Dock Boy Posted December 2, 2006 Share Posted December 2, 2006 The week before christmas I'm heading out on a Onterio Timberwolf hunt. Has anyone here hunted them and do you have any tips for me. Thanks for your help. I'm really excited. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blue_healer_guy Posted December 2, 2006 Share Posted December 2, 2006 From the sounds of it from the big brother who lives there, should be one by Grand Rapids along scenic 7. Has seen more wolf than deer this season. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GatorBait Posted December 2, 2006 Share Posted December 2, 2006 Watch your back. I have a friend in Alaska that hunts them, and he says the biggest problem he has is getting stalked while he's stalking. Not trying to freak you out or anything, just giving you a little pointer. I'm sure you'll have the time of your life. Good Luck and Have Fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BIG ISLAND DUDE Posted December 2, 2006 Share Posted December 2, 2006 What do you do with a wolf after you kill it? Do they taste good? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dock Boy Posted December 2, 2006 Author Share Posted December 2, 2006 You skin it and make a rug or in my case a full body mount. It's going to be a great experience. If you want to I can package it up for you. I heard its good marinaded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ufatz Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Quote:What do you do with a wolf after you kill it? Do they taste good? Mainly you strut around thumping on your chest with your fist, hootin' and howlin' and posting pictures to your friends. Then you try to explain to your non-hunting neighbors why you have a big dead German Shepard in your living room.Love to hear 'em howl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gorrilla Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Ufatz, I suppose your against killing a "precious" fox too?.?.?Maybe you should check the title again, I thought this was a Hunting Forum, not TREE HUGGER...The guy is going on a LEGAL and ethical hunt. Get a clue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tealitup Posted December 3, 2006 Share Posted December 3, 2006 Population control in a country whos fish a game department deemed them within huntable numbers. You might not agree with it, but respect the sport. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ufatz Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 Relax Gorilla. You guys are right.The post about edibillity was just too tempting! Just because I long ago outgrew the need to kill everything in sight and stick it on my wall doesn't mean others can't pursue it. Maybe half the guys in the Forum will, later in life, arrive at the same point. Predators, whatever species, need to be controlled-its the way we manage wildlife for MAN'S needs. I've enjoyed wolves for a long time. There used to be a big black male that would come sit in the meadow behind my Yukon cabin. He would just sit there for a while, watching us cut wood or do chores. And on really cold, minus 40 days in the north you could hear them five miles away. I love the sound of 'em. And there's a pair of foxes that live up behind my MN place. And as far as tree hugging: last time I hugged a tree there was a 1200 Brown Bear at the base making some really nasty noises. You can bet your fanny pack I was huggin' that tree. It still has my fingernail marks in it!!Be respectful of the critters guys, even when you harvest them.Carry on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gorrilla Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 Ufatz, I am relaxed, except when someone attempts to put down hunters. To say that predator hunting is something one must "outgrow" just shows lack of knowledge and respect for fellow hunters...Hunting predators is a useful management tool, and if you care at all about the future of the sport of hunting, you should not rip legal and ethical practices of it. We've got enough "out of touch" suburban-types all ready doing it for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nova Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 sounds like a great trip. My bro-in-law was up there ice fishing a couple years ago and some guys were hunting them. They also said that sometimes YOU are the prey. Good luck and have a great time and let us know how it goes. that would be a great hunt to go on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ufatz Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 Gorilla ol' pal, take a couple deep breaths and go back and read my post. I didn't say anybody HAD to outgrow hunting. And I am confident I know more about predator control and game populations than you do, which is not the point. I have no disrespect for hunters as a group-just an increasing number of hunters who don't seem to get it. Please, go back and read the post again, slowly. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dock Boy Posted December 4, 2006 Author Share Posted December 4, 2006 I have been gone for a few days. I was just trying to get some useful information for my hunt. Figured this would be the forum for it. Didn't know that the hunting forum would come under fire. Please don't type worthless comments in the forum. Just looking for help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gorrilla Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 Ufartz, lets quit with the taunting and talk about hunting, not how much you know or DON'T know. I agree with dock boy, if you aren't here to promote hunting then don't respond. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ufatz Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 Okay you guys....I'll stop. But just let me end by saying to Dockboy that just because you don't agree with my observations does not mean they are worthless. And Gorilla, I did not realize it was a requirement that I promote huntint to post here. I hunt.I fish. I shoot. I've been doing all of it for along time and have developed a different perspective on some things. Some hunters who are young and gung-ho today WILL evolve to feel as some of us old guys do.Shouting down someone who disagrees or calling their observations worthless is just childish.Dock my friend, go and enjoy your hunt. I hope watching the wolves will be a lifetime experience for you and, if you must have one, take one quickly and cleany and with respect.They DO make an impressive rug. And Gorilla, I'll keep on doing my best to promote ethical hunting and fair chase; respect for our quarry; fine vintage shotguns and fine vintage Cognac.Thats my last word. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
160coni Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 On some animals, you save the meat and throw away the skin, and on others, you save the skin and throw away the meat. We really don't have to hunt and fish to eat, there are plenty of domestic animals to eat, but there is no substitute for real fur. This is how I sometimes have to explain myself to non trapping friends. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vitalshot5 Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 very well put coni160....very well put. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onthefly Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 Unapologetically, I am with Ufatz. I'd much rather watch wolves than kill them, though I do not have a problem should someone choose to kill one if within the limits of the law. Dock Boy: I hope you see dozens of wolves every day!And on a side note that I must make: "TREE HUGGER" is just as stereotypical a label as "ANIMAL KILLER." It's naive and unintelligent to label someone as either of those things based on their feelings regarding one subject. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Try Too Fish Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 I think weather you want too admit it or not, hunters, fisherman and tree huggers all share a common bond! A love of the outdoors and the preservation of it! For all to enjoy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishyguy Posted December 4, 2006 Share Posted December 4, 2006 Quote: The week before christmas I'm heading out on a Onterio Timberwolf hunt. Has anyone here hunted them and do you have any tips for me. Thanks for your help. I'm really excited. No one should apologize for their opinions about anything as long as they meet the legal and ethical standards set by the society they live in. That said, this thread was dockboy asking about a hunt that he is truly excited about and was in need of advice. You may see his post above if you are wondering what the parameters around the response could have entailed. Anyone who posted to this in a manner that was neither excitement or helpful within the boundaries of his question or post should apologize for hijacking the thread. There are forums here for debates on outdoors related topics. No one need apologize for opinions, but you should start your own thread if they were not asked for first. I do not want to add to the deterioration of this thread but thought this may help get it back on track with a little perspective to what this was supposed to be about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackpine Rob Posted December 5, 2006 Share Posted December 5, 2006 This is for Dock Boy, and not the self-appointed keepers of all things right and ethical. Boy, do I wish I was as accomplished, experienced and righteous as some seem to think they are. I might have even seen a wolf or two...If you decide to call for the beasts, keep your downwind side well clear. Predators have a habit of circling to your downwind side, and are extremely good at sneaking in where you expect them least. Even the tiniest of cover can amazingly enough hide a full-grown wolf. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DOWNWIND when setting up. At the bare minimum you need to have 300-400 yards clear downwind. This means using lakes, draws and beaver ponds to your advantage.For calls, the basic bunny call is the easiest to use, and can get a good response if the animals are not call-shy. In areas where other callers have already played around, odds are they have "burned" a number of animals - especially those that snuck in downwind and escaped without being detected.I understand some of the wolf hunting operations in Ontario utilize bait and stands. If thats what you are dealing with, I wish you good luck - and that your hosts know what they are up to. Wolves tend to run a circuit over a period of several days. Being in the right place at the right time is extremely important. Think of it as patterning the game - except the timing tends to be days rather than hours.If you have the ability to get out right after an evening/night-time snowfall, you can increase your odds by covering some ground right away in the morning. Wolves tend to be working a lot at night year-round, and laying up by day. Cut a fresh bunch of tracks shortly after sunup, and you are probably pretty close to the animal(s). Find a good set-up and call, and you may be in for some excitement.DISCLAIMER: While I have called in wolves more than once, I haven't targeted them. Until the Feds finish the de-listing process and Minnesota opens up a sport season, I will content myself with getting them a few feet away and then jumping up and screaming "EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH" in my best imitation of a former Dem presidential candidate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
83walleye Posted December 5, 2006 Share Posted December 5, 2006 JR - Great post and funny!! I, too, often wonder what it would be like to go and get a timber wolf up in Ontario. I hunt ducks up there every fall, and my small game license works for wolves and other things as well, so there's no extra expense for a license.And, it would be pretty cool to have a timber wolf skin on the wall. They are beautiful animals. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark Gangl Posted December 5, 2006 Share Posted December 5, 2006 dockboy, i have never hunted wolves but have studied them a little. Some advice for you would be check out wolf dot org HSOforum. why not find out as much as you can about your prey. They give honest info on there about the animal not hunting it but it really all realates. Also they have current locations of BWCA wolfs from their flights could go to help you see the kind of patterns wolves have. As for eating t-wolf how do they taste? I dont know i've never tried. Maybe it was a true ? not a tree hugger comment. How do coon, beaver, or snapping turtle taste? Well i've tried all them, cant say if i had the chance i wouldnt try a wolf after all some people eat squid and raw fish! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 5, 2006 Share Posted December 5, 2006 Dock Boy... I hope you have a great hunt! It sounds like a blast.As for others.. I cant see the purpose of creating a debate over everything. If Dock Boy wants to hunt wolves just to see what happens when the bullet hits it.. thats his right because he is buying the license and participating int he hunt. What he chooses to do with his kill is his own choice.Because something isnt *our cup of tea*, doesnt mean we have to debate or attack it.. in this case, its happening in another country to boot which makes attacks even more out of place.I am not attacking anyonen no matter what their thoughts are, we all are entitled to an opinion... but some should at least make an effort to keep it a litttle more civil. Gorilla.. you feel better making the alteration to *ufatz* name in an earlier post? Pretty childish and it really makes others respect your opinion even less. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gorrilla Posted December 7, 2006 Share Posted December 7, 2006 The reason I haven't added to this thread for quite awhile is I was out on a week long hunting trip(in wolf country...). I just want to add that I hope dockboy has a great hunt and scores big on a huge wolf. I also want to say that I had no intention of hijacking his thread, BUT if it seemed I was debating something or arguing opinions, your darned right. It was my intention to stick up for ALL ethical, legal, and fair chase hunting, if that offends anyone here, I still think they are on the wrong site... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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