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Trapping- What did you catch today?

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Fishermann, are you going to set for the white fox the same way you set for the reds? Are the white fox the same as what they call Artic fox? I've seen some documentaries about the Artic fox and they said you can trap them with a conibear with a piece of meat on the trigger. How come the artic fox don't make it up to the North side of the island? Do the white fox sell for about the same money? You going to ride your sled to the South side of the island?

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yep I will head down friday night, not a bad drive as long as the weather holds out for the weekend. Have to travel with a partner though because it is dangerous. whites are the same as arctics. I shot 4 last year up here on the north side but never had any in my traps. There are not very many. Using coni's is one way we are going to trap them, if we run one in a hole, set it with a coni and move on. HOPEFULLY we can find a seal or walrus dead on the beaches down there, if we can then that is where whites are known to congregate.

HOpefully I can get some white photos for you guys. They actually sell for less than reds if just dried. If I tan them and send them to the ATA fur auction I can get about 80-90 for them though.

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Fishermann, we just got in from the line. It's kind of snowing and blowing here. We had a fox walk up and into the trap, but missed the pan. The next trap I caught a skunk. I thought about skinning it, had my mind made up, shot it, pulled out of the trap, and was on the way back to the truck when it hit me. WOW, no everything I own smells like a skunk. Peeeeeeeuuuuuuuu. I got home and took my carharts and boots, jacket, and hat off out in the garage. I walked into the house, and my wife started yelling. Good thing my garage is heated, I'll have a place to sleep. Well, I reset that trap, it should really produce now. Good luck to you on your trip to the South side of the island.

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Funny stuff...

I got nailed by a little stinker once when I was sneaking up on some geese in the tall slough grass. I never saw it, and didn't know what happened initially. It felt like getting a gob of horseradish shove up my nose. After a few moments I detected what it was and hotfooted it out of the area. (I did complete the sneak and bagged my goose too!) Needless to say I had to ride home in the back of the truck and take the old tomato juice bath repeatedly. I smelled skunk every time I washed my hair for at least a month though.

I have found out on my dogs over the years that a quart of hydrogen peroxide, a cup of baking soda, and a table spoon of dish soap mixed together then rubbed on and left to sit for 15 minutes before washing works better than anything(even commercial stuff). Just keep it out of your eyes(or the dog's) and don't mix the stuff until you need it or the effectivness wears off.

Mythbusters did a test on this concoction, tomato juice, and commercialy sold products and found the same results too. I love that show.

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I would set a trap on the up wind side of the fence, any where from 5 to 20 feet away from the fence. You can make a dirt hole set, using straw, or some other type of backing. depending on what is growing out in the field or along the fence line. If it is a hay field, tear off some of the longer grass that didn't get cut, and ball it up. put the dirthole under one side of it. The coyotes will thing there is mice in there and they will go check it out. They will also want to pee on it.

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I've had luck using a "fence post" set. You don't actually use a fence post but you find some debris in the field and kind of mound it up a bit...and I used some fox urine on one side of it and then bed the trap 10" back from the edge of your debris guarding where you put the urine. You are basically working against their canine instinct to pee on everything that looks interesting in their territory...Now when I walk my lab he pees on about anything crazy.gif



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Could not head south tonight as planned, snowing and blowing. Hopefully it clears up tomorrow morning so we can head down. I hit the local line for the first time in 3 days. I had 3 fox waiting for me. This was a suprise as all my sets were either uncovered or drifted in. I guess some fox were doing some digging looking for bait and managed to get caught. I did not have the camera with me. I am dealing with about 2 feet of powder. If the wind picks up anymore than it already is it is going to get nasty.

Leechman good job on the skunks. I really like those. Might have to make some kind of trade for one in the future if you get one with really nice white stripes.

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Fisherman222 Are you close to Kutzbo by the Artic circle. I have a freind there that is a carpenter, and has a small plane He is a big hunter, but don't know if he is a trapper. I havn't trapped since I was a lot younger. Was fun then, but a lot of work for a old fat man now. CAJ

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Caught another red fox today. It was a little disappointing though, as this fox had mange. Felt kind of bad for it. Anyway, I put in a couple more sets and hung 4 snares. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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Tipupking I can wait smile.gif We will have to work out a trade.

Leechman good job on the fox, bummer it had mange, but good to get him out of the general population.

I did not make a check today, it is still blowing snow, so no point in digging out yet.

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that is a GREAT looking skunk. Can we see a photo of it on the stretcher?

I am going to try and go dig out a few sets today. Only a few since we have another major low pressure system working its way over, suppose to blizzard thursday and friday again. One system after another is really crushing my ability to trap effectivly this year.

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Fishermann,this is the first skunk I've ever skun out. I fleshed it a few minutes ago. It was just as fatty as a coon. I imagin you stretch them fur side in. What are your thoughts? I'm going to get this one tanned and add it to my fur collection

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If you are going to get it tanned it does not matter how you finish it on the stretcher. I would NOT turn it fur out, as it does not matter if you are going to get it tanned. I believe if you were selling it, it would have to be fur out. It has really nice white stripes. Nice and wide.

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Leechmann...They are put on the stretcher with the leather side out....seems like no matter how good you flesh em, they still get greasy. If you put them fur side out, that grease creates heat, taint, get sour and cause slippage.

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Don't they hibernate? I remember trapping as a kid and nothing was more of a let down than a skunk in a fox or coon set. I learned that if you stayed away from them and shot them from a distance, they wouldn't spray

Sachem, they are like a coon, they hibernate when it's cold, and come out of warmer nights. I think when it hit 25 degrees, they start wondering around.

Thanks Grebe, I'll put him on the stretcher fur side in. I skun him right after he died. Being still warm, he sure skun nice and easy. Then I was impressed that it fleshed out so easy. I used a dull draw knife, and just pushed the fat off. Pretty easy, if they didn't stink, maybe a guy would go after them.

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