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Photo Sharing... Panfish on Ice!!!

Corey Bechtold

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Is there any law breaking going on? Come on Matt, if you didn't want to stir the pot, why ask. Of all the time you contribute here, and yes I said contribute... you know that making a simple comment like that will do nothing but raise suspision, which is the only reason you ask. So why, because likely now, 10 more people are going to comment on how conservative they are on take home.

Ask for an email address and then ask the question if you need to know. The guy fishes the winter only, gets greasy on race cars all summer, average your year round fishing time and take home and be satisfied, needing to know his is purley being big brother. Believe me, he is just in his take, and does not break the law.

My appologies, for blowing up, but those who have to judge can really scar the image of someone innocent without trying to do any harm. That is the ONLY complaint I have on this entire board which I LOVE!

Unless you were there, or know the ENTIRE story, why ask? Is your day more complete?

Again, sorry for the rant.

Pearchpounder, continue to have great success, and continue to save me a spot on your roster some day, I truley will make it happen sooner than later. I love the fact that you continue to conquer the art of panfishing and hope you eat like a king... Gotta love nature, she feeds us well!

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Nice fish fellas and thanks for the support. It was really unnecessary I knew at one time or another that this subject would come up and I am still unsure how to handle it. Muc is right I do only fish the winter but I dont really see why that would matter and just incase anyone is wondering none of my fish are wasted and the only time anything gets frozen is if I am saving for a special occaision and that doesn't happen too often. So I have included a small lake map and a little info about just so everyone knows the fishery just a little bit.


County: Dickinson

Location of lake: northwest edge of

Arnolds Park

Description: natural lake

Area/size: 3,867 acres

Maximum depth: 136 feet

Drainage: 15,157 acres

FYI the daily bag limit and possession limit are up to your own disgression the state doesn't have one set unless you are fishing the mississippi river or its back waters. So when I feel that I am in fact doing harm to the lake I will stop keeping fish for my own enjoyment.

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Like I said, I didn't mean any offense and I'm glad to see that PerchPounder is eating all he catches and plans to feed some buddies on Sunday for the bowl game \:\) I'm all for taking home a limit of fish when the situation calls for it.

I didn't mean to get anyone's undies in a bunch ;\) I apologize for that.

For what its worth, those are some nice fish PerchPounder!! (which is how I started that above reply)

On a side note, Okoboji is a great fishery and used to kick out trophy size gills on a regular occasion. Now you really have to work for the larger ones.


I love the Power Noodle! Great little stick for finessing up gills and crappies!

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Here's some from this past weekend from a friends perm. My 5 year old started out fishing with us but found an open ice hole and in one leg went, so mom came and got her. Glad i have kids that love the outdoors. Don't know if i would enjoy fishing as much if I didn't have them as my fishing partners. Didn't have the camera with me that day so had to take pictures when we got home. The wife wasn't too mad about the fish slime on the floor, just as long as i got it all cleaned up.


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My youngest son Kobe turned 6 years old this last weekend so I asked him what he wanted to do before his birthday party. He told me that he wanted to hit the ice and catch what he calls slabback crappies. \:\)

So I started setting up his rods like I always do and he informed me that now that he was the big 6 he could do it all himself. So he grabbed the vexlar, baited his hooks and started catching panfish.

He started taking the fish off by himself and he soon had a pile of eaters and he was releasing the ones that he didn't want. All I could do is sit back and smile. I was very proud and realized just how much he's growing up. Thanks for letting me share this with yous. Here's a couple of pictures. They're with the camera phone so they are a little blurry. Notice he has the FM stiff arm down already \:\)



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I fished on Lake Minnetonka from about 1:00pm - 7:00pm yesterday. Had a tough time finding the fish earlier in the afternoon. I'd catch a couple here and there, but nothing consistent. Once evening came the fishing became more consistent, but the bite was still tough. Most of my fish were pretty ordinary, but these two were standouts. The 'gill is 8 1/2" long, and the crappie is 13+". Both were caught on a black and yellow hair, 1/64 oz.



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I spent half the day out on the lake with my daughter. We didn't catch many, but what we caught were nice. Any time a dad can fish with the kids is day worth bragging about!

Here she is with one of them.


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the two nicest were just shy of 13"


And sorry if I offend anyone by taking home my limit of panfish, but I, along with my parents, really enjoy a fresh meal of fish, and I rarely get one anymore being as I eat at a campus cafeteria everyday.

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Looks delicious, nice fish, congrats on a GREAT day! Follow the rules set by law and you will never ever have to worry about anything anyone else thinks!!!! The law matters, the rest is up to you to decide! Enjoy them and I am sure it beats the HECK out of cafeteria food! WoW, did you notice you have a set of horns growing out of your neck!!!!

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