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For you Smokers,Last Wed.Am I had a real I opener, 6:am sitting right here, cup of coffee, havin a smoke, reading the best fishin info around, I feel kinda clammy/hot. I reach up behind me to open the window. after opening I feel as tho I pulled a muscle in my chest. nothing major, just irratating, 10 min. later its more of a heavy feeling, I go lay down next to the wife to strech it off. NOT!
30 sec. of that I wake her with the Scarriest words to ever come out of my mouth.. "I think you should take me into the hospital, "I think im having a heart attack??"

With pain that feels like an elephant standing on my chest we get to emergency and although relieved to be there, I still am in pain. 2 little sprays of nitro and the pain is gone. the next day im shipped to Fargo for an angiogram, and ultimatly angioplasty and a stent for the blockage they found. lucky for me there was only minor damage to my heart, the blockage was not in a major artery.

Here is the thing, Im male, 42 yrs young, and there is no heart disease in the family, None. my Cholesteral level is 164, Im not over weight, 6'3" 205lbs, and am phisically active. My downfall is that ive Smoked for 26 years! !!Quit Now!!

Ex Smokers, please share with me the ways you found things to do to avoid the urge, I havent smoked since 6am wed. and am doing the patch, so far so good, but today I return to work (selfemployed const) and in this biz smoking is the norm. Yes, they will all get an earfull!!

Thanks for your time! I have a totaly new outlook on life now, and sharing this is part of it, hoping that atleast one of you great people will Kick it!! Ted

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I'm still a recovering smoker.

I will never smoke again.

How are the rest of you doing?

If you gave in let us know.
I for one am proud you tried.
That takes guts.

We'd really like to know what caused the relapse, it might help us and others to stay quit.

We'll be here when you decide to quit again and we already know you will on your own time.

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I quit exactly 7 days, 4 hours and 17 minutes ago. It's the second try in 20 years,but I'm very motivated. It's going pretty good, as bad oir good as I make it.

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I wish all you guys the best of luck man…
I know it is tough but hang in there guys!!!!
20 Some years ago I tried to be cool in High School by smoking like all my friends I couldn’t hack it. I tried to be cool by chewing couldn’t hack that either. As much as I tried to be a tobacco user I just got sick every time. “I Guess I Feel Real Lucky Now” and don’t mind being called a “Big Wuss” anymore.
Now, I cannot stand to be around the smoke it just drives me nuts. I can tell a smoker a good 10 yards away from me and it makes me gag darn near. However I do like a good drink every night or so and if it happens that we end up in a Bar (I still can not stand it) BUT I choose to be there and don’t get on any one for smoking around me as much as I may hate it. However if anyone is rude about their smoking (Blowing it in my face cuz their friends don’t like it in theres) I’ll voice my opinion!!! At any rate I have seen friends and family try to quit and it is tough I think you guys are on the RIGHT (CORRECT) TRACK!!!!!!!!

Hang in there I know you will enjoy life so much more being “Stink Free” unless of course it is the smell of fish or bait.

Hang in there guys!!!!

Hook Em Good!!!!!!!

S.D. Ice Angler;
Varmint Hunter
& NAHC Life Member

[This message has been edited by S.D. Ice Angular (edited 11-26-2003).]

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Still recovering here too ,but! No giving in here! that monkey is gone but still pesters me from time to time, its been 71 days for me!

this will be a very special Thanksgiving for me. after all I am alive and I have the Will power to win this battle with smokes!

thanks mistermom, for the btt

Hey!! $550.00 saved to date!

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Guessin around 60 days for me, dont really count anymore. Wife caved in after three weeks but is going to try quitting again soon in her words.(3 weeks? She was almost thru the tough goin! Dumb.) Wanted one this afternoon myself but just put my mind to my work and it passed quickly. Hang in there folks!! Paul

Paul Rohweller
Pine to Prairie Guide Service
218-962-3387 home
701-261-9525 cell
[email protected]
N.P.A.A. 425
Quality Bait and Tackle, Detroit Lakes Mn
North Country Outdoors Radio 99.3 fm

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It's been 12 years since I last smoked, it was very dificult for about 2 years after I quit, I think I started smoking about 3 times in that period. The only thing that worked for me was the pill, and my doctors telling me that I was wasting there time if I did not quit.

I smoked 3 packs a day for 35 years, it was the cool thing to do when I was young.

I have an upper lobectomy because of cancer on my right lung, I cannot exert myself without losing my breath.

I had rectum cancer 2 years ago which they caught at an early stage.

I had bladder cancer 11 years ago and it just returned 3 weeks ago, the surgery was succesful and they caught it early.

If you have never smoked, never start. If you do smoke, Quit, no matter what it takes. Try what ever it takes to quit, the biggest part is mental. When you start smelling and tasting again it is a new sensation that you may have not experienced for many years.

Cancer is genetic, so look at your family tree, has any of your grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, or cousins had cancer in the past? If yes to any of them, quit immediately. Ron

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Hey Paul - have your wife look at the new Better Homes and Gardens magazine. They have an article on quitting smoking for women only. Good luck to you both.

Did any of you see the article in the Fargo Forum about the young man (this started when he was in high school) that has lost both of his legs to a rare disease caused by cigarettes? It is really hard for a non smoker to understand how you could keep on smoking after all that.


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Ronsay Thats quite alot of incentive youve had! Thanks for sharing. I see your from Akeley, we may have met before. My grandmother is Ruth Rogers. I think she knows everyone north of Motley.

Brian Rogers

[This message has been edited by BDR (edited 11-26-2003).]

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Glad to hear of those who are still hangning in there smile.gif

I agree with the do whatever it takes to get off the smelly things. Gum, patches, sunflower seeds, candy, etc, it is all better than the cigarettes themselves, and easier to give up later.

I have heard all the excuses, gotta die from something, I get too stressed out, I will quit someday, they calm me down, whatever! If you want to quit there is a ton of good suggestions on how to make it work here on this thread, use it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all smile.gif

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If I can do it you can do it. Just think about why you are quitting when the cravings come and you will do fine smile.gif

Good luck!!!

[This message has been edited by upnorth (edited 11-29-2003).]

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Welcome aboard millelacs!
Thats great that the wife is joining in too but just remember you cant force her to do anything she doesnt want to. So be mentally prepared to go it on your own or at least with our help. The tootsie pops were my ticket along with the patch. I did the miniature tootsies, the full size were too big! lol Little ones were just right to beat down the monkey...Good luck and stay in touch! Paul

Paul Rohweller
Pine to Prairie Guide Service
218-962-3387 home
701-261-9525 cell
[email protected]
N.P.A.A. 425
Quality Bait and Tackle, Detroit Lakes Mn
North Country Outdoors Radio 99.3 fm

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Me and the wife quit oh..'bout 7 years ago now...Now sure if both of us quiting at the same time was good or not. got it over with but tempers were a might short for awhile.
just a few thoughts.

Don't let it fool ya..you may never be over the habit. I still have cravings once in a while.

Hangovers seem to be much lower intencity. seems like the smoke makes them worse some how.

Watch out for eating habits to replace the cigs. I gained 70 to 80 lbs in a very short time and the wife about 40#. (Jolly ranchers became my crutch.)

I like kept cigs around for over a year after I had quit. It was like a security thing. If I had them I was fine but would go nuts if they wern't available. I found out later the my grandfather had done the samething.

just some thoughts.

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Hey it was year ago today I had my last smoke. Still get cravings but when I do I think I could have a smoke and the craving would go away or I could not have a smoke and the craving will go away. So far "not have a smoke" is working just fine. Keep up the great work you wont regret it. Also as someone else stated when you have cravings think about why you quit. smile.gif

Also a note to any closet smokers out there. We know you smoke,we can smell it a mile away!! grin.gif

[This message has been edited by Pherris (edited 11-30-2003).]

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So how many of us quitters started up again? I did not, been three months or so now, dont miss it, cravings are pretty much non existent. glad to be a free man too! I can actually fish without having to have them along, that was the hardest part for me..

Paul Rohweller
Pine to Prairie Guide Service
218-962-3387 home
701-261-9525 cell
[email protected]
N.P.A.A. 425
Quality Bait and Tackle, Detroit Lakes Mn
North Country Outdoors Radio 99.3 fm

[This message has been edited by Paul Rohweller (edited 12-22-2003).]

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nearing 100 days for me!

being a non smoker is too important to me to sneek one. aint gonna happen!

My brother quit 3 days before Thanksgiving, and called me last night for some info on the patch, says it was giving him probs. I guess they arent for everyone. they helped me even tho I didnt finish the 3rd part of the prescription.

Paul we should go for a ride if we get more snow!!?

Eveyone have a Merry Christmas!

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it's been 2 1/2 months for me and there is absolutely no question about it that I'm done with smoking forever.

It's all about making the absolute commitment that you're done.

Kick out the crutches, throw away the drama and anything else with an emotional, physiological or physical payback that keeps you just WANTING to quit.

Just do it and QUIT. Be so serious about it that you go to someone and tell them your vehicle is theirs if you smoke again. BE THAT SERIOUS ABOUT QUITTING.

If you are truly that serious, then it will work and YOU WILL SUCCESSFULLY quit.


If not for yourself then for those who care about you.

If you smoke YOU DO STINK. Wherever you smoke STINKS. Your clothers stink.

The smoke has a nasty little habit of starting cancer cells growing and multiplying in your lungs. It's a smokers VERY NASTY way to go.

QUIT QUIT QUIT and be serious about it.
Truly serious.

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Wow!! Lookin good folks!!! Even if only three or four of us made it this long it was worth all the effort.
Hey Ted, the prairie riding around home sucks right now but theres plenty of snow up in da woods around naytawaush, more than last feb.. Think theres good riding to be had there. I'm outta here till saturday night but have most of new years week to play, wed thu fri sat...dad in law is up, he doesnt like to go fast and that suits me, I like to see the object I'm about to run over lolol.. Let me know! Paul

Paul Rohweller
Pine to Prairie Guide Service
218-962-3387 home
701-261-9525 cell
[email protected]
N.P.A.A. 425
Quality Bait and Tackle, Detroit Lakes Mn
North Country Outdoors Radio 99.3 fm

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
    • I went ahead and watched some of the MLF coverage.  Wheeler didn’t make the cut but the bigger story was the Poche/Avera fallout.   Kinda funny listening to both sides of the story and putting together the scenario, reading between the lines.
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