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Favorite "On Ice" snack or meal?


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Lets hear your favorite snack or on the ice meal in the house or standing on the ice.

I love to simmer some venison in the house for about 3 hours (3 hours of mostly beer to marinade stomach)or so. After that, it just seems to taste so darn good. Kills the time, smells good, puts humidity in the house.

Or maybe HOT BEER STICKS (venison)

Something so right about eating venison on the ice, almost seems like the circle of life is being complete.

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Ah yes the 'ol Snowshoe Grog. I haven't been able to find that stuff for a long time.

And for favorite snack--I would also have to say jerky. But we have had some really nice meals out in the fish house. Almost always enjoyed with pork chop in a can.

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Just to let you know....If you don't bring the striper pate....You will be sleeping in the garage. grin.gif

I might be able to spare a couple pacakages of venison for you. wink.gif Was the sausage ok? The moose was a bit "gamie", but it seemed to be ok.

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I have to go with the crowd on this one. Nothing beats a venison stick. We have been getting one's with cheddar in them the past couple years and they are tasty. I usually feel like I ate a whole deer after a week long ice fishing trip.

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Here's a twist on the venison theme- Canned Venison.

Our camp has been canning it for years but these year we stuffed the little jars with fresh cut, un-cooked venison chunks and a little salt. Plopped them into the canner and voila- Canned Venison. The stuff is unbelievable. Very close to roast beef but alot better in my opinion.

You just have to bring a few little cans or one bigger can and you can eat it raw or throw it on some bread or a bun for a sandwich. You could even cook it up with some carrots & potatoes on your heater/cooker for a stew!

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They all sounds tasty. I usually go for convience when I'm out fishing being I'm in a small portable. I usually have a can of Dinty Moore beef stew and some chips. Hot dogs aren't bad either. Just boil some snow and throw em' in.

I'm looking forward to getting out there and chowing down and catching some lunkers!


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