After reading Mobys post, a light came on in my bean. I remembered that I had left my Eagle Optima fish graph in the garage (unheated)! I called the co., and they said there is no way of knowing if it is damaged w/out hooking it up to the leads in my boat. Well, that won't be possible until Spring, as it is in storage. Anybody out there ever done this, and if so, what happened to your graph? I am hoping and praying it will be OK.
After reading Mobys post, a light came on in my bean. I remembered that I had left my Eagle Optima fish graph in the garage (unheated)! I called the co., and they said there is no way of knowing if it is damaged w/out hooking it up to the leads in my boat. Well, that won't be possible until Spring, as it is in storage. Anybody out there ever done this, and if so, what happened to your graph? I am hoping and praying it will be OK.
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