DeanoB Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 boss says yesterday, "man nice day out there huh? Bet you'd love to be hunting." "Yea it's always nice to get out" I say. "Ok, you're done for the day go ahead, you can leave." "sweeett" I'm out the door, heading home, at 3:45, plenty of time to get changed, and get into the woods. Get home, kids are going crazy, wife is like "Oh glad you're home..." "not now honey going hunting, remember you said saturday since you worked both sat, and sun night I could hunt 2night, and bossman just let me go early." This is the awkard silence we married men all hate. "well anyway I'm leavin..." "Dadddyyyyy" ok so now its 4:50, and I'm getting irked cause i just wanna hunt, so i just walk out the door into the garage, and start getting my stuff together. I make a clean getaway, on the way to the land, I see 1 doe just leaving the woods to eat in the green field, thinking, I'm late, but better late than never. Anyway as i crest the hill, and start looking out in the fields where i hunt, i don't notice till I'm about to park...A CAR parked in the field drive, bow case in back seat. As far as I know there's only me and one other guy who hunts here, and he bow hunts after firearms season, and this isn't his truck, this is a Nissan Sentra. I am just totally ticked, (Contact Us Please), I got the pass to hunt, stars aligned perfectly, and now a trespassing jerk hunting the property that i have spent the last 2 years, scouting, putting up stands, and blazing trails through the thick azz brush that lead the deer right past my stand. Ground blinds built, scrapes I have treated with pee, and got the big boy to open up. I mean I have seen this buck 5-6 times and and he is real nice, more wide than huge, anyways, (Contact Us Please) do you do here? I thought about honking, thought about going on the property to find the hunter, thought about calling the sheriff. Instead I did nothing, after thinking about all these things, I thought, maybe he was granted permission, and I was never told, I doubted this though, no one has been allowed to hunt here except Craig who hunts in december, and myself, we are the only two who have had permission to hunt here in the last 18 years. Man I am still ticked. Hauled azz over to some state land, where all i saw was 6 hunters, and 3 bird dogs, in the 35 minutes of light that was left. So I get home, make the call to Duane, he says nope only you and Craig have permission to hunt there, he's like well I'll go out tomorrow night and see if the are there again. I say well here's the make, model, and lic plate number for the car, just call the sheriff. Yea maybe I'll do that, but first I wanna see if I can catch him out there. So what do you do now, this little honey hole is 12 minutes from my house, for all I know this could be one of the owner's friends, that took it upon himself to hunt, and maybe saw the big boy and now he wants to hunt more often, and maybe Duane will tell him yes. Although I feel confident that he will only let 2 of us out there with permission. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heartman Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 Plan B - what? you don't have a Plan B in case Plan A doesn't work?Trespassers can be a pain in the arse, but when time is short, it's always good to have a fallback plan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Down2Earth Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 I would have called the land owner right away and asked those questions. then when he gave you the answer you had thought all along I would have waited for that guy to come back to his car. Maybe it was to other person who has permission and had a little time to get out. If it wasn't him that other person would have gotten a piece of my mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tealitup Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 Park behind him - go hunt. When you come back if he is there talk to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
c&amagn Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 Leave a note for him saying you have permission from the land owner to hunt this land and are wondering if you do. State that you have a cell phone and his plate number and go hunt, that and or wait for him to return. Not much else you can do but to confront the person face to face. I know from past hunts etc. on private land that buddies like to let other buddies on the land too and sometimes you don't know who's really on the land adn when, neither does the land owner??? Good Luck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
analyzer Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 I have hunted on a farm in Lanesboro for the past 5 years. The guy who owns the farm land and leases it out, gave me permission to hunt 4 little patches of woods. Last year, on the patch farthest south, I had a note attached to my blind when I got there, that said "I don't believe I gave you permission to hunt here" and it had someone else's name and phone number. I was shocked. I thought I had proper permission from the land owner. Turns out the guy who was giving me permission did not really own that section of woods anymore. His parents had sold that section to someone else... years ago. It was a very small patch of woods, and I'm sure the guy who gave me permission thought it wouldn't be any big deal. After making a phone call to the real owner, he now gives me permission as well, he just wanted to know who I was and make sure I checked with him to make sure none of his friends/relatives were hunting it.I guess my point is, don't jump to conclusions, it may be a misunderstanding... and make sure the land you THINK you have permission to hunt, is really owned by the guy who gave you permission.I can see your concern though. Even if that guy secures proper permission, it would be frustrating... considering all the work you have done to set up your hunt.I also try to have multiple hunting options, as one year, someone was bow hunting my section of woods right up to gun opener... and I had no idea if he was going to be set up there or not... I sure as heck wasn't going to put all my eggs in that basket. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigbucks Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 That would absolutely suck & I understand your frustration. Didn't you say you had stands & blinds? At the most he's only in one of them. I would have gone to where you planned to hunt. If he was there I'd find out what's going on, if he wasn't I'd be hunting. I'm not sure if I'd park behind the guy as he might come & try to find you while you're bowhunting & wreck your hunt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted October 30, 2007 Share Posted October 30, 2007 I would have done the same thing bigbuck has stated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeanoB Posted October 31, 2007 Author Share Posted October 31, 2007 Well hind sight is always 20/20 I have learned. I should have just went in and sat where i planned. Turns out this character does NOT have permission to be on the land. There is an old house, couple old cars, and a truck, and a bunch of machinery. Some items have turned up missing in the past. Any way landowner has given lic plate # to sheriff's dept, and he will be pressing trespass charges. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeanoB Posted November 7, 2007 Author Share Posted November 7, 2007 wow, so tonight a different vehicle parked in the driveway, oh by the way, last week I had an encounter with the guy, saw the same car there and went in and found him sitting in one of my stands! kicked right back with 2 empty gatorade bottles at the base of the stand...the nerve! turns out this guy has permission, it is so complex...he asked the grandma, who was the original owner of the land, but then when grandma got old, she gave it to her daughter. this cat is dating the grandaughter. the mom is who i got permission from, and this slick cat went to grandma and she said "sure." anyway i run into him tonight with 2 of his buddies trying to do some sort of drive with bows. he's like "i called grandma and she says I am the only one that has permission!" No shiz , grandma on respirator, and no legal rights to the land anymore. anyways he is all high and mighty, and I'm like whatever dude, i"m putting up my doghouse right over there, and if you are going to hunt here, sit on stand, there are at least 7 bucks with over 6 points out here, and 1 has over 12, so stop scenting up the place, pick a stand and sit" needless to say, it got kinda ugly, and i had my 8 year old along, and he was like "wow dad is it always like this when hunting?" great impression right, i tried keeping my cool, but this guy in his dirty carharts, and hat just got me all fired up. the landowner (the mom) and she is just bent cause her daughter told the boyfriend to call grandma, and she was ticked at him cause he went to grandma and not her. so it ends up greasball says he is hunting 3b gun season out there, and i told him, so am I, he's like no ya ain't me and my boys will be out here. so now the landowner says no one gets to shotgun hunt out there, because of the liabilty at this point and is seriously thinking of revoking both our bowhunting privelages! good news, she said fine for me to bring 8 year old son, not ok for him to have his friends hunt there. being the salesman I am, I make a call to my bro in law who is processing 5 deer they got, and say I need one of those summer sausage sticks pronto, I'll pay up for it too, that was the deal i struck up with the landowner, last year: i shoot a deer, she gets one of the big ol summer sausages. So my bro and his group are doing the summer sausage tonight, and I end up paying for the seasoning, and whatever, I said will a $100 cover it, oh for sure yea, ok then i need 2 sticks! haha first thing tomoorow, i'm going to deliver the 2 sausage and stay in the good graces, that punk kid will be taught a lesson by the master! man i need to get one stuck quick, before this greaser ruins everything. EDIT sorry if I used abusive language before i edited out. This is a family owned property for 109 years.Turns out my permission is from the caretaker of the property for 18 years, and he and i talked to the landowner on phone tonight, I have permission, he has permission, and the boyfriend has permission for archery. Caretaker can grant or refuse anyone permission per the landowner at any time. Shotgun hunting is still unknown, but at the caretaker's discretion, who will 99% let me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Foss Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 Wow. Now that's the most complicated hunting access story I've ever heard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
89Bronco Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 ...and that's why in the 10 years I've lived "down here" I've never hunted "down here." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hammer Handle Posted November 7, 2007 Share Posted November 7, 2007 I agree...I got lost halfway through the story.If the grandma has no ownership in the land anymore...she can't give access. But, watch out...many have what they call a "lifetime estate". That can mean they don't own the land, but have all legal rights to use it.I said it before and will say it again, I am sure glad I own my own land for hunting..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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