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Just caught the premier of this show on the History channel.

Very good!

Kind of a cross between Deadliest Catch and Ice Road Truckers.

There is a encore presentation on right now. Check it out.

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Ya I caught it and ended up liking it.

This is part of a trio of real life shows on History.


Ice road truckers,

and a show about how tough Alaska is.

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Maybe it is just me, but I found Ax-Men to be much more compelling with better characters and storyline than Ice Road Truckers.

You can really get a feel for the real danger that these loggers face every day, and they have the missing limbs to prove it \:\)

First night of the show and we already seen one guy just about get taken for a ride (via his leg) by a helicopter, another guy saying that he quits (in between bleeps), and a third running for his life as a runaway log is coming at him.

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As a guy that does firewood, I can't tell you how much appreciation I have for these guys.

The closest I've come to any of these guys, is I was trying to get an oak on the ground, that was broke off about 10' from the bottom, and about 47" in diameter, my 24" bar had to cut all the way through from one side, and then all the way through from the other side to cut it off.

Anyways, the top 7/8 of the tree was lying on the ground, still attached where it was broken off. There was a large limb supporting it, which, as I looked at the whole tree, if I notched the limb, it would roll over away from me.

Well, I started to notch the limb and the tree came towards me.

I started to run, but tripped on some brush buried in the snow, and as I went to the ground, the entire tree rotated in the air, OVER me and landed about 2' on the other side of me.

I literally broke out in tears laying in the snow, knowing how close I was to being trapped under that tree. Yes, I have my dad in the woods with me, I'll never fall trees alone. But a tree in that diameter, if it would have landed on my chest or my head, there's no way he could have cut through the log fast enough to get a piece cut out and off of me.

My wife and parents don't know why I've taken a bit of a break from firewood for the last couple of years, not done as much, but I have a hard time getting back into the woods now.

IMO, the Ice Road Truckers show is a cool show, showing how others live, but it's really not all that dangerous, more like a soap opera. The Ax-Men and Deadliest Catch shows how dangerous life really is.

"Life... is dangerous"

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I liked it. IMO, it is better than ice road truckers because I could actually see myself doing that as opposed to driving a semi over ice.

When that tree let go and came screamin down the hill at that guy, I about jumped off the couch!

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I think the regular time is Sunday at 8pm or maybe 9. It's rebroadcast a lot over the week too.

I just watched the first episode, that I DVR'd. It's cool. Makes you appreciate every piece of lumber. Better than ice road truckers or the deadliest catch, IMHO.

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For those of you with Itunes, the first show of the series is being offered for free right now. Just go to the free section and download it.

Nice show. I wish that they would have been a little more creative and gone with a new format for their reality show. It's getting a little worn, for me anyway. Great watch, though!

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 Originally Posted By: LisaTealz
I really liked it too. I particularly enjoyed all the salty characters!

Wow, I don't think I'm even allowed to comment on that Lisa blush.gif. Sorry, had to give ya a hard time.

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