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The tough times with your pal

Mark Christianson

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My sisters black lab(Sade) passed this evening. Out of the blue she collapsed and apparently went non-responsive.

She passed away on the way to the vet hospital.

My yellow lab(Cota) that is just days younger than Sade, and is having her own problems. A mystery ailment that is causing her to cough and "hack" quite frequently. Got a message from the vet today that the radiologist sees "something" on the xrays now. Its got me concerned again. The last couple weeks have been up and down with what she has been dealing with.

Go scratch that buddy of yours behind the ear for Sade tonight. I know my sister(Lora) and her husband(Chuck) are absolutely heart broken over their loss.

This pic should show what these dogz mean to our family. This is only 3 of the 7 labs we have at the cabin on some weekends. Its tough to find a good seat to relax after a hard day of fishing or hunting. grin.gif


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Tough times indeed. As anyone can clearly see from that photo, all dogs are the very best companions God ever gave us. I know our family treats the three dogs we have just like family. I hope your sister will feel better soon. Take care Mark, Dan.

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I am sitting here barely able to type from the tears, as last night my beloved Golden died of cancer. We had no idea that anything was even wrong until last Wednesday, and here, just a few days later, my best friend is gone. I guess He had a tumor that burst, and he had extreme bleeding into his belly. There was nothing we could have done to prevent it, or discover it earlier, or anything. I have barely slept in 5 days and have cried like a baby since last night. I can understand what she is going through. Appreciate every second with them, and make sure they know how much you love them, because they are always gone before you realize it! (by the way, we took 97 pictures of him in the last 3 days, so at least we have some great memories!)

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Hey Chad

I am very sorry to hear about your loss as well.

Sade turned out to have cancer as well from what they could tell, and her spleen burst from it.

My Mom and Dad both are distraught today. Sade was at their house when she collapsed last night.

No word on Cota yet. Sadly we played phone tag with the vet today. Crud.

Take care Chad. Sade and your dog are playing together in a better place I am sure.

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Man oh man. Why do I read these at work? What's that? Why are my eyes watering? Oh it's allergeies. Whatever!

I can't begin to tell everybody how I feel. The loss of your best friend (YOUR DOG)is so traumatic. I hope everyone can deal with all of the sorrow, and have some peace of mind.

One of the reasons my mom won't get another dog is because she knows that someday, inevitably she will have to go through it all again. Very painfull!

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Everyone, thanks for the kind words. I guess I felt a little better writing about it and getting it off my chest. Sorry if anyone got depressed! Mark, good luck with Cota. If you need anything, or just to talk, please let me know and we can hook up. Some people say "It's just a dog", but it isn't. It's a friend that only wants you to be happy and loves you unconditionally. Not even the best of wives or human friends can do that. I know the thing I miss most about Corey is being greeted at the door when I get home, and then having him jump on my lap to be petted. Man it sure is quiet now. Sorry for rambling on... Again, thanks everyone for the kind words and good luck!


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I know what you mean. I read this earlier this morning and started to type something, But my mind was going all over the place.. remembering the loss of my last dog and thinking of my current dog. The eyes on the brink of exploding and I just had to stop.

I certainly feel for you guys. I wish you the best.


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Cota definitely has a big problem.

A problem that could take a couple thousand dollars to fix, and thats not knowing if the tumor is malignant or not.

Something is either in her lungs, on her lungs or on her esophogus.

The worst day in a long time. I need to get outta here. I cant work.

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I lost my 11 year old fishing buddy 13 days ago to cancer. It was the one of the hardest things I went through in a long time. It still hurts 2 weeks later!!!!!!!!!!

I do have a 14 month GSP/Lab mix that we have and that helps.

The morning I had put down Max my 7 year old daughter wrote me a letter in school that day. Here is what she wrote:

Dear Dad,

I know you miss Max but we still have Zoe and

Max is still with us. He is watching over us in heaven.



Sorry for being emotional!!!!!!!!!


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Nothing new.

Just really finding out how deep the feelings are embedded I guess.

She doesnt show signs of her attitude changing. Thank God.

I left work early today and tried to work from home a little. Not very successful. Just kinda did some extra-catering to Cota and Shea(the 4 year old chocolate). As wierd as it sounds, it was a "different" feeling to just toss stuff around and really focus on them. I realize how much I feel their presence in everything I do, but it really hits home deeper when you make that extra effort to just hang with them. No TV on, no kids running around, nothing else going on.

I almost have a feeling that I should treat them with dedicated time all the time, and that I maybe have failed to spend that dedicated time with Cota now that she has troubles.

We plan on taking Cota to the U of M for a last possible appointment, but the vet made it clear that they were the ones that identified the real problems. I feel like if I just keep visiting people I might get a better prognosis.

But, I also realize to a degree I am fighting the inevitable.

The wife is fighting hard. Man I love her. My kids are almost too young to understand. Man I love them.

Cota was our first "kid". I love that dog.

Keep fightin' girl.

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I feel for you. When we lost our beloved Springer, Autumn, a few years ago, we cried like babies trying to tell our young kids. They were about 6 and 3 at the time. Our son's first reaction was the best I've heard. He was sad, but said, "It's okay, Dad. Autumn is in a better place." Not bad for a six year old.


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Sorry to hear of your loss Delmuts... I got 3 that'll get a good scratch for you and Gypsy.

Sumner Iowa huh?, Spent many a day chasing rooties in the Sumner-Tripoli areas. Haven't been there in a good 10-12 years though. Ahhh the days...

Good Luck!


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Reading these posts certainly brings back painful memories. Our springer passed away on Christmas Eve this year. I wrapped her in a blanket and put her in the garage-- it was gut wrenching to watch my 13 yr. old son going out and petting her, he removed her collar and cut off some of her hair with a scissors. I get choked up every time of think of that day and how difficult it was on all of us. It's comforting to know that we treated her like family and did everything we could for her. Her ashes are up on my nightstand where they will stay until this fall when we go to ND hunting. My son and I will spread her ashes in her favorite hunting spot.

And another cyle begins. After grieving for some time we went up to Pine Shadows last weekend and picked out a new springer to join us. We're looking forward to having her in our home soon but will always miss our other springer.

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