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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Hot off the press!!!! Did you know that the reason little Danny was voted off the show? It wasn't because he just isn't as good as that other contestants, heavens no, that couldn't possibly be the reason...it has to be something else, it has to be someone elses fault? Know what the REAL reason is?

He got voted off because the voting audience is homophobic....maybe I just read the cyber version of the Enquirer?

That little bird got voted off because he can't sing in the same league as the others....homophobic, geeze, I don't think the color of his eyes has anything to do with it! \:D

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 Originally Posted By: Windy City Walleye Hunter
I think you will hear from her again, Spear! She had some pipes, and a great story. I don't think I could have auditioned 2 days after my dad had died. Touching stuff.


i hope she will be around. Good looking girl like that who had a good voice.

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She won't be around. There are 100's of thousands of good singers around, they are a dime a dozen. It takes a big break and a great voice to make it in the music business on a grand scale. Each year on average there are only three-five off this show who make it and they all come from the top 12, and really the top 8 or so...

She'll have a decent career for herself singing somewhere, but it won't be on a national top tier deal where we'd here from her.

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 Originally Posted By: The Grebe
Hot off the press!!!! Did you know that the reason little Danny was voted off the show? It wasn't because he just isn't as good as that other contestants, heavens no, that couldn't possibly be the reason...it has to be something else, it has to be someone elses fault? Know what the REAL reason is?

He got voted off because the voting audience is homophobic....maybe I just read the cyber version of the Enquirer?

That little bird got voted off because he can't sing in the same league as the others....homophobic, geeze, I don't think the color of his eyes has anything to do with it! \:D

Yep, and if it woulda been Chickodee, it woulda been because he was black. I'm so tired of all that kind of [PoorWordUsage] over and over again. Sorry to rant.

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Ok.. I realize David A messed up big time, but I think he has to stay... If I have to say who is gone... David H, or Asia...

that said, by far, the best top 12 of all time.. I can remember years past thinking how on earth did this person make the top 12.. this year, they all are decent..

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I think David is gone........you just can't forget the words like that. 2nd, would be the chick from Oregon that did the country version of 8 days a week.

I agree that this is a great top 12. Chakezee (sp) was awesome!!

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Yea, chickadee suprised the heck out of me, he was really good. I thought the first girl wasn't very good, the girl that went after chickadee was really boring and that David that forgot the words, you can't do that. It's hard to put him through on what he has done in the past, you can't forget words and sing that bad. Hopefully he's in the bottom to at least slap him in the face. I think the country girl was bad, but she looks good so hopefully she stays a little bit.

By the way, anyone else notice when they did a close up on the Ireland girls face, she kinda looked like the face from the saw movies. I paused it and told the wife that and she laughed her butt off.

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My guess is that horrible country version of 8 days a week was the final song for Krisi Lee Cook, either her or Hernandez. I really hope is wasn't Kristi, and not because she is cute, but because I don't know if I could stand to hear that awful rendition again.

David Archuletta will be ok, he is too good for a screw up like that to get the axe. Was it a BIG no, no? Yes, but everyone knows he is too good to go number 12. If he gets axed his first time on the big stage because of that, I will quit watching.

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I thought that David Cook, Brooke White and Carly Smithinson were really good last night and are looking like the ones to beat.The rest were so-so to a bit boring. Kristy, David H, and David A. were the weekest of the bunch. Kristy and David A. have a pretty big fan base so they should be safe. I think David H. will sing his farewell song tonight....

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Once again this thread is on the mark!

My first pics to go were the first girl, Sayesha or whatever her name is and Ramiele, very boring and went nowhere. Sandwiched in between then was a home run by Chickeze (sorry for all the Chickadee haters out there but he lives another week!)

I thought that Kristy Lee took a huge risk like the judges wanted the singers to do but it just didn't work. I will give her a pass this week and say she lives another week (I know that will please more than a few on this thread, me likey too!

Poor little David, he committed the cardinal sin on American Idol, forgetting the words. He was rattled from the get go and you could tell he was just trying to get the song over. I would say if the voters are on their game this season he will get picked off but I think he might just have enough cred points from past performances to survive.

If I have to only pick one I am going to go out on a limb and say Ramielle. She took the least chance and droned thru her song trying to look all cute and sultry but did nothing.

Having said that, I would not be surprised if the first girl gets whacked or if Kristy Lee is taken down (and I would not mind being the one to "take her down")

Just keepin it real, dawgs!!! Yo Yo Yo


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I told my wife last night when it was over that it would either be Ramielle or David the gay stripper. They were both not good. I think Kristi Lee Cook will get all the country vote (as she's the only one close to country this year) and all the excited guy vote (for very obvious reasons). I was shocked at how bad young David did, man he really bungled that thing, but he's been SO good before I think he'll skate by once, but another horrendous night like that and the love affair will be over.

I think David Cook and Brooke White have emerged as the new favorites. They get better every week.

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I was out fishing last night and missed it. If it was Archculeta that stumbled, the viewing audience should give him at least a little slack....they have for everyone else and all of his performances to this point have been on point.

If the fishing bug doesn't strike me again tonight, I'll watch it. Have to take advantage of this nice late season weather, don't ya know.

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yea...interesting night for sure.

DAvid H has to go! wow, he stinks

Archuletta...wow, way to look like an @ss but still good

asia... no good

brooke white...best of the night!

Kristi...omg, I couldnt hardly look at the tv I was so embarrassed for her

and the rest were ok

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It was little David that stumbled. He is so young and he admitted that he really did not know any Beatle songs but he knew his song choice from the Stevie Wonder remake so he picked it. He was clearly out of his comfort level and he got way rattled. I do think the voting public will give him a pass but if he does get whacked it would not be unjustified. I didn't think that David (the gay stripper) was that bad, a little corny and over the top but mildly entertaining. I would say there are at least 2 or 3 other performances that would merit whacking before his.

We shall see.


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Boy, I don't know? Did the bad publicity catch up to Hernandez? I for one was kinda like "What?" He seemed to have such a good voice and his stage presense was right there? In my opinion, Remele (sp) should have went before him? No, no, that Cook guy....'Gotcha,' just kidding.

On the reruns, that Amanda sounded really good last night, so did Chickezy and a couple of the others. That Cook can rock!

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I think they definetly had the correct bottom three. Kristy slid through and we get to watch her at least for one more week. I never like that Dave H. kid. He had a bit of an attitude. I don't think we will hear from him again......

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Props out to all the FM'ers who nailed the gay guy (no pun intended, well ok, pun intended)

I can not toot my own horn this week as I only picked 2 of the 3 bottom feeders. My third pick, Ramielle, slipped thru the cracks and made it out.

I thought that stripper boy did enough to slide by this week but I knew he was on the chopping block sooner than later. Not a bad choice and I agree with Grebe that his publicity caught up with him. Idol fans won't put up with a sausage stripper!

Kristy Lee fans get to ogle her another week! I thought it was funny to hear her say, "Where is my mike?" when Ryan was talking to her. She knew. Too funny.

OK we can relax until next week. Good job to all the FM judges who hit the target.


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I'd have to say that either Johns, or White will be going home, both sounded equally bad, a person could take their pick, I'd say Johns?

Bottom 3? White, Johns, Kristy, although that Ramelle didn't sound all that great to me either.

Best vocal of the night? Mercardo...best performance? Cook.

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