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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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Yes, you are correct sir...I thought it was something like that, but my wife hit me in the head with a frying pan and told me I was nuts! She commenced to poke me in the eye with her thumb, the one with the long fingernail on it, so I couldn't watch the rest of the show!

She told me that if I ever said Daughtry lost out to Hayseed Hicks again, she would poison me! Or make me go fight Carl Eller! I seen him once at the hardware...I came up to his knee cap! Wow, I'm glad we got this all straightened out....I could have been pushing up daisies! Maybe been a star with a toe tag on 'The First 48 Hours or somethin? grin.gif

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Yep, Daughtry lost out to Hick and McPhee. He was the best of that year and probably the best on that show ever. I think he's outsold with his albums what others have done. Not total, but faster. I have heard too that he blew Bon Jovi off the stage in concert.

I've heard about Davids Dad and Windy is right. Sad to see someone treat their kids that way.

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Ok.. Bottom 3... Carly, White, Castro...

Any of them could go home.. Either Castro, or White.. If I had to guess White, I didn't like her song at all.. and I am a closet Castro fan, but then again, I am a huge fan of acoustic guitar stuff.. and I dont think castro has a bad voice... I thought Carly over sang, and I didn't care for it, but she has done well in past... I really like Brooke White, and would buy an album of hers.

So, White home...thats my guess. and I am sticking with it.

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Bottom 3 Brook White...Smithson and a toss up between Kristy and

Mercardo....This is just guess work at this point, one week one stands out, the next week someone else.

They must have stepped up to the top shelf make-up artist also, them girls are looking good! Mercardo looked like a movie star, Carly didn't look quite so mean, actually looked pretty and Kristy, well....shes a doll.

Carlys old man, the dude with all the Maori tribal tats on his face and bod, looks like he would have no problem stuffing a little C-4 down someones throat! Definately a tat guy!

I think his misses will be going home tomorrow.

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Tough to call now. I think Castro, White and Smithson are the bottom as Kristy Lee has really picked up her game while the others have let down. I don't think she's better than them, but they aren't as good as they were and she's better.

Smithson gone...

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I missed the actual show, but thank goodness for youtube and the fact that there are people out there that will sit at home with the camcorder (maybe they DVR it) and post it on line. I wondered what David Cook would do with mariah carey and he killed it...........

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I would like to see Carly or Castro go. Cook is awesome, he should win it, but won't because the tweens will vote for salimander tounge. I just don't see what they see in him. First time I ever seen a salimander in leather pants. Reminded me of that episode of Friends where Ross was wearing leather pants, and he went to the bathroom and then he...........

Oooops, Idol thread. Carly, see ya.


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I agree with most. The Guys tromped the ladies last night. It is hard to pick a bottom three but my bottom two will be Carly and Brooke with Carly going Home. I was pleasantly surprised that everyone did a pretty good Job. Mariah's songs are pretty tought to sing....

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Yo Yo Yo,

So check it out dawg!

I thought the guys had things stacked way against them with being limited to Mariah songs but they opened up a can of whoopa$$ on the ladies and rocked the stage.

I hate to agree with another poster but I think Cook deserves to win but the teeny boppers will outvote the classic rockers and you will have Salamander boy out dueling Cook for the championship. I still think that Carly will be in the final three and may make it to the final countdown!

That being said, I think the bottom three will be Brook White, she is aight as Randy says but she doesn't really light my fire. Would not hate to see her go but don't mind her being around.

I think Kristy Lee will be in the bottom three just because she always seems to land in the bottom three. But I think she will be safe.

The last of the bottomfeeders is a toss up, could be Carly could be Rasta boy but I think Brook will be shown the door! She is nice and all but not the "star" factor that they are looking for.

Let the whacking begin!!!


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Cook will be very successful after the show, similar to Doughtery. I think Brook or Carly will be gone after tonight, but maybe it's just me but the dreadlocks and little David both get on my nerves.

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I have to say I would vote the same as Deitz, with Brooke saying goodbye tonight even though I reall think she is swell. Just not quite national recording material. I still think the 3 best are Cook, Archuleta, and Smithson, not in any specific order. With the best selling power going to Archuletta. Moms and girls alike will spend like mad buying his albums. The others are a toss up.

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This is the first year I have watched AI, and I am truly a big fan of David Cook and would love to see him take it all. I am nothing more than a couch voter tho...but I was thinking that all us couch voters who like David Cook maybe should make an effort to keep him around when it gets down to the nitty gritty. I would send little David home before Cook.

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I think us FMers should think about boycotting AI or possibly protesting!(kidding) My theory is that the female voters are a bit jealous of Kristy's looks, and shy away from a legitimate Castro castration from the show because of his so called good looks, I mean the guy looks like he is passing kidney stones when he sings! HYPROCRACY and double standard city! I just could not see Kristy in the bottom 3 let alone being sent home (yet).

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I don't think the votes are based off one week's performance anymore quite obviously. Kristy Lee had one of her better nights last night but the only logic is she just had gone about as far as she could go based upon the cumulative package. I don't agree with that by the way, just thinking of what must have happened. I really think Castro should have been long gone by now. I also think Smithson belonged firmly in the bottom three with her oversinging and whaling of everything lately. She hasn't been good for weeks. Syesha had no business being bottom three either.

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Wow another shocker kind of. She was not going to win in, but she had to really good weeks in a row. She did not deserve to go based on this weeks performance. Brook has one more week left than she will head home.

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