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scared of meds

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I started high blood pressure meds today, i am scared to death, i read all i could on the type of meds i am taking and i didn't see anything good.. They tell me i need to be very careful when i fist get up i may black out till i get used to them.. Then theres a sore throat, dry cough, headaches, dizziness, nausea, runs, trouble breathing, chest pain, rashes, lack of sex drive and the list goes on for about another 90 things..

Just very scary for me

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I have taken many different type meds over the years. Many if not all come with a warning of all of the side effects. In alot of cases, the side effects affect only a very small percentage of the users.

If the meds make one feel better and your health will benefit from there usage then I would by all means take them.

One just needs to make themselves aware of those side affects listed and watch for them with help and direction from your doctor.

I hope all goes well for you and things do get better.

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High BP is no joke.

Having gone through some junk in my life I can honestly say some of the side effects are much easier to handle than strokes, renal failure, heart attacks, etc.

A good sit down chat with the Dr is important to fully understand the give and take of these meds.

Good luck, hope all turns out well.

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Yes the doc said i will do fine, and i was like but i have a lot of questions, he said take the pills and see me in 10 days, and that i was to monitor my bp at home.. Ok its the 4 day now, and i feel like dump after i take them about 9 am to about 4ish, i get dizzy and i have nausea and i just don't feel good at all, tired a lot, i understand that this is a adjustment period, but so many live with this , and that scares me that i have to live my life feeling this, i have a daughter who is dying from cancer she has many many seizures a day i need to jump quickly to tend to her and i almost pass out if i move to fast... so then i get scared what if i do, what happens to heather if i do.. Some times heather stops breathing during her seizures..I am on lisinopril/HCTZ 10/12.5 TABS.. Maybe someone else has been on this and can give me some input, since everything i found online was bad , get off it, and the like, nothing good..

I mean yes of course i don't want a stroke, but it is scary to me.. And i feel like your all family, and i am sure out of all the people here someone might know about it.


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I have been on that one for a few years now and only have had a few of those side affects and mild ones at that.. I am sure the Dr's and drug companies need to cover there you know what and they list every possible symptom.. In most cases that label has more bark than bite.. Though now I guess I can tell the old lady my headache is not made up just look at the side affects grin.gif There are plenty of different meds out there just keep your Doctor informed on how you feel and you will be fine.

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If you haven't done so already, be sure that you inform the doc of these symptoms before the 10 days if it's really that bad.

Maybe even ask/suggest to him/her that you'd like to try something else because of the side effects.

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There is no reason to feel poorly. Get the doctor to change medications. I have been on HBP medications for about 40 years

and with all the different meds that I have taken only one caused problems enough to change meds. I currently take four

different meds. and they do not cause any problems or changes

in my life. Good Luck!!!

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Lisinopril is the generic version of Prinovil which is a very well known and time tested HBP medicine. I have been on it for about 6 years and it has worked very well. Give it a chance and regularly have your BP checked by a friend or at a local drug store.

I am sure you doctor will have you come back into the office in the near future to be reexamined.

Good luck.

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Don't be afraid to call your doctor about your side effects. Most doctors would really like honest feed back on how you are feeling. What works for one, may not work for another. Our daughter with MS is on her fourth medicine - either her body couldn't deal with them, or they weren't doing what they were supposed to. We finally found one that works. She has been relapse free for one year. To get to the stage we are at, we had to have open lines of communication with our doctor.

My father-in-law has bp issues, so I bought him a digital monitor to use at home. He, too, has tried multiple meds to find the one that works for him.

Keep us posted!

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There are a lot of things that can cause high BP (stress, lack of exercise, diet, weight, etc.) I can tell you that you don't have high blood pressure because your body was lacking BP meds!! You have to figure out what is causing your body to raise your blood pressure. Some things that I would look into is your diet, exercise, stress management, if you are overweight, ways to lose excess wt. If you have ant questions I would be happy to talk to you.

[email protected]


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I've been using BP meds for a few years now. After beginning I worked at it and managed to drop about 10 lbs and holding. Since losing just those few pounds my BP prescription has been cut in half and my pressure is still staying in control. My goal is get myself down at least another 10 - 15 (hopefully).

Part of the reason for reducing my prescription was my heart rate. A side effect of one of my meds is a slower heart rate and mine was consistently hovering around 48bpm. Reducing my med by 50% has also brought my rate up to around 56bpm.


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I am over weight a lot, due to the meds of steroids and some chemo drugs.. And it's coming off very very slowly. Its in my muscles and bone marrow, so it will take time..First just my cheeks swelled up then my belly then my hips and then ,my whole body..I got a wrist digital bp machine, it works great for me, i can manage it myself. Also yeah i have tons of stress in my life, i have a daughter who since 2 1/2 years old been fighting cancer and coming and going from doc to hosp to doc and her seizures a day, it does stress you out. Not knowing if this day is her last here with us..

I eat toast or something light in the am sometime, and then i don't eat anything till about 5 ish and thats dinner, I eat half of what everyone else does, and i can gain weight.. People look at big people like they eat so much, i bet i eat less then 1000 cal a day..tops..

So the doc said the weight will come off, well i am still waiting..

I get out of the house a lot, either walking heather in her wheel chair, food shopping, fishing hunting playing with Hunter, always in some sort of woods. Maybe i need to push more time out?

My grandmother and mother both had high blood pressure..

And yeah i see Dr Knot on fri to go over what i feel and my choices, the take 7-10 days for the side affects to overcome, i am on my 5th day.. But i will say after taking it in the morning by 4 ish i am feeling pretty good.. 6 hours after i take the pill, but those 6 hours are a ride for sure. My theriod is good too

I want to thank everyone, your my boost to keep going here with this, i don't feel alone like i did, this is very scary for me, but the outcome of a stroke or heart attack is even scarier.

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Anna, our daughter with MS had quite a few steroid treatments as well. It took two years for her face to thin down to where it should be.

If you are eating less than 1000 calories a day, your body is going to hang on to everything just to survive. You should be eating at least 1200 calories a day. Talk to your doctor about that as well. See if your doctor will write a prescription to see a dietician. That way your insurance would cover the cost.

Do you have any respite care for yourself? It sounds like you could use a break!

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It sounds like you are doing the right things. You should consult a dietician, because you have to eat more to get your metabolism going. I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes you do have to eat more to lose weight. You have to make sure you are eating the right foods. One thing that you should concentrate on is fresh fruits and vegetables, organic if possible (6-8 servings a day). I have had great success with an all natural body cleanse product with patients, myself and my family. If you would like info on that let me know. i am very sorry to hear about your daughter. Love her and cherish every moment with her:) and hang in there. I know it feels selfish, but you ave to take time for yourself, because if you get rundown and sick then everybody in your family will suffer.

[email protected]


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I'm going on about eight years on BP meds with no problems. My wife had the annoying dry cough. Her dr. changed the perscription and it went away.

My problem was with the cholesterol pill. I started out on Baycol and was miserable right away with muscle pains. Within a few months it was recalled as there were many deaths related to side effects. It took several months before I was feeling normal.

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Yes i am doing ok on the meds, now he wants me on beta blocker too... will know more on the 15th..

I want to thank all of you for holding my hand with the BP pills.. Will let you know on the beta blockers later might need that hand again..


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