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Hey I got great news!

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Thanks everyone! I'm pre-nursing. I'm taking pre-requisite classes at night right now. I'm just doing better than I thought I would. I'm in Anatomy and Physiology I now but I also have to take A & P II in which I have to dissect a CAT! I have 4 cats so that will not be too fun. I hope I don't cry!

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Our high school biology class dissects cats. My sister had to reconstruct the skeleton on one as well when she was taking her prephysical therepy classes. Hers was road kill. Not that it makes it any easier for a cat lover. \:\/

I know at least three people who went back to school to become nurses. All of them really enjoy their work. I think when people choose a medical career after gaining more life experience, they are more compassionate to their patients.

Good luck with your anatomy and physiology!

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Good job Lisa!!! Now go find a cure for influenza. 4 of us here have been bit by the bug. After my one of my boys peeked at close to 105 and me at 104, the 2 of us went in tuesday, they tested me and found out yesterday I was positive for Influenza A sick.gif. We're are doing a little better now, but lemme tell ya, NO FUN!!!!!

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nice job Lisa--- You brought up cat disection. I was labeled LD as a young dude,a nd if you have read many of my posts, my spelling is not what it should be. Anyway.. I had to take Anatomy 4 times in college... So, had to do the cat thing 4 times... I have 2 cats now.. You just have to think its not your cat.. LOL...

By the way, on lab tests, each question was 2 points.. one was for the correct answer, the other was for spelling it correctly.. I know exactly what tetrohydrofosfokinase is, but still for the life of me cant spell it...LOL

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Congrats on the A. Cat dissection isn't that bad. I am a cat person and was anti-dissection anything in high school. Took A&P in college with the cat lab and loved it. I was the TA for the class the next year. Good luck!

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Everyone's encouragement means a ton to me!! Thank you!!

SPTITZ-YOU HAVE 18 POSTS WOOHOOOOO! You are the dude to call for "desensitization to felines" therapy! Although all your stories make me want to weep! And no more jokes about musky bait or you know we're getting you for Christmas next year!

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