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here is my little bio since I've looked on this thread a few times.

I grew up here in MN, mainly in the eastern 'burbs of the cities and have had a few intresting jobs over the years, even though I'm still a "youngster" compared to a few on here. A few of the jobs that I've had include being a dock boy on a resort on Lake Vermillion which still ranks as my favorite job; and also working at a pheasent farm in western MN. I grew up in a smaller family that had a major interest in hunting and fishing, where I got involved in at an early age. I've been target practicing since I can remember and fishing before I could stand. I've had the opportunity to hunt out west a few times as well as fish on Reindeer Lake in SK. I currently live in Maplewood with my soon to be wife and our beautiful 3 month old son. My major interests besides hunting and fishing includes training dogs, meeting new friends, and learning new places to hunt and fish, and most importantly, making my son smile and laugh. He's my pride and joy, and means the world to me.

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Our bio is getting really long and all the bios are so different! Yours is also a great read Sandmannd but sad to hear about your health problems. I just looked up Chausies. They sound absolutely awesome. We have 2 Ragdolls but they aren't very "ragdolly"-sort of just snotty! Your daughter is such a little cutie and good luck with your other adoption(s)!

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Thanx Lisa. You can tell I'm proude of my baby girl. I've always loved kids, but until you have one you just don't get everything that goes with them. Just such fun to have around.

Health problems suck. I can say I'm one of the few that's been lucky to have a kidney stone in my left kidney. That's how they found the cancer.

My words of wisdom is to live how you want to live and love your family to the fullest. Life is short so enjoy every second you have and spend time with friends and family.

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I will definitely update my aviator!! We had some professional pictures taken of him and as soon as we get them back, I'll put on up!!!! Thanks.


I totally agree. There's nothing in the world like kids. I know how much yours means to you and mine means just as much to me. I'd do anything to make sure he's happy and healthy. I just can't wait until he's out in the boat with us!

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 Originally Posted By: Dave
 Originally Posted By: kingfisher1
I'd do anything to make sure he's happy

Just wait until he gets older and starts asking for a few bucks, every other day ;\) Enjoy the baby years!

Could be worse....you could have had a daughter. Then she wants money, clothes, the car, her boyfriend to move in, and HEAVEN HELP US ALL when puberty hits!

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DeeDee... well you could always watch George Lopez... seeing it happen is better than imagining it... and it usually turns out for the better or for the worse LOL

Married w/ Children would work but George Lopez show pretty much fits DeeDee's description...

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Jake and I with our bucks last season


The night we processed our deer




My babies!


My babies attacking me!

My name is casey newberg I live in Mountain Iron with four dogs, my finacee' and his ma and grew up and Iron, MN. Big change huh? haha Well I grew up fishing and hunting with my dad and brother. So I've been fishing and hunting for about 15 years. Then I met the love of my life, Jake, as soon as he told me he's had skied across 8 miles to catch huge lakers in the bw I knew he was the one. We've been together for a year and four months. We plan on gettin married this August! This past hunting season as you can see I bagged my first buck finally, and he got a nine pointer... had to show me up of course. I'm not working at the current moment I like to call myself a professional fisherman haha.

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haha well lisa I need to write a book for how many stories I have. I've fished all over St. Louis all the way to Rainy lake, what I need to do now is go deep sea fishing! I watching a sailfish get caught the other day oh my gosh it was so awesome!! I gotta go someday

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I think thats were we are going on our honeymoon thing. I want to catch a halibut tho! My dad got a 267 pounder when I was 5 or so years old. Best fish I have ever eaten in my entire life, those catfish/bullhead and from forbes [PoorWordUsage] came pretty close when we deep fried them. All you do is chop the head off skin em and pull the guts out and throw em in the deep fryer best way to cook those things!

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I think maybe I have held out long enough without putting a bio of myself here.Here goes:

Hello all. My name is Neil. I live in Otsego,MN, which is right across the Mississippi River from Elk River. I am 42 years old,and am a city letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service.I have been working as a Cliff Claven type for 11 years.I am married, and have two teenage daughters. I also have a full house with 4 German Shorthair Pointers. I do love to fish and hunt,and spend time out of doors.I am a native Minnesotan,and have lived in this area all my life. I fish a variety of lakes in central and west central MN, but do venture up north now and then. Every fall, in November, I travel up to the Red River valley, to go deer hunting NW of Thief River Falls.I have been hunting on family land up there for the past 25 years.The dogs do get a workout chasing pheasants this time of year,as well. I do love to ice fish, but recent back problems have kept me off of the ice more than usual this year.Late ice will soon be here,however, and I will be back at it, once again. I also spend a bit of time at a HSOforum called fishingminnesota.com on the forums, if anyone has ever heard of it. grin.gif I think that is enough for now. Till later,later! grin.gif

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Yea,Lisa, when you live in a house with all gals like I do, a guy has to know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em! The later happens more often than the former at my place. Same thing would hold true for this forum,right? grin.gif Sure does look like you folks have a fun time over here at the women's forum.

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