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Ice Road Truckers?


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Anyone else watch this series? I have seen pretty much every one and kind of getting into it.

Does anyone think it is as tough as they make it out to be?

I figure with as much "ice road" driving us MN'ers do, their should be a ton of MN truckers heading up their to make some of that cash come their way. grin.gif

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I'd really like to know how the one guy got away with firing his pistol out his driver side window???

The portrayed him as shooting at another truck, I find that hard to believe.

Kinda gives gun owners a bad name.

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It sure looked real! I had to take a double take on it, but you could tell by the muzzle flash that something was up. I would have to think the other truck was behind him, not next to him. They were goofing around! I know they do let other trucks pass, but the slow truck almost has to stop and the other truck goes around.

I seen the preview for next week and I think someone dies.

I do get sick of seeing the computer generated image of that truck going threw ice about 100 times per episode. They must have paid a computer animater big bucks for that one and feel they have to use it a lot grin.gif. Also them explaining over and over again the same stuff about how dangerous the ice is. I think with as much technology thay got going on up their and how valuable that ice road is, your chances of going threw about the same as getting into a major accident on an blizzard swept freeway.

I do not watch much new TV shows and I think reality shows for the most part are for the dogs, but I sure do like this show for some reason.

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I am sure there are lots of risks involved, but they seem to be laying down a lot of hype for sure.

No heat in the cab in -40 conditions has to suck.

That driver hauling 95,000 pounds of tippy load was pretty cool to watch.

All in all, I find it a very enjoyable show. It seems to be rather similar to Deadliest Catch.

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I like the show and watch it every week but I'm getting sick of how arrogant some of these guys are. They take every chance they get to talk smack about the other drivers and tell us how they are the best driver. I realize it's a risky job but come on you drive a truck. I guess it comes with the teritory.

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driving a truck but they are up for 24+ hrs with heavy loads and on less than favorable conditions......even with the technology they still go thru the ice!!!! You only see part of it and I believe it wouldn't be easy or fun in the least.......loading and unloading in -40 degree weather if you are broken down try fixing something in that temp.....no thanks!!!

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I think the biggest smack talker is Pollar Bear. He treats his crew a little rough. To blame them for his trucks braking down, that says a little about him.

I thought I heard they gave him that name because he smells like a pollar bear grin.gif. He sure looks like he could

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he is hard on them but like the technitions stated when drew lost his battery box....how do you lose that and not feel it???? drew's first run was costly by going into the ditch...Rick is a good driver and is tough but has run into some bad luck....some of the breakdowns can definatly have some blame on the driver's just as the polar bear was saying you avoid pot holes ruts and you don't beat on your truck to avoid breakdowns!!!! Some are inevitable but some are definatly to blame on the driver.....

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I like the show too but I feel they hype the danger a bit. It's like they're trying to make it sound like the deadliest catch. It seems that there are trucks coming and going constantly so if you did break down the wait for a ride wouldn't be too long. The no heat in the cab thing is kind of funny. If it's that cold in there why aren't the guys wearing gloves, hats, parkas...? The biggest complainers are the guys driving for Hugh the Polar Bear. His rigs are junk! It does seem like a tough gig though. To make money you have to make as many trips as you can, so sleep isn't high on the list.

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Some of the heavy loads they have to drive slowly. I think driving 300 miles at 15 mile per hour would drive anyone nuts - Try driving from the cities to Lake of the Woods at 15 miles an hour - I don't think I could do it.

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I thought Drew was treated a little unfairly. Sure, running out of fuel was his screw up plain and simple. Getting stuck on his first run was a screw up as well. Perhaps he did drive rough over the land portages.

Seems to me Hugh set him up with a couple of trucks that have been sorely neglected. Loosing his battery boxes did not just happen, they had to have been in rough shape to begin with. Getting two trailers with brakes that would not release was not his fault either.

I was waiting for Drew to question on why Hugh does not take better care of his gear, but I never heard him say it.

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Only at the end did Drew finally say that he would like to come back next year and run with a better outfitter....he did get some bad breaks!!!

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Uhoh I smell a thread highjack (not that this is a real important thread).

They do have socialized health care, I think the bills he had were for the ambulance rides. Also all these numbers they throw around are Canadian dollars.

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No thread hijack here. Just a question I had later on grin.gif.

I have no idea what the Canadian medical program costs a patient.

Any ambulance ride is big $$ for sure, not to mention an air evacuation.

Something just seemed a bit off when they said he was getting saddled with $12k of medical bills. I could not put my finger on it at the time, but it came to me the next day when I remembered that Canada had a socialized medical plan.

I guess my question was, did he really have to pay those costs, or was that a little extra drama for the show?

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