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WCHA Playoffs!!


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Well, well. Let the tourney begin. The top 3 seeds would appear to have their 1st rd. series all but locked up. The other 2 series could go either way IMO. The Gophs definitely got what they needed getting paired up with MSU-Mankato. Me and a couple buddies got tix to the Friday night showdown in Kato grin.gif. That game will set the tone for sure. If Gophs win Fri, I think it'll be a a UM sweep. Best time of yr. March Madness Baybee!!

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I think the Mavs could easily win the series, I definitely think it will go to three games though. I wouldn't say that the first three have easy sweeps either, all three should win but maybe not all with sweeps. UAA always shows up in the first round. Tech is not afraid to play tough and physical at the Ralph, plus the Sioux could be without Trupp, Genoway and Oshie. Duluth will definitely give the Pioneers a handful too. It's tough to pick a winner in the Badger Husky game, especially considering the last meeting between the two. I got tickets to Fridays game in GF should be one heck of a weekend.

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"The Gophs definitely got what they needed getting paired up with MSU-Mankato."

You are funny TwinkieDink.

If you haven't noticed, Mankato is the better team this year and one of the hotter teams in the country right now. I can't wait for this series.

They will get the Gophs in their rink and take care of them. I like the Gophers and root for them, but am a Mav fan first and I am sick of the front-running gophers hockey team and wouldn't mind seeing them get handled this weekend.

Gophers are down this year and their fans have been squirming all season. Lovin every minute of it.

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I didn't say hottest, I said hotter. 9 of their last 13 WCHA games they have won.

They came from near the bottom of the league to lock up home ice. Not as great as of late, but for a bunch of "leftovers" they are having a good year.

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i was at the mavs game last friday and they were playing exelent hockey 5-2 they won it was a good game. I think the mavs will win the series 2-1 over the gophers and they have a good chance of making the ncaa tournement if they win in the first round.

go mavs!

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-CC over UAA in 2. Games should be closer than expected though as Seawolves are usually pesky in the tourney.

-UND over MTU in 2. Tough building to play in and the Sioux always seem to peak this time of year.

-I look for Duluth to upset the Pioneers. It's still payback time for '03-'04 NCAA's. Dog's in 3. Probably too biased for my school here, but I'll still go out on a limb.

-I think MSU is the hotter team out of the two, but for some reason they always struggle against the gophs. Goph's in 3.

-SCSU over UW in 3. I really struggle to call this one either way.

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I'm a MSU grad and will always be a fan, also a Gophs fan. Don't care who is "the better team" this yr. I'm going to the Friday game and won't be cheering for either, just a neutral fan that will be happy with any outcome.

You gotta remember, the Gophs always bring it tourney time (except a Holy Cross incident that will linger forever). Don't care who is "the better team" this yr. That means squat come tourney time. And the history of the series says it all--Gophs lead all-time series with some obsurd # like 33-5, doesn't matter where they play.

Thank you solbes for your common sense. i'm gonna say easy sweeps for CC and UND. UMD-DU might go 3 games, might.

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I am hoping my SCSU huskies make a good showing but they have been so up and down this year you never know. I think the mavs will get the upper hand on the gophers unless the Gophers start getting handed 9-10 power plays a game like the last time they were the playoff road team against duluth a few years back. This is one of those rare down years for the gophs but you can never count them out

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I know the WCHA wants the Gophers to win, but I would think that a MSU-Mankato win would actually serve the WCHA very well long term. It would elevate the level of that program. Being the fourth D-1 program in Minnesota (behind U of M Twin Cities, St. Cloud, and U of M Duluth), elevating the level of MSU-Mankato hockey would serve the WCHA - as well as hockey in Minnesota - in general.

I'm a fan of WCHA hockey in general, and would love to see the other Minnesota D-1 programs raised to the level of the Gophers, Sioux, Badgers, etc.

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