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Ice fishing 2007-2008

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Timmy - Most cameras go to no-flash when you put them on macro(up close) setting. If you want flash you have to select it. My new camera has 4 diff macro setting - no flash, always flash, flash if the camera deems it neccesary, and an infa-red setting with a little light added.

That pict was taken with a setting called "available light". No flash but it amps up what light is already there. Iv'e used that setting alot inside and out when you dont quite need flash as the flash would overpower the shot...

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I am not going to be able to go either on Thursday. I forgot I have a "All Managers Mandatory Meeting" @ 2pm tomorrow. It's a good thing I checked my Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Missing that meeting would have allowed me to fish all winter...because I would have no JOB.LOL

Hopefully I can catch up with a few of you somewhere on the Hard Stuff this weekend. If anyone has an extra spot on the ice somewhere...give me a message.

Thanks and be safe.


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Whoaa Kyle.. Have Jimmy's uncle Lucabrosi check your TPS first, don't want you to leave any external marks and he's an expert in putting guys in for knee replacement grin.gif Give em heck tomorrow you two. Looking forward to you reports. Call me after you talk to Jenelle about the trip(s.p.)

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Be careful Kyle, I know a few that carry guns. lol I seen a guy pull a gun in the spring on another guy who was trying to steal his dock. It wasn't a good sight and I thought for sure I was going to see someone die. Needless to say the law was called and he ended up behind bars, at least for the rest of that day. I don't fish there anymore, to many shady characters for me.

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We used a technique called "pain compliance" on the job. I could teach you guys some. I learned a lot about how to hurt them without leaving any marks! HEHEH Less personel complaints that way. Seriously, there is a way! I may head out looking around tomorrow. I'm bouncing off the walls. Just need to find a place I won't end up swimming. Got some infoon my secret place. We'll talk.

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Frank it's early yet buddy get what you got to get done and will all be out there soon.

Ray "pain compliance" I knew law enforcement had the correct technigue ;\)

Aaron - Maybe Morraine will be ready for Sunday it may be close.

Dougy - Call me for Monday and give me a time and I'll meet you there, looking to stay later this time ;\) I'll call thhe Tank and Dark Cloud, maybe they'll be free for that as well. I'm sorry Todd I know this post is painful with the new job and starting from scratch. I missed your call again mad.gif I left the cell on the charger out ears reach. talk to you tomorrow..

Hey Fishingking how was the bite today?

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 Originally Posted By: salmonseeker2
Kyle, I'm in... got it approved by the boss, anyone else? Timmy that sucks, want us to go talk with him?? ;\) maybe he's a tip-up guy!!

Got the pills and I'm ready to rock!!

those things don't work whistle.gif

 Originally Posted By: CNY Tim
Now that's a camera, wow! Hey Joe should be calling a report in for us on C around 2 p.m.

i heard it skimmed today but did not see it for myself would love to know thickness \:\)

also I don't think ill be making it to E 28 tom. either guys. change of plans again. More Scouting

 Originally Posted By: CNY Tim

Hey Fishingking how was the bite today?

did not fish E 28 today but the bite was slow elsewhere \:\)

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King, I am waiting for my buddy Don to get a hold of me about fishing on saturday may be at E28.I would like to get on some where local if possible?Saturday night they are calling for lake effect snow and is supposed to stay around till monday or tuesday some time we will see how accurate they are about that crazy.gif.

Timmy, the new job has only 1 glitch and thats no time off yet after i am there 3 months I am elligable for 5 days so I am told :).After I am there 1 year I am back to 3 weeks it was the best move I have made in the past 15 years good job good people and good benifits what more can I ask for.You know me timmy I love to fish its my specialty ;)missing a few fishing trips is killing me but I have learned to deal with it. Good luck this weekend guys I hope you rip alot of lips.

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You'll get there buddy. Call you tonight..

Talked to Kyle and Jimmy there on the dog and they have the place all to there selves grin.gif hoping Kyle remembered to bring his digital. Fishingking thanks for the help on the back side. Can't wait for there report.

USMC Steve - Kyle is good to go for the trip south but we will not be able to leave until 5:30 to 6 p.m. (Kyle's work has a retirement ceremony they have to attend to) Friday night which would put us about 8:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at your place.. I'll call ya later...

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CNY Lee - if we head down south somewhere, I'll post it here. Hopefully there is local ice by this weekend.

If there isn't safe ice in Madison County, does anyone have any suggestions on where to go Sat or Sun?

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Aaron I'm sure Fishingking and others will be scouting. Anxious for the C report later today.

Just talked to Jimmy and Kyle iced one crappie thus far, still all by themselves out there.When I was on the phone with him he had a nice school move in. grin.gif Dark Cloud does that when things are slow, gives me a hollar and the bite seems to pick right back up ;\)

Fishingking - The ice was great off the backside, thanks again...

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Timmy...hope your trip is a good one!

Be safe and take some Pics.

I am going tonight after work to Spud The Yellow Tape!

I will report with Todd tonight and he can relay when you call him tonight.

Aaron...I'll give you a call tonight and let you know what I found in Mad. Co.

Later Bud!


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Did a drive by of Delta a little while ago . . .about 6 guys out on the main lake side. Nobody on the backsets. 2 out in front of the beach and 4 further down same side. Don't know how they got on the ice. Lake is very high. Be very careful.

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Thanks Frank looks like Delta will be ready for you tomorrow if your still taking a day off, suppose to get an inch or two of snow tonight.

Doug sent me some pics of his trip with his family up to the dog from earlier in the week.

Mmmmm Happy...


Loby will like this Doug ;\)


Nice gill \:\)


A family that fish together, can't beat that. grin.gif


Thanks for sharing Doug. And well that other pic that Todd sent well... you da man!

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I know that family!

Sorry about the Vex in the first Photo Timmy...HeeHee!!

That was first ice on Lake Hamilton Pickerel...SSSHHH

We had a great day with the fish!

Thanks Cameraman Tim#2...the King!

I hope everyone is happy with what they see and feel outside right now...It's cold!

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is that the only crappie you caught Doug whistle.gif

Scouting reports from the past 2 days after 450 total miles traveled reports 3 ponds (with not so hot fishing) in Chenango County with safe ice and 0 places in Madison County with safe ice. We checked around 30-35 places including everything from 1 acre private ponds to the bigger lakes. Shorelines are still messed up on almost every body of water and alot of the places in Madison county still have open spots on them.

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