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I can't believe p double o got a poorwordusage. confused.gif Good luck to you too. I know you'll need it. ;\) Hey Ricky Craven and Randy LaJoie are going to be visiting here on the 28th for a Racing Legends Tour. Don't know how they qualified as racing legends but...

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 Originally Posted By: TNFL
Let me fix this for you!

Of course Gordon is WINNING, just a matter of time before he WINS. HMS WINS more than anyone else and the past also shows that.


Good repair job TNFL! Its just all the jealousy just boiling over from these guys who's boys can't beat HMS dominance!!!!!!

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No Kidding. NASCAR knew that there was still water seeping up through cracks / seams in the asphalt, but they were in a rush to get the race started. mad.gif Too bad it had to take a pretty good wreck for NASCAR to stop the race for a while to work on that issue. mad.gif I saw there were more than a few driver's who said on their radios during the opening warm-up laps that the track wasn't dry and wasn't ready to be raced on??? mad.gif

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It sounded like there where more then a few drivers that where upset that they started the race all at.

Hide sight being what it is I bet they wish they would have called it off all togther.


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 Originally Posted By: HOF#13
No Kidding. NASCAR knew that there was still water seeping up through cracks / seams in the asphalt, but they were in a rush to get the race started. mad.gif Too bad it had to take a pretty good wreck for NASCAR to stop the race for a while to work on that issue. mad.gif I saw there were more than a few driver's who said on their radios during the opening warm-up laps that the track wasn't dry and wasn't ready to be raced on??? mad.gif

Also all the dirt and garbage flying

around. Like racing in a landfill.

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 Originally Posted By: harvey lee
Ofcourse Gordon is cheating, just a matter of time before they catch him. HMS cheats more than anyone else and the past also shows that.

Why do you think jr. wanted to drive for them? whistle.gif

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