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Saying goodbye...


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Saying goodbye...is never easy, especially when your time together is cut short by something as cruel and destructive as cancer. Unfortunately, that's where my family and our much loved dog, Sadie, found ourselves this morning. Cancer got the best of her, and it was clear yesterday that her time was quickly coming to an end - the other thread here on fm.com about "knowing when" certainly held true for her. Fortunately, she passed away in our home, surrounded by the family saying goodbye and loving her to the end. Ironically, she passed away 1 hr before her vet appointment to have her put down. I had been praying she would go on her own, and God helped her do so just like I had asked Him.

I put together a quick "goodbye" to Sadie with some of our memories and some pics that I thought I'd share - if you're interested, you can click here.

You know, that line between being a pet and being another one of the kids can be a blurry one. We will miss her dearly. Rest easy our "Sweet Little Brown Dog".

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Sorry to learn about your lose. You are so right about the line being blurred between pet and family.

Reading your HSOforum brought to mind the other night coming home and finnding my lab standing over a broken butter dish, as she looked up at me like "honest it was not me I swear"

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Blaze, sorry to hear of Sadies passing.... frown.gif I know right now it is of little solace, but she is out of the clutches of that dreaded disease. It's tough watching them get robbed of their spirit, but you rest well knowing that they are better off. I too lost a younger dog to lyphoma in a matter of 11 days, I yearn to have her back as she was one of my best, if not my best dog ever, but like me, you'll always have those great memories of her! Take care...

Good Luck!


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Blaze, I am sorry for your loss. This is a tough time. My dog is one of the kids(to me) and may be on his way to play with your sadie soon. Just remember all dogs go to heaven and she is again that spirited 1 yr old running wild and free.

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On Thanksgiving Day my family was gathered at my place going through the motions of the Holiday just two days after my dad died of a totally unexpected heart attack.A suburban slowed and pulled into our driveway and my wife went out to see who it was. A minute later she came in and said one of our two 6 month old Brittany pups had been run over,I knew instantly it had to be Jenna and it was.Jenna was the bold and inquisitive one that fellow FMer's had given me tips on training this year,she was the one always out front of her sister making game.I didn't expect much out of either of these pups at such a young age but Jenna kept amazing me every time out in the woods enough to keep me looking forward to the weekend to get out again.Already she had pointed a pheasant,numerous grouse and woodcock.My last post inquiring training tips for her was about working on the retreive,she was great for a little dog at marking and finding birds.I was really excited to see what kind of a bird dog she was going to grow into and she was actually our second pick(we only intended on getting one but the wife and kids sweet talked me).I haven't had the drive to take her sister out since, a bit unfair I know.A good freind of mine buried her in a strip of woods on his land that he knows holds a good number of grouse,she would of liked that.We found another Brittany pup just three days after Jenna's death to try help my 9 and 10 year old sons get over the loss of their Grandfather and puppy.It has helped us all some but I still miss her terribly.It's good to see Jenna's sister who had been with her since birth to romp around again,she was totally listless going from room to room searching for her sister,going to the door and barking from the deck for a response that never came.Although we only knew her for a little more than 4 months she had so become part of our family and I know the loss you are feeling and am sorry.In the time it took to write this our new pup totally destroyed one of my wifes plants(luckily she's working late)time to break out the vaccum cleaner.Pups...you gotta love them.Good luck finding a new companion even though there can never be a replacement.

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Truly sorry you lost your buddy. It looks like you have lots of great memories of her short 6 1/2 years to keep with you. That was a very cool tribute to Sadie!

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sorry to hear about Jenna, I've read your posts inquiring as to training tips, and while my knowledge of pointers is limited, it sounds as if you were making progress... Hope the puppy continues to help ease the pain of your 2 losses, they seem to have that special power to do that.

I hope Jenna just got loose for a moment and wasn't allowed to run freely... I have friends who allow their dogs to run freely and most have lost at least one to a car. frown.gif Not quite fair to the dog... I'm not implying that she was, just trying to point out to others how easy and quick it can happen. One of my best friends lost his Brittany to a car, he had a preponderence to dig his way out of their fenced yard, 3 trips to the pound in one summer and then the 4th........ frown.gif.

Good Luck!


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I know how you feel, I lost a dog once before his time and it stings, the thing is as dog owners we always have to be aware that we will outlive most of them. It's tough, they do become a part of the family and before you know it all you have is a memory. Long live man's best friend.

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Thanks guys. I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. The house sure seems empty with her not being there...

On a lighter note, right after Sadie passed away, my 7yo daughter was crying and crying saying "I don't want Sadie to go" when she completely stopped for a second, cocked her head, looked at me and said "We are gonna get another dog, aren't we Dad?" I replied, "Let's not talk about that right now". Her reply was a jerky boo-hoo/talking combo of "O-o-o-o-k-a-a-a-y." It was actually pretty funny.

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I literaly had to walk away from the computer. Your way of telling about your beloved pet really got me.

So sorry for you and your family.

Does the last picture in the photos have a rooster in flight in the background? AWESOME!!!

Edit.. Nevermind, I see that it's just part of the background hills

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Dan - sorry to choke you up. You can be sure I choked up a few times writing it too.

As for the last pic - no flying rooster, just some terrain on a distant hill out by Bismarck, ND. It was -12 that morning when we started out, and the birds didn't budge - Sadie pointed a ton of birds that day along with another GSP that could've been her younger twin, "Sunday". I believe it was New Year's Day of '02. Best day of pheasant hunting we ever had together.

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When I had to put my German shot hair Sonny to sleep after 14 years it was about the worst thing I have ever had to do. I felt so guilty for having to make the decision, I had hoped he would die on his own terms. Shortly afterward the vet sent my family a sympathy card with this poem. I only wish I had read it before we went in, it might have helped easy the pain. Here it is I hope it helps someone in a difficult time. "The Last Battle" If it should be that I grow frail and weak and pain should keep me from my sleep then you will do what must be done for this--the BATTLE-- can't be WON. You will be sad I understand but don't let grief then stay your hand, for on this day, more than the rest, your LOVE and FRIENDSHIP must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, you wouldn't want me to suffer so. When the time comes, PLEASE, let me go. Take me to where my needs they'll TEND, only, stay with me to the end and hold me firm and speak to me untill my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree it is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, from pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you who has decided this thing to do, we've been so close-- WE TWO-- these years, don't let your heart hold any tears. Unknown Author.

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frown.gif Having gone through that a couple of times before,most recent a little more than 2 years ago (she was 15 years old)and she is still very vivid in my memory. I know what your feeling. Try to feel comfort that she was with her loved ones when she passed on. I wish that I could say the same. I am very sorry for your lose. Special dogs like yours are ones that a person never forgets. Great bunch of memories you have! Thanks for sharing.

Best wishes,


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With a tear in my eye, what else can be said but I'm truely sorry for your loss. I lost my 5 yr old setter, Rosie, back in October so your words really strike home. Although Sadie (and Rosie) have left this physical world, not to worry, they'll be waiting for us on the other side of the bridge.

Take care buddy...

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