably costs 6 bucks for 5-6 meals... mmm... with hot sauce... i'm hungry now.

either that, or crappie... that only costs gas and minnows.

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Totino party pizzas were one of my favorite. Before they got popular, we had a store in town that had them in a big bag of non individually wrapped, there were about 30 of them in the box. The box of them costed $5.

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