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Many many years ago... my dad and my grandfather(who has since passed) were ice fishing on Lake Minnetonka... My dad and I were just killin the fish.. we had to have caught close to 100 and my grandpa was getting skunked... normally he was a pretty good angler. After about 30 mins of him setting hte hook on nothing he reels in.. and finds out the lure my dad gave him to use.. the hook was broke off of...

Dad never lived it down...

another similar story to which I only remember as a story as I was too young.. same fishing crew.. I was almost 4 years old at the time... anyway, again on Tonka putting the smack down on the gills...Keep in mind I have onlly heard the story, I dont remember it.. anyway.. I guess I got tired of fishing an was goofing off on the ice... Gramps was getting pretty upset at me and started yellin at me.. "Why arent you fishing, they havent bit this good all winter..." I guess I walked up to him, put my arm around him and said... "Grampa, if you would have caught as many fish as I have today, you would need a break too."

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Nice stories Dietz!

I have a couple, but due to FM policy I can not relay those tails! They would of included finding the brothel/bordello out on Lake Mille lacs on the ice in the early nineties!

LOL, just joking! That was an old myth I was told about as a kid from the same uncles in my story. I should bring that up in the Mille Lacs forum! I have heard about them from other sources!

When I was a young boy 5-6 years of age, my father and uncles took me out to twin lakes out by Nowthen to do a little ice fishing. I was really into it and my hole was place a ways away from the group. I should say like Dietz said, I was told this story a hundred times by my father. Also this is one of the hand full of time my father took me ice fishing (I loved him for it).

Again I was a way from the group and my father noted a dog running across the lake. Twin lakes is a so so big lake, but this dog came from all the way across the lake. It was running at full speed. Sure enough it pegged me and knock me to the ice. Then turned around and ran back across the lake.

My father and uncles still have a good chuckle over this one to this date!

Good times!

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last year i had the worst and funniest day at the same time.

Me and some buddies were out on prior lake catchin a bunch of crappies and it got dark out so i took out my lantern and lit it, and both the mantles fell off. so i had to monkey around in the dark putting new ones on, and in the confusion the towel connected to me started on fire on my heater. so i ran out of the house trying to put it out and had to jump into a snow bank. then later that night when we decided to pack up i went to stand up and forgot that my phone was on my lap and PLOP! right down the hole. i watched it on my vex the whole way down.

but we did bring home a nice batch of keepers so it wasnt so bad.

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Thats a good one! I reminds me of a time on Linwood, we were fishing right next to a couple buddies of mine in porties and they had an issue with latern and got it to lite and right as they hung it back up, down it went. We heard them make noise over there and wathced latern go down hole and lit up ice untill water got in and did its thing. again, it was the guy who did not own it, that dropped it!

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HI i have 2 stories last year my little niece went fishing with me and my mother. I unfortunatly left my small jig box open and by the hole my niece knocked it in. She kept yelling look at all the sparkly things. It took me a second to realize that sparkly things were all my jigs going in the hole then my mother yells save the bobbers. As if they would sink. my mother and I still laugh over save the bobbers. 2 lessons learned never leave shiny objects by kids and bobbers float

The second one was 6 years ago i just was learning about ice fishing and finally bought a rod reel small shelter and a heater i was so proud and brought my wife with me. We get out there. and i see guys with these auger type machines and my wife asks me what are those i said i dont know but we dont need one. then i set it up and found out i needed one of those auger type machines. Yes dumb on my part but i had never ice fished before and didnt know much A real friendly guy came over to talk i told him what i did he just died laughing he was great about it popped a couple of holes and showed me how to set my depth. must have been someone from the forum. Now we never go fishing with out my wife saying have we got the auger.

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three of us were out fishing the mighty zumbro and convinced the one guys girlfreind to bring us dinner, when she got there my buddy took her for a ride on his sled and we took her car across the lake but left it in plan site . When they got back she freaked because her purse phone everything else she had was in the caafter a few minutes of her freaking out we pointed too where the car was. That made her even madder I think.

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My brother-in-law and I were fishing up on Upper Red quite a few years ago. It was an early April day on the ice and we were sitting outside on buckets enjoying the sun-it was about 55 degrees outside and sunny...just a great late ice day. The fish weren't biting to good, either. We caught just a handful of Walleyes...It was kinda boring. So, our attention shifted to watching this group of people just a short ways away. There were 4 guys playing shirtless football, 2 guys barbequeing something that smelled great, and one gal in about her 20's or so sitting on a short stool all bundled up, looking down the hole, trying desperately to catch a fish. This is when we noticed my bro-in-laws' huge Yellow Lab sneak up behing the lady, lift his leg, and proceed to take a nice long tinkel on the poor gal's back while she was sitting there fishing!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif She was so bundled up, she never knew what happened! We just about died of laughter...funniest thing ever!


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I watched a couple guys in a 4x8 "Blue Tarper", learn the hard way what happens when you don't tighten the gas line all the way on a lit Mr.Heater!! Can you say CHERNOBLE!!! No one got hurt but it was funny afterwards!! They had a chilly afternoon fishing in thier frame minus the tarp!

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I have shown this before, but it was kinda funny. It was the last week of the season. The house had to come off the ice. We had very little snow all year. I had some snow around the house, just enough to keep out the wind. We had unusually warm weather, then rain followed by snow. When I went to pull the house off her is what I found.


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Not really a "this happened to me once" kind of story, but I smoke off and on and my father never really cared for it. The problem is that every time we go ice fishing it seems like I don't catch a fish unless I light up a "heater". Pull out the lighter, take a puff, fish on. Every single time!!! Every picture we have of me with a fish I have a half smoked cigarette hanging around.

My buddy and I get used to this predicament and think little of it, but then we show the pictures of us fishing to my old man. This prompts the "you are smoking a LOT" speech because in every picture I have a cigarette!!!

I quit this spring, almost tempted to start up again just to watch that fish hit!!!!

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Back in the day, my friend Rick (The state lightweight champion at the time) and I went ice fishing up to Mille Lacs. He wasn't in training at the time, so we of course brought along some libation to keep the chill off.

We set up the adjoined portables and started fishing and drinking and lying and having a good old time. Getting pretty oiled in the process. Rick had to go to shore for some reason which I can't recall and I hooked the ice ladel to his line and lowered it down.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself....we were heating the houses with a Coleman camp stove and while filling it earlier, we had spilled some gas on the floor. Okay, now I'm ready.

Rick comes back see's his cork is down and scrambles over and sets the hook..."Hey, I've got a good one!" I'm laughing so hard under my breath, I almost choked! "I'll help you land it"! He's pulling it up and I says, "I can see it, it's a hog, pull!" He gets it up into the ice hole and I'm kind of shielding it and when the handle of the ladle comes up I yells, "I got it!" and spun around with the ladle in hand!

He looks at the ladle, at me, at the ladle and then jumps on me and we are laughing and wrassling and throwing mock punches in the fish house and I accidently kicked the exterior Coleman gas tank....excessive libation has a way of making these kinds of situations happen!

It popped out of the stove, ignited the gas that had been spilled on the floor, and sprayed a stream of fire like a flame thrower, on the canvas of the house!

The houses belonged to another friend of mine, so I tried to put out the fire and save the houses....which I might add, went up in flames like they were made out of paper! I think the gas was a big help.

Rick baled out one side...I tried to bale out the other and bounced off the canvas, slipped on some water and landed in the fire on the floor. In the second attempt I made it out and was immediately jumped upon by Rick and another fishermen and rolled in the snow to put out the flames.

When the excitement and the smoke cleared, the houses were just poles and a floor. I looked at Rick and his eyelashes and eyebrows were gone and the front of his hair looked like a brown Chia pet! His face was red as a beet.

My hair was all singed and crumbly and stinky, no eyebrows, or eyelashes and my handlebar moustache was all melted and burnt and looked and smelled like a sun baked sucker minnow!

My air force green parka with the fur hood liner was melted and burnt and shrunk about three sizes to where it was tight under my arms and the sleeves where almost to my elbows!

What could a guy do? We loaded our gear into the truck and hit the bar in Isle to eat some smoked Tulibees and discuss the days events. We sure got alot of weird looks!

Besides almost being semi roasted, losing my friends houses, losing alot of our gear and some of the clothes off our backs, it was a pretty fun day.

It could have ended badly, but it didn't ...lots of laughs and lots of memories.

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I pulled this off another thread I responded to so some of you may have already read it. But I got to post it here....

A couple of stories of how just trying to catch a fish through the ice can involve some rather interesting occurances.

Oh yeah and speaking of 10 inch holes being good sized for a boot.....I took my younger step brother out fishing a few years back and right after I got the holes drilled I turned around and there he went.... up to the crotch, it was pretty hard not to laugh histaricly, I probably did. The look on his face was priceless, like he had no idea what just happened. Helped him out and we fished for the rest of the day, with the sunflower heater on him...What a guy.

....also the 10 inch holes are really good at catching stuff....like when your buddy kicks your lantern down the hole......in the middle of the crappie bite.......and then has the audacity to laugh, and say "haha watch it go down on the Vexilar"........I'm shaking my head right now...good times, that Putz crazy.gif. So I am looking for a good jig to try and snag it with, grab a flyer. tie on and i'm jiging it for a few minutes and I feel pressure. No way....pull it up and there it is, the most amazing part is I let it dry out a few minutes, put some new mantles on and she fires right up. Coleman makes a heck of a product.

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last year I brought my 5 year old daughter to my shack on mille lacs. I should qualify this by saying my daughter is "100% girl" but still likes to fish with dad. we spend the night. I managed to get her hook into some nice jumbos and I got a few eyes. the next morning I was outside filling the generator, when the door to the house flys open and my daughter yells "DDDDAAAADDDDD.......RATTLE REEL!" with eyes like saucers. I go inside to see one of my rattle reels singing. she had been mentioning about wanting to catch a "really big one", so I set the hook on a nice fish and tell her come here and I'll let you catch the fish.....to which her reply is, "I can't right now dad, I'm brushing my hair, you'll have to catch it."

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Just thought of another one.... So I was with a couple of buddies heading out on the lake and it must have been late season because the ice was glass smooth and had about an inch of water on it. Now usually a guy would have ice cleats and be fine, we didn't but we were there and determined to fish. So we headed out at a snails pace to the spot and pulling the house was almost immpossible to gain ground, and the stiff wind wasn't helping. finally we get out to a decent fishing spot and start setting up. One of my buddies has one of those older frabill portable, the ones that weigh like 2 pounds and have a thin plastic floor under you and the canvas extends over the bare ice where your holes are. So he gets inside the thing and starts to set it up and a gust of wind blows him and the fishhouse a few feet....so he says hey guys you know those catamaran type things with sails that fly over the ice, I could do that. And we said "no you wouldn't get very far, and that would be horrible getting back" ....about the time we finished saying that he had the thing rigged up like a big sail and squated down on the back edge of the floor.....a BIG gust of wind came and he was moving....and couldn't stop.....so picture the scene a half erected fishhouse flying across the lake with a guy in it. He SERIOUSLY went over 150 yards and had to lay down in the thing to stop it. At this point me and my other buddy had set up and we were fishing, saying man that did look fun but we will be done fishing by the time he gets back.

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Try messing with people that have never been on the ice.

I had some gal from Ohio come up and visit me and wanted to go out on the ice. I took her out to my fish house and she was asking all kinds of questions. then she noticed my depth marker clipped to my jacket and asked what it was. I told her it was a sending unit for if you went through the ice they could find your body. Boy did her eyes get big. then she says "I don't have one." so I went in my tackle box and took one out and clipped it on her. When we left I told her she could keep it. It was real hard not to laugh. after she went back to Ohio, about three days later I get this real wild Email from her saying how she was at work showing everyone the sending unit I gave her and explaining what it was for when someone told her what it REALLY was. I'm sure glad she was a good sport about it.

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i was out on waconia on very early ice fishing on cemetery reef. i think there were about six or eight portables out there. it was quite peaceful but i could hear that the two guys in one the portables to the west of me were hitting the sauce a bit while fishing. as they were a bit loud at times.

well about 9pm i could hear them packing it in and i am watching them thru the window. they were about 100 yds away or so. i saw one get out and go for the propane bottle. which evedently had a quick connect onit, that as you will gather as i go on, was not on the tank in the proper way. welll insted of turning the tank off he turns it wide open and disconnects the bottle. and you could hear the rush of gas come out of the bottle. as the second guy exits the portable, the gas hits the still lit lantern inside the porti and, WOOOOF!! the house is a blaze and in seconds the canvas is gone and the wood sides of the porti are blazeing. well the two lads walk to shore obviously not hurt. and then they walked back out to it to find the remains in glowing ashes and embers.

but there is this twenty foot high flame coming off the tank. it was quite hilarious watching the fire dept, now on shore, with all their lights flashing and their spot light trained on the now gone fishhouse,getting their gumby suits on and tied together so they could come out to see what they could do. as the scene calmed and we watched the flame blazing. and the firefighters with an ice spud, checking the ice thickness on there way out, i could not help my self in yelling over to the two guys.

..... are you ready ...... here it is. ..... NO!!!! YOU F@@L I WANTED A BUD LIGHT!!!! and it was over. there were about 15 guys rolling on the ice laughing our tails off. as the FD got out to us. and to see the looks on their faces was priceless, like what the heck. it was one of the funniest times i ever had on the ice. ... paul

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Lots of funny stories so far, I've got 2 that have happened to me and my friend.

First: Me and my friend printed off a lake map from the DNR site and went out to the lake. We both only have hand augers and it was mid Feb. and there was about 1 1/2' of ice. We walked out to what we though was 12' of water. I started drilling a hole and he started on another a little closer to shore. I made it through and dropped down a line and realized we were in about 1 foot of water. He was like "while maybe it's deeper here" so he kept drilling and he was in about 8". We were both tired of drilling already, and both holes were useless.

Story 2: We were on a different lake and we had set out 2 tip ups and we were both fishing one line in our portables. I saw a flag go up and ran over to it and pulled it up. It was only a blue-gill but as I pulled it out, a Northern jumped about 6" out of the hole after it. I was right down next to the hole and when it jumped up I fell back on my butt. My friend also reminds me that I screamed like a little girl. LOL

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
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